-- 权限表建新列 ALTER TABLE public."permission" ADD opt_confirm_perf int8 NULL DEFAULT 1; COMMENT ON COLUMN public."permission".opt_confirm_perf IS '是否需要员工确认绩效'; ALTER TABLE public."permission" ADD cycle_deadline jsonb NULL; COMMENT ON COLUMN public."permission".cycle_deadline IS '周期评估各业务截止时间'; -- 公司添加超级管理员(不存在时插入新数据)(注.公司ID->416) insert into public."role" ( "name", "type", description, company_id, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at) select '超级管理员', 2, '隐藏角色,拥有部分权限', 416, now(), now(), null where not exists ( select 1 from public."role" where "role".company_id = 416 and "role"."type" = 2 and "role".deleted_at isnull); -- 超级管理员添加关联用户(不存在时插入新数据)(注.公司ID->416 用户ID->3337322891762688) with temp_role as ( select id from public."role" where "role".company_id = 416 and "role"."type" = 2) insert into public."role_user" ( role_id, user_id, company_id, created_at, updated_at, deleted_at) select temp_role."id", 3337322891762688, 416, now(), now(), null from temp_role where not exists( select 1 from public."role_user" where "role_user".company_id = 416 and "role_user".user_id = 3337322891762688 and "role_user".role_id = temp_role."id" and "role_user".deleted_at isnull); --