作者 tangxvhui


test 环境 http://performance-back-test.fjmaimaimai.com/
prod 环境 http://performance-back-prd.fjmaimaimai.com/
test环境 https://enterprise-platform-dev.fjmaimaimai.com/#/login
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2022/11/10 09:28:21.494 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "company" ("id" bigserial, "logo" text, "name" text, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "status" bigint, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.521 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "department" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "level" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "path" text, "create_at" timestamptz, "update_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.548 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user" ("id" bigserial, "account" text, "avatar_url" text, "company_id" bigint, "admin_type" bigint, "name" text, "email" text, "status" bigint, "department_id" jsonb, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.575 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "received_message" ("message_id" bigserial, "message_type" text, "message_body" text, "occurred_on" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("message_id")) null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.602 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role" ("id" bigserial, "name" text, "type" bigint, "description" text, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.630 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role" IS '角色'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.659 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.688 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".name IS '角色名称'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.716 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".type IS '角色类型(0角色可删、1系统预置角色不可删)'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.743 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".description IS '角色描述'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.771 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.799 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.828 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.856 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.883 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role_user" ("id" bigserial, "role_id" bigint, "user_id" bigint, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.911 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role_user" IS '角色用户关系'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.937 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.964 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".role_id IS '角色ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:21.993 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".user_id IS '用户ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:22.020 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:22.047 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:22.075 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:22.102 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:28:22.116 [I] [???:0] performance http server Running on http://:8082
2022/11/10 09:28:22.860 [E] [asm_amd64.s:1594] performance kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?) []
2022/11/10 09:29:54.845 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "company" ("id" bigserial, "logo" text, "name" text, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "status" bigint, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:29:54.873 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "department" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "level" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "path" text, "create_at" timestamptz, "update_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:29:54.899 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user" ("id" bigserial, "account" text, "avatar_url" text, "company_id" bigint, "admin_type" bigint, "name" text, "email" text, "status" bigint, "department_id" jsonb, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:29:54.926 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "received_message" ("message_id" bigserial, "message_type" text, "message_body" text, "occurred_on" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("message_id")) null
2022/11/10 09:29:54.953 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role" ("id" bigserial, "name" text, "type" bigint, "description" text, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:29:54.981 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role" IS '角色'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.009 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.037 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".name IS '角色名称'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.068 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".type IS '角色类型(0角色可删、1系统预置角色不可删)'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.094 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".description IS '角色描述'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.121 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.149 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.183 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.212 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.243 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role_user" ("id" bigserial, "role_id" bigint, "user_id" bigint, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.270 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role_user" IS '角色用户关系'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.297 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.324 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".role_id IS '角色ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.351 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".user_id IS '用户ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.377 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.403 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.430 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.456 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 09:29:55.466 [I] [???:0] performance http server Running on http://:8082
2022/11/10 09:29:56.217 [E] [asm_amd64.s:1594] performance kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?) []
2022/11/10 09:30:15.476 [D] [router.go:977] performance || 200 | 364.534µs| match| GET  /log r:/log
2022/11/10 09:30:15.546 [D] [router.go:977] performance || 404 | 959.763µs| nomatch| GET  /favicon.ico
2022/11/10 15:07:19.528 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "company" ("id" bigserial, "logo" text, "name" text, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "status" bigint, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.556 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "department" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "level" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "path" text, "create_at" timestamptz, "update_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.583 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user" ("id" bigserial, "account" text, "avatar_url" text, "company_id" bigint, "admin_type" bigint, "name" text, "email" text, "status" bigint, "department_id" jsonb, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.611 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "received_message" ("message_id" bigserial, "message_type" text, "message_body" text, "occurred_on" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("message_id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.638 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role" ("id" bigserial, "name" text, "type" bigint, "description" text, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.666 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role" IS '角色'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.695 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.723 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".name IS '角色名称'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.750 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".type IS '角色类型(0角色可删、1系统预置角色不可删)'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.777 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".description IS '角色描述'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.805 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.834 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.861 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.889 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.916 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role_user" ("id" bigserial, "role_id" bigint, "user_id" bigint, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.944 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role_user" IS '角色用户关系'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.971 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:19.998 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".role_id IS '角色ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.026 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".user_id IS '用户ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.054 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.081 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.109 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.136 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.221 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "positions" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "path" text, "level" bigint, "remarks" text, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.257 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user_positions" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "position_id" bigint, "user_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:07:20.272 [I] [???:0] performance http server Running on http://:8082
2022/11/10 15:07:21.024 [E] [asm_amd64.s:1594] performance kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?) []
2022/11/10 15:58:14.817 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "company" ("id" bigserial, "logo" text, "name" text, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "status" bigint, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:14.843 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "department" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "level" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "path" text, "create_at" timestamptz, "update_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:14.870 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user" ("id" bigserial, "account" text, "avatar_url" text, "company_id" bigint, "admin_type" bigint, "name" text, "email" text, "status" bigint, "department_id" jsonb, "position_id" jsonb, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:14.897 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "received_message" ("message_id" bigserial, "message_type" text, "message_body" text, "occurred_on" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("message_id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:14.924 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role" ("id" bigserial, "name" text, "type" bigint, "description" text, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:14.952 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role" IS '角色'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:14.979 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.006 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".name IS '角色名称'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.033 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".type IS '角色类型(0角色可删、1系统预置角色不可删)'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.060 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".description IS '角色描述'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.087 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.114 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.141 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.168 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.194 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role_user" ("id" bigserial, "role_id" bigint, "user_id" bigint, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.222 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role_user" IS '角色用户关系'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.249 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.275 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".role_id IS '角色ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.302 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".user_id IS '用户ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.329 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.356 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.383 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.409 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.435 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "positions" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "path" text, "level" bigint, "remarks" text, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 15:58:15.450 [I] [???:0] performance http server Running on http://:8082
2022/11/10 15:58:16.194 [E] [asm_amd64.s:1594] performance kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?) []
2022/11/10 16:16:09.220 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "company" ("id" bigserial, "logo" text, "name" text, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "status" bigint, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.247 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "department" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "level" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "charge_user_ids" jsonb, "path" text, "create_at" timestamptz, "update_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.274 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "user" ("id" bigserial, "account" text, "avatar_url" text, "company_id" bigint, "admin_type" bigint, "name" text, "email" text, "status" bigint, "department_id" jsonb, "position_id" jsonb, "update_at" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, "delete_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.302 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "received_message" ("message_id" bigserial, "message_type" text, "message_body" text, "occurred_on" timestamptz, "create_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("message_id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.330 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role" ("id" bigserial, "name" text, "type" bigint, "description" text, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.359 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role" IS '角色'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.386 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.415 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".name IS '角色名称'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.442 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".type IS '角色类型(0角色可删、1系统预置角色不可删)'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.470 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".description IS '角色描述'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.497 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.524 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.553 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.580 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.606 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "role_user" ("id" bigserial, "role_id" bigint, "user_id" bigint, "company_id" bigint, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.633 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON TABLE public."role_user" IS '角色用户关系'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.660 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".id IS 'ID'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.687 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".role_id IS '角色ID'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.714 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".user_id IS '用户ID'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.750 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".company_id IS '公司ID'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.776 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".created_at IS '创建时间'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.803 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".updated_at IS '更新时间'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.831 [D] [hook.go:130] performance COMMENT ON COLUMN public."role_user".deleted_at IS '删除时间'; null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.857 [D] [hook.go:130] performance CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "positions" ("id" bigserial, "company_id" bigint, "name" text, "parent_id" bigint, "path" text, "level" bigint, "remarks" text, "created_at" timestamptz, "updated_at" timestamptz, "deleted_at" timestamptz, PRIMARY KEY ("id")) null
2022/11/10 16:16:09.873 [I] [???:0] performance http server Running on http://:8082
2022/11/10 16:16:10.621 [E] [asm_amd64.s:1594] performance kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?) []
... ... @@ -1003,6 +1003,9 @@ func (srv StaffAssessServeice) getAssessSelfInfoUncompleted(transactionContext a
if err != nil {
return nil, application.ThrowError(application.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "获取项目填写内容"+err.Error())
if projectData.Template == nil {
return nil, nil
var linkNode *domain.LinkNode
for _, v := range projectData.Template.LinkNodes {
if v.Id == int64(assess.LinkNodeId) {
... ... @@ -1013,11 +1016,23 @@ func (srv StaffAssessServeice) getAssessSelfInfoUncompleted(transactionContext a
if linkNode == nil {
return nil, application.ThrowError(application.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "未获得评估环节配置"+err.Error())
var nodeContentList []*domain.NodeContent
if len(linkNode.NodeContents) > 0 {
nodeContentList = linkNode.NodeContents
} else {
//如果当前节点没有评估内容,就去 使用自评节点的评估内容
for _, v := range projectData.Template.LinkNodes {
if v.Type == domain.LinkNodeSelfAssessment {
nodeContentList = v.NodeContents
ruleRepo := factory.CreateEvaluationRuleRepository(map[string]interface{}{
"transactionContext": transactionContext,
ruleMap := map[int64]*domain.EvaluationRule{}
for _, v := range linkNode.NodeContents {
for _, v := range nodeContentList {
if _, ok := ruleMap[v.RuleId]; ok {
... ... @@ -1031,7 +1046,7 @@ func (srv StaffAssessServeice) getAssessSelfInfoUncompleted(transactionContext a
var contentList []*domain.StaffAssessContent
nowTime := time.Now()
for i, v := range linkNode.NodeContents {
for i, v := range nodeContentList {
item := &domain.StaffAssessContent{
Id: 0,
StaffAssessId: assess.Id,
... ...
... ... @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package service
import (
... ... @@ -28,3 +29,16 @@ func (srv StaffAssessServeice) InvokCreateStaffAssessTask(param *command.CreateS
return data, nil
func (srv StaffAssessServeice) SaveAssessContentTemp(param *command.SaveAssessInfoCommand) error {
return nil
func (srv StaffAssessServeice) GetAssessContentTemp(param *command.SaveAssessInfoCommand) (*adapter.AssessInfoResp, error) {
return nil, nil
... ...
package domain
import "time"
type StaffAssessContentTemp struct {
Id int `json:"id"` //id
StaffAssessId int `json:"staffAssessId"` //用户需要的评估项id
SortBy int `json:"sortBy"` //排序
Category string `json:"category"` //类别
Name string `json:"name"` //名称
Remark []AssessContemtRemark `json:"remark"` //填写的反馈
Value string `json:"value"` //评估填写的值
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` //数据创建时间
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` //数据更新时间
DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"`
type StaffAssessContentTempRepository interface {
Save(param *StaffAssessContentTemp) (*StaffAssessContentTemp, error)
Remove(id int) error
FindOne(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (*StaffAssessContentTemp, error)
Find(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (int, []*StaffAssessContentTemp, error)
... ...
... ... @@ -25,10 +25,3 @@ type StaffAssessContent struct {
UpdatedAt time.Time //数据更新时间
DeletedAt *time.Time
type StaffAssessContentRepository interface {
Save(param *StaffAssessContent) (*StaffAssessContent, error)
Remove(id int) error
FindOne(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (*StaffAssessContent, error)
Find(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (int, []*StaffAssessContent, error)
... ...
package models
import (
// 填写的评估内容
type StaffAssessContentTemp struct {
tableName struct{} `pg:"staff_assess_content_temp" comment:"填写的评估项"`
Id int `pg:",pk"` //id
StaffAssessId int //用户需要的评估项id
SortBy int //排序
Category string //类别
Name string //名称
PromptTitle string //问题标题
PromptText string //提示项正文
Value string //评估填写的值
ReteResult string //评估的结果
Rule domain.EvaluationRule
Remark []domain.AssessContemtRemark
Weight int //权重
CreatedAt time.Time //数据创建时间
UpdatedAt time.Time //数据更新时间
DeletedAt *time.Time
... ...
package repository
import (
pgTransaction "github.com/linmadan/egglib-go/transaction/pg"
type StaffAssessContentTempRepository struct {
transactionContext *pgTransaction.TransactionContext
// var _ domain.StaffAssessContentRepository = (*StaffAssessContentTempRepository)(nil)
func NewStaffAssessContentTempRepository(transactionContext *pgTransaction.TransactionContext) *StaffAssessContentTempRepository {
return &StaffAssessContentTempRepository{transactionContext: transactionContext}
func (repo *StaffAssessContentTempRepository) TransformToDomain(d *models.StaffAssessContent) *domain.StaffAssessContent {
return &domain.StaffAssessContent{
Id: d.Id,
StaffAssessId: d.StaffAssessId,
SortBy: d.SortBy,
Category: d.Category,
Name: d.Name,
PromptTitle: d.PromptTitle,
PromptText: d.PromptText,
Remark: d.Remark,
Value: d.Value,
ReteResult: d.ReteResult,
Rule: d.Rule,
Weight: d.Weight,
CreatedAt: d.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt: d.UpdatedAt,
DeletedAt: nil,
func (repo *StaffAssessContentTempRepository) Save(d *domain.StaffAssessContent) (*domain.StaffAssessContent, error) {
saveModel := models.StaffAssessContent{
Id: d.Id,
StaffAssessId: d.StaffAssessId,
SortBy: d.SortBy,
Category: d.Category,
Name: d.Name,
PromptTitle: d.PromptTitle,
PromptText: d.PromptText,
Remark: d.Remark,
Value: d.Value,
ReteResult: d.ReteResult,
Rule: d.Rule,
CreatedAt: d.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt: d.UpdatedAt,
Weight: d.Weight,
DeletedAt: nil,
tx := repo.transactionContext.PgTx
var err error
if saveModel.Id == 0 {
_, err = tx.Model(&saveModel).Insert()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
_, err = tx.Model(&saveModel).WherePK().Update()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.Id = saveModel.Id
return d, nil
func (repo *StaffAssessContentTempRepository) Remove(id int) error {
tx := repo.transactionContext.PgTx
nowTime := time.Now()
_, err := tx.Model(&models.StaffAssessContent{}).
Where("id=?", id).
Set("deleted_at=?", nowTime).
return err
func (repo *StaffAssessContentTempRepository) FindOne(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (*domain.StaffAssessContent, error) {
tx := repo.transactionContext.PgTx
m := new(models.StaffAssessContent)
query := tx.Model(m)
query.Where("deleted_at isnull")
if id, ok := queryOptions["id"]; ok {
query.Where("id=?", id)
if err := query.First(); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, pg.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("没有此资源")
} else {
return nil, err
u := repo.TransformToDomain(m)
return u, nil
func (repo *StaffAssessContentTempRepository) Find(queryOptions map[string]interface{}) (int, []*domain.StaffAssessContent, error) {
tx := repo.transactionContext.PgTx
var m []*models.StaffAssessContent
query := tx.Model(&m).
Where("deleted_at isnull")
if companyId, ok := queryOptions["companyId"]; ok {
query.Where("company_id = ?", companyId)
if v, ok := queryOptions["limit"].(int); ok {
if v, ok := queryOptions["offset"].(int); ok {
if v, ok := queryOptions["staffAssessId"]; ok {
query.Where("staff_assess_id=?", v)
count, err := query.SelectAndCount()
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
var arrays []*domain.StaffAssessContent
for _, v := range m {
d := repo.TransformToDomain(v)
arrays = append(arrays, d)
return count, arrays, nil
... ...