作者 yangfu

refactor: 产能统计代码优化

delete FROM "dictionarys" where dictionary_id in (3812266576427090944);
INSERT INTO "public"."dictionarys"("dictionary_id", "dict_code", "dict_name", "describe", "dict_items") VALUES (3972873532463383552, 'ACM-001', '天联共创-生产制造-物料属性', '', '[{"sort": 1, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "1", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "外购"}, {"sort": 2, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "2", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "自制"}, {"sort": 3, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "3", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "委外"}]');
INSERT INTO "public"."dictionarys"("dictionary_id", "dict_code", "dict_name", "describe", "dict_items") VALUES (3972875981165167616, 'ACM-002', '天联共创-生产制造-物料类别', '', '[{"sort": 1, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "1", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "原材料"}, {"sort": 2, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "2", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "半成品"}, {"sort": 3, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "3", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "成品"}]');
INSERT INTO "public"."dictionarys"("dictionary_id", "dict_code", "dict_name", "describe", "dict_items") VALUES (3972882719129994240, 'ACM-003', '天联共创-生产制造-单位', '', '[{"sort": 1, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "1", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "千克"}, {"sort": 2, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "2", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "个"}, {"sort": 3, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "3", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "包"}, {"sort": 4, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "4", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "箱"}, {"sort": 5, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "5", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "片"}, {"sort": 6, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "6", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "套"}, {"sort": 7, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "7", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "份"}, {"sort": 8, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "8", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "台"}, {"sort": 9, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "9", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "米"}, {"sort": 10, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "10", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "升"}, {"sort": 11, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "11", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "辆"}, {"sort": 12, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "12", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "秒"}, {"sort": 13, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "13", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "栋"}]');
INSERT INTO "public"."dictionarys"("dictionary_id", "dict_code", "dict_name", "describe", "dict_items") VALUES (3978995238135399424, 'ACM-004', '天联共创-生产制造-单位换算-物料类别', '', '[{"sort": 1, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "1", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "南瓜饼串"}, {"sort": 2, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "2", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "包装袋(空)"}, {"sort": 3, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "3", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "包装袋(件数)"}, {"sort": 4, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "4", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "装箱(件数)"}]');
INSERT INTO "public"."dictionarys"("dictionary_id", "dict_code", "dict_name", "describe", "dict_items") VALUES (3812266576427090944, 'XTZD-003', '生产制造-单位', '', '[{"sort": 1, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "1", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "个"}, {"sort": 2, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "2", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "袋"}, {"sort": 3, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "3", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "kg"}, {"sort": 4, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "4", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "串"}, {"sort": 5, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "5", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "箱"}, {"sort": 6, "isShow": 1, "itemCode": "6", "itemLabel": "", "itemValue": "件"}]');
... ...
package crontab
import (
// SyncMaterial 定时同步物料
func SyncMaterial(ctx context.Context) error {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("%v", r), map[string]interface{}{"task": "定时同步物料", "stack": string(debug.Stack())})
transactionContext, err := factory.CreateTransactionContext(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := transactionContext.StartTransaction(); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
log.Logger.Error("【定时同步物料】 失败:" + err.Error())
log.Logger.Debug("【定时同步物料】 启动")
pullK3CloudService := syncdata.PullDataK3CloudService{}
if err := pullK3CloudService.SyncDataMaterialGroup(transactionContext.(*pg.TransactionContext)); err != nil {
log.Logger.Error(err.Error(), map[string]interface{}{"task": "定时同步物料"})
return nil
if err = transactionContext.CommitTransaction(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
... ...
... ... @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ WITH ts_product as(
and work_station->>'workshopId'='?'
and work_station->>'lineId'='?'
and work_station->>'sectionName'=?
and created_at >?
and created_at >=?
and created_at <?
) a
group by a.ts
... ... @@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ WITH ts_product as(
-- select * from ts_product
, ts_product_list as (
select d.ts,ts_product.total from (
select to_char(c.ts::timestamp,'mm-dd') ts from (
select generate_series(to_timestamp(?),to_timestamp(?),'1 day') ts
select to_char(c.ts::timestamp at time ZONE 'Asia/shanghai','mm-dd') ts from (
select generate_series(to_timestamp(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),to_timestamp(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'1 day') ts
) c ) d left join ts_product on d.ts = ts_product.ts
SELECT ts, coalesce(total,0) total
from ts_product_list
if _, err := tx.Query(result, sql, companyId, orgId, workshopId, lineId, sectionName, beginTime, endTime, beginTime.Unix(), endTime.Unix()); err != nil {
if _, err := tx.Query(result, sql, companyId, orgId, workshopId, lineId, sectionName, beginTime, endTime, beginTime, endTime); err != nil {
return err
return nil
... ... @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ select * from device_running_oee
// 时段产能
func (dao *DeviceDailyRunningRecordDao) TimeSectionProductRecord(companyId, orgId, workshopId int, lineId int, sectionName string, beginTime time.Time, result interface{}) error {
func (dao *DeviceDailyRunningRecordDao) TimeSectionProductRecord(companyId, orgId, workshopId int, lineId int, sectionName string, beginTime time.Time, endTime time.Time, result interface{}) error {
tx := dao.transactionContext.PgTx
sql := fmt.Sprintf(`
... ... @@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ WITH ts_product as(
and work_station->>'lineId'='?'
and work_station->>'sectionName'=?
and device_running_record_info->>'deviceType'='CCJ'
and created_at >?
and created_at >=?
and created_at < ?
) a
group by a.ts
order by ts
... ... @@ -145,19 +146,15 @@ WITH ts_product as(
-- select * from ts_product
, ts_product_list as (
select d.ts,ts_product.total from (
select to_char(c.ts::timestamp,'HH24:MI') ts from (
select generate_series(a.end - interval '5 hour',
"replace"(to_char(a.end, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:') || cast(date_part('minute',a.end) as integer)/30*30+30, ':0', ':00')::timestamp,
'30 minute') ts from (
select to_timestamp(to_char(now() at time ZONE 'Asia/shanghai','yyyy-mm-dd HH24'),'yyyy-mm-dd HH24') as end
select "replace"(to_char(created_at at time ZONE 'Asia/shanghai', 'HH24:') || cast(date_part('minute',created_at) as integer)/30*30, ':0', ':00') ts from (
select generate_series(to_timestamp(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),to_timestamp(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'30 minute') created_at
) a
) c
) d left join ts_product on d.ts = ts_product.ts
SELECT ts, coalesce(total,0) total
from ts_product_list
if _, err := tx.Query(result, sql, companyId, orgId, workshopId, lineId, sectionName, beginTime); err != nil {
if _, err := tx.Query(result, sql, companyId, orgId, workshopId, lineId, sectionName, beginTime, endTime, beginTime, endTime.Add(-time.Minute*1)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
... ...
... ... @@ -94,11 +94,19 @@ func (ptr *PGCommonStatisticsService) HourProductiveStatistics(queryOptions map[
productRecordDao, _ := dao.NewDeviceDailyRunningRecordDao(ptr.transactionContext)
var response = make([]interface{}, 0)
var tmpXData = make([]string, 0)
var (
response = make([]interface{}, 0)
tmpXData = make([]string, 0)
beginTime = xtime.BeginningOfDay() //time.Now().Add(-time.Hour*5)
endTime = time.Now()
if !xtime.IsZero(request.Date.Time()) {
beginTime = request.Date.Time().AddDate(0, 0, -1)
endTime = request.Date.Time()
for _, v := range workshop.GetProductLines(domain.NotDeleted) {
var result = make([]*record, 0)
if err := productRecordDao.TimeSectionProductRecord(request.CompanyId, request.OrgId, request.WorkshopId, v.LineId, SectionNameCCJ, time.Now().Add(-time.Hour*5), &result); err != nil {
if err := productRecordDao.TimeSectionProductRecord(request.CompanyId, request.OrgId, request.WorkshopId, v.LineId, SectionNameCCJ, beginTime, endTime, &result); err != nil {
... ... @@ -141,7 +149,7 @@ func NewXYData(xData []string, values interface{}) interface{} {
return values
// 时段产能-统计 (传串设备)
// DailyProductiveStatistics 每日产能-统计 (传串设备)
func (ptr *PGCommonStatisticsService) DailyProductiveStatistics(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
var request = &HourProductiveStatisticsRequest{}
if err := utils.LoadQueryObject(queryOptions, request); err != nil {
... ... @@ -153,10 +161,14 @@ func (ptr *PGCommonStatisticsService) DailyProductiveStatistics(queryOptions map
Ts string `json:"ts"`
Total float64 `json:"total"`
var date = time.Now()
if !xtime.IsZero(time.Time(request.Date)) {
date = time.Time(request.Date)
var (
beingTime = xtime.BeginningOfDay().AddDate(0, 0, -5)
endTime = xtime.BeginningOfDay().AddDate(0, 0, 1)
//if !xtime.IsZero(time.Time(request.Date)) {
// beingTime = request.Date.Time().AddDate(0, 0, -5)
// endTime = request.Date.Time().AddDate(0, 0, 1)
workshop, err := workshopRepository.FindOne(map[string]interface{}{"workshopId": request.WorkshopId})
if err != nil || workshop == nil {
return nil, nil
... ... @@ -168,7 +180,7 @@ func (ptr *PGCommonStatisticsService) DailyProductiveStatistics(queryOptions map
for _, v := range workshop.GetProductLines(domain.NotDeleted) {
var result = make([]*record, 0)
if err := productRecordDao.TimeSectionRunningRecord(request.CompanyId, request.OrgId, request.WorkshopId, v.LineId, SectionNameCCJ, date.Add(-time.Hour*24*7), date, &result); err != nil {
if err := productRecordDao.TimeSectionRunningRecord(request.CompanyId, request.OrgId, request.WorkshopId, v.LineId, SectionNameCCJ, beingTime, endTime, &result); err != nil {
... ... @@ -214,7 +226,7 @@ func (ptr *PGCommonStatisticsService) ProportionOfSecondLevelStatistics(queryOpt
productRecordDao, _ := dao.NewProductRecordDao(ptr.transactionContext)
var date = time.Now()
if !xtime.IsZero(time.Time(request.Date)) {
date = time.Time(request.Date)
date = request.Date.Time()
var input = []struct {
name string
... ...