作者 bianxinhua



为保证性能只显示 29 of 29+ 个文件。

@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ @@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
4 #base_business_url = https://suplus-business-admin-gateway-test.fjmaimaimai.com/ 4 #base_business_url = https://suplus-business-admin-gateway-test.fjmaimaimai.com/
5 #base_worth_url = https://suplus-worth-web-gateway-test.fjmaimaimai.com/ 5 #base_worth_url = https://suplus-worth-web-gateway-test.fjmaimaimai.com/
6 #base_manager_url= https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg 6 #base_manager_url= https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg
7 -base_manager_url=http://mmm-partnermg-test.fjmaimaimai.com/  
8 -base_url = http://mmm-partner-test.fjmaimaimai.com 7 +#base_manager_url=http://mmm-partnermg-test.fjmaimaimai.com/
  8 +base_manager_url=https://public-interface-test.fjmaimaimai.com/partnermg/
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1 name: 管理员修改 1 name: 管理员修改
2 base_url: ${ENV(base_manager_url)} 2 base_url: ${ENV(base_manager_url)}
3 variables: 3 variables:
  4 + account: ${get_admin_account_from_database(admin_user)}
  5 + id: ${get_admin_id_from_database(admin_user)}
4 request: 6 request:
5 headers: 7 headers:
6 Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 8 Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
7 User-Agent: okhttp/3.12.3 9 User-Agent: okhttp/3.12.3
8 Authorization: Bearer ${get_m_accesstoken()} 10 Authorization: Bearer ${get_m_accesstoken()}
9 json: 11 json:
10 - account: ${convert_to_string(18800000009)} 12 + account: $account
11 status: 1 13 status: 1
12 - id: 59  
13 - permissionType: [6] 14 + id: $id
  15 + permissionType: [2,3,6]
14 method: POST 16 method: POST
15 - url: /v1/admin/update 17 + url: v1/admin/update
  18 +validate:
  19 +- eq:
  20 + - content.msg
  21 + - ok
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ request: @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ request:
12 # id: 6 12 # id: 6
13 permissionType: [2,3] 13 permissionType: [2,3]
14 method: POST 14 method: POST
15 - url: /v1/admin/update 15 + url: v1/admin/update
1 -eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5NjcxOTIsImlhdCI6MTU5MzkyMzk5MiwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5MzkyMzk5MiwidWlkIjoxfQ.doPUmNavAHSijOMKJGqNKVuXXqcGltIlOwFLXJcZ7Jk  
  1 +eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTQzMzczMDUsImlhdCI6MTU5NDI5NDEwNSwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5NDI5NDEwNSwidWlkIjoxOH0.dV65voPHf0XECR6M3Te3yNLdhfgzmCkw8OXhzPnpOvY
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import random @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import random
2 import string 2 import string
3 import time,datetime 3 import time,datetime
4 from helpfunc.login_func import * 4 from helpfunc.login_func import *
  5 +from helpfunc.db_pg_func import *
5 from helpfunc.db_func import * 6 from helpfunc.db_func import *
6 from helpfunc.header_func import * 7 from helpfunc.header_func import *
7 from random import randint 8 from random import randint
@@ -28,8 +29,9 @@ def create_channel(num): @@ -28,8 +29,9 @@ def create_channel(num):
28 def create_phone_number(num): 29 def create_phone_number(num):
29 phone_number = [] 30 phone_number = []
30 for i in range(num): 31 for i in range(num):
31 - phone_number.append('189%08d'%i) 32 + phone_number.append('181%08d'%i)
32 # print(phone_number) 33 # print(phone_number)
33 return phone_number 34 return phone_number
34 35
35 36
  37 +
  1 +# @Time :2019/11/26 11:25
  2 +# @Author :dengyuting
  3 +# @File :db_func.py
  4 +import psycopg2
  5 +
  6 +# 获得连接
  7 +def GetConnect():
  8 + conn = False
  9 + try:
  10 + conn = psycopg2.connect(database="partner_test",
  11 + user="bianxinhua_user",
  12 + password="Bianxinhua_user#123",
  13 + host="",
  14 + port="15432")
  15 + except Exception as err:
  16 + print("连接数据库失败,%s" % err)
  17 + return conn
  18 +
  19 +def get_admin_id_from_database(tbl):
  20 + db = GetConnect()
  21 + cursor = db.cursor()
  22 + sql= "select id from " + tbl + ' ' + 'order by create_at desc '
  23 + try:
  24 + cursor.execute(sql)
  25 + result = cursor.fetchone()
  26 + return result[0]
  27 + except Exception as err:
  28 + # 发生错误时回滚
  29 + print(err)
  30 + db.rollback()
  31 + db.close()
  32 +
  33 +def get_admin_account_from_database(tbl):
  34 + db = GetConnect()
  35 + cursor = db.cursor()
  36 + sql= "select account from " + tbl + ' ' + 'order by create_at desc '
  37 + try:
  38 + cursor.execute(sql)
  39 + result = cursor.fetchone()
  40 + return result[0]
  41 + except Exception as err:
  42 + # 发生错误时回滚
  43 + print(err)
  44 + db.rollback()
  45 + db.close()
  1 +{
  2 + "testcase":[
  3 + "testcases/admin/ADMIN002_edit_admin_testcases.yml"
  4 + ]
  5 +}
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38 - }  
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65 -  
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147 -  
148 - </style>  
149 -</head>  
150 -  
151 -<body>  
152 - <h1>Test Report: </h1>  
153 -  
154 - <h2>Summary</h2>  
155 - <table id="summary">  
156 - <tr>  
157 - <th>START AT</th>  
158 - <td colspan="4">2020-07-04T14:53:21.546364</td>  
159 - </tr>  
160 - <tr>  
161 - <th>DURATION</th>  
162 - <td colspan="4">0.325 seconds</td>  
163 - </tr>  
164 - <tr>  
165 - <th>PLATFORM</th>  
166 - <td>HttpRunner 2.5.5 </td>  
167 - <td>CPython 3.8.1 </td>  
168 - <td colspan="2">Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1</td>  
169 - </tr>  
170 - <tr>  
171 - <th>STAT</th>  
172 - <th colspan="2">TESTCASES (success/fail)</th>  
173 - <th colspan="2">TESTSTEPS (success/fail/error/skip)</th>  
174 - </tr>  
175 - <tr>  
176 - <td>total (details) =></td>  
177 - <td colspan="2">1 (1/0)</td>  
178 - <td colspan="2">2 (2/0/0/0)</td>  
179 - </tr>  
180 - </table>  
181 -  
182 - <h2>Details</h2>  
183 -  
184 -  
185 -  
186 - <h3>call demo_testcase with data 1</h3>  
187 - <table id="suite_1" class="details">  
188 - <tr>  
189 - <td>TOTAL: 2</td>  
190 - <td>SUCCESS: 2</td>  
191 - <td>FAILED: 0</td>  
192 - <td>ERROR: 0</td>  
193 - <td>SKIPPED: 0</td>  
194 - </tr>  
195 - <tr>  
196 - <th>Status</th>  
197 - <th colspan="2">Name</th>  
198 - <th>Response Time</th>  
199 - <th>Detail</th>  
200 - </tr>  
201 -  
202 -  
203 -  
204 -  
205 - <tr id="record_1_1">  
206 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
207 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 登录系统</td>  
208 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">214.01 ms</td>  
209 - <td class="detail">  
210 -  
211 -  
212 -  
213 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_1_1">log-1</a>  
214 - <div id="popup_log_1_1_1" class="overlay">  
215 - <div class="popup">  
216 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
217 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_1_1">&times;</a>  
218 -  
219 - <div class="content">  
220 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 登录系统</h3>  
221 -  
222 -  
223 -  
224 -  
225 -  
226 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
227 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
228 - <table>  
229 -  
230 - <tr>  
231 - <th>url</th>  
232 - <td>  
233 -  
234 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
235 -  
236 - </td>  
237 - </tr>  
238 -  
239 - <tr>  
240 - <th>method</th>  
241 - <td>  
242 -  
243 - POST  
244 -  
245 - </td>  
246 - </tr>  
247 -  
248 - <tr>  
249 - <th>headers</th>  
250 - <td>  
251 -  
252 - <pre>{  
253 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36&#34;,  
254 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
255 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
256 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
257 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
258 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;83&#34;  
259 -}</pre>  
260 -  
261 - </td>  
262 - </tr>  
263 -  
264 - <tr>  
265 - <th>body</th>  
266 - <td>  
267 -  
268 - <pre>{  
269 - &#34;password&#34;: &#34;7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b&#34;,  
270 - &#34;username&#34;: &#34;10000000001&#34;  
271 -}</pre>  
272 -  
273 - </td>  
274 - </tr>  
275 -  
276 - </table>  
277 - </div>  
278 -  
279 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
280 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
281 - <table>  
282 -  
283 - <tr>  
284 - <th>ok</th>  
285 - <td>  
286 -  
287 - True  
288 -  
289 - </td>  
290 - </tr>  
291 -  
292 - <tr>  
293 - <th>url</th>  
294 - <td>  
295 -  
296 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
297 -  
298 - </td>  
299 - </tr>  
300 -  
301 - <tr>  
302 - <th>status_code</th>  
303 - <td>  
304 -  
305 - 200  
306 -  
307 - </td>  
308 - </tr>  
309 -  
310 - <tr>  
311 - <th>reason</th>  
312 - <td>  
313 -  
314 - OK  
315 -  
316 - </td>  
317 - </tr>  
318 -  
319 - <tr>  
320 - <th>cookies</th>  
321 - <td>  
322 -  
323 - {}  
324 -  
325 - </td>  
326 - </tr>  
327 -  
328 - <tr>  
329 - <th>encoding</th>  
330 - <td>  
331 -  
332 - utf-8  
333 -  
334 - </td>  
335 - </tr>  
336 -  
337 - <tr>  
338 - <th>headers</th>  
339 - <td>  
340 -  
341 - <pre>{  
342 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:53:22 GMT&#34;,  
343 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
344 - &#34;Transfer-Encoding&#34;: &#34;chunked&#34;,  
345 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
346 - &#34;Vary&#34;: &#34;Accept-Encoding, Accept-Encoding&#34;,  
347 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
348 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
349 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
350 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
351 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
352 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;,  
353 - &#34;Content-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip&#34;  
354 -}</pre>  
355 -  
356 - </td>  
357 - </tr>  
358 -  
359 - <tr>  
360 - <th>content_type</th>  
361 - <td>  
362 -  
363 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
364 -  
365 - </td>  
366 - </tr>  
367 -  
368 - <tr>  
369 - <th>body</th>  
370 - <td>  
371 -  
372 -  
373 - <pre>{  
374 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
375 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
376 - &#34;data&#34;: {  
377 - &#34;access&#34;: {  
378 - &#34;accessToken&#34;: &#34;eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc2MDIsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDQwMiwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDQwMiwidWlkIjoxfQ.UxDe_mYaDvonOU1f98xBizsE5iIJBMmuYrFHBXlHY_8&#34;,  
379 - &#34;expiresIn&#34;: 43200  
380 - }  
381 - }  
382 -}</pre>  
383 -  
384 -  
385 - </td>  
386 - </tr>  
387 -  
388 - </table>  
389 - </div>  
390 -  
391 -  
392 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
393 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
394 -  
395 -  
396 - <table>  
397 - <tr>  
398 - <th>check</th>  
399 - <th>comparator</th>  
400 - <th>expect value</th>  
401 - <th>actual value</th>  
402 - </tr>  
403 -  
404 - <tr>  
405 -  
406 - <td class="passed">  
407 -  
408 - content.msg  
409 - </td>  
410 - <td>equals</td>  
411 - <td>ok</td>  
412 - <td>ok</td>  
413 - </tr>  
414 -  
415 - </table>  
416 -  
417 -  
418 -  
419 -  
420 - </div>  
421 -  
422 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
423 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
424 - <table>  
425 - <tr>  
426 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
427 - <td>310</td>  
428 - </tr>  
429 - <tr>  
430 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
431 - <td>214.01</td>  
432 - </tr>  
433 - <tr>  
434 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
435 - <td>204.213</td>  
436 - </tr>  
437 - </table>  
438 - </div>  
439 -  
440 - </div>  
441 - </div>  
442 - </div>  
443 -  
444 -  
445 -  
446 -  
447 - </td>  
448 - </tr>  
449 -  
450 -  
451 -  
452 - <tr id="record_1_2">  
453 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
454 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 新增实际订单</td>  
455 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">60.00 ms</td>  
456 - <td class="detail">  
457 -  
458 -  
459 -  
460 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_2_1">log-1</a>  
461 - <div id="popup_log_1_2_1" class="overlay">  
462 - <div class="popup">  
463 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
464 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_2_1">&times;</a>  
465 -  
466 - <div class="content">  
467 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 新增实际订单</h3>  
468 -  
469 -  
470 -  
471 -  
472 -  
473 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
474 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
475 - <table>  
476 -  
477 - <tr>  
478 - <th>url</th>  
479 - <td>  
480 -  
481 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/actual/update  
482 -  
483 - </td>  
484 - </tr>  
485 -  
486 - <tr>  
487 - <th>method</th>  
488 - <td>  
489 -  
490 - POST  
491 -  
492 - </td>  
493 - </tr>  
494 -  
495 - <tr>  
496 - <th>headers</th>  
497 - <td>  
498 -  
499 - <pre>{  
500 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;okhttp/3.12.3&#34;,  
501 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
502 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
503 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
504 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
505 - &#34;Authorization&#34;: &#34;Bearer bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc2MDIsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDQwMiwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDQwMiwidWlkIjoxfQ.UxDe_mYaDvonOU1f98xBizsE5iIJBMmuYrFHBXlHY_8&#34;,  
506 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;368&#34;  
507 -}</pre>  
508 -  
509 - </td>  
510 - </tr>  
511 -  
512 - <tr>  
513 - <th>body</th>  
514 - <td>  
515 -  
516 - <pre>{  
517 - &#34;buyer&#34;: &#34;我是买家21&#34;,  
518 - &#34;buyerPhone&#34;: &#34;13459147023&#34;,  
519 - &#34;address&#34;: &#34;福建省福州市收获地址1&#34;,  
520 - &#34;partner&#34;: 29,  
521 - &#34;partnerRatio&#34;: 99.99,  
522 - &#34;salesmanRatio&#34;: 22.11,  
523 - &#34;orderId&#34;: &#34;20200704225321&#34;,  
524 - &#34;orderName&#34;: &#34;20200704225321&#34;,  
525 - &#34;orderNum&#34;: 5000,  
526 - &#34;orderPrice&#34;: 100000000,  
527 - &#34;orderDist&#34;: &#34;福建一区&#34;,  
528 - &#34;orderStatue&#34;: 3  
529 -}</pre>  
530 -  
531 - </td>  
532 - </tr>  
533 -  
534 - </table>  
535 - </div>  
536 -  
537 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
538 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
539 - <table>  
540 -  
541 - <tr>  
542 - <th>ok</th>  
543 - <td>  
544 -  
545 - True  
546 -  
547 - </td>  
548 - </tr>  
549 -  
550 - <tr>  
551 - <th>url</th>  
552 - <td>  
553 -  
554 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/actual/update  
555 -  
556 - </td>  
557 - </tr>  
558 -  
559 - <tr>  
560 - <th>status_code</th>  
561 - <td>  
562 -  
563 - 200  
564 -  
565 - </td>  
566 - </tr>  
567 -  
568 - <tr>  
569 - <th>reason</th>  
570 - <td>  
571 -  
572 - OK  
573 -  
574 - </td>  
575 - </tr>  
576 -  
577 - <tr>  
578 - <th>cookies</th>  
579 - <td>  
580 -  
581 - {}  
582 -  
583 - </td>  
584 - </tr>  
585 -  
586 - <tr>  
587 - <th>encoding</th>  
588 - <td>  
589 -  
590 - utf-8  
591 -  
592 - </td>  
593 - </tr>  
594 -  
595 - <tr>  
596 - <th>headers</th>  
597 - <td>  
598 -  
599 - <pre>{  
600 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:53:22 GMT&#34;,  
601 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
602 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;55&#34;,  
603 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
604 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
605 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
606 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
607 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
608 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
609 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;  
610 -}</pre>  
611 -  
612 - </td>  
613 - </tr>  
614 -  
615 - <tr>  
616 - <th>content_type</th>  
617 - <td>  
618 -  
619 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
620 -  
621 - </td>  
622 - </tr>  
623 -  
624 - <tr>  
625 - <th>body</th>  
626 - <td>  
627 -  
628 -  
629 - <pre>{  
630 - &#34;code&#34;: -1,  
631 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;服务异常&#34;,  
632 - &#34;data&#34;: {}  
633 -}</pre>  
634 -  
635 -  
636 - </td>  
637 - </tr>  
638 -  
639 - </table>  
640 - </div>  
641 -  
642 -  
643 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
644 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
645 -  
646 -  
647 -  
648 -  
649 -  
650 - </div>  
651 -  
652 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
653 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
654 - <table>  
655 - <tr>  
656 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
657 - <td>55</td>  
658 - </tr>  
659 - <tr>  
660 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
661 - <td>60.0</td>  
662 - </tr>  
663 - <tr>  
664 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
665 - <td>56.931</td>  
666 - </tr>  
667 - </table>  
668 - </div>  
669 -  
670 - </div>  
671 - </div>  
672 - </div>  
673 -  
674 -  
675 -  
676 -  
677 - </td>  
678 - </tr>  
679 -  
680 - </table>  
681 -  
682 -</body>  
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34 - background-color: lightgreen;  
35 - }  
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37 - background-color: red;  
38 - }  
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40 - background-color: gray;  
41 - }  
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43 - background-color: lightblue;  
44 - padding: 5px 12px;  
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54 - background-color: greenyellow;  
55 - }  
56 - .details .error {  
57 - background-color: red;  
58 - }  
59 - .details .failure {  
60 - background-color: salmon;  
61 - }  
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63 - background-color: gray;  
64 - }  
65 -  
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147 -  
148 - </style>  
149 -</head>  
150 -  
151 -<body>  
152 - <h1>Test Report: </h1>  
153 -  
154 - <h2>Summary</h2>  
155 - <table id="summary">  
156 - <tr>  
157 - <th>START AT</th>  
158 - <td colspan="4">2020-07-04T14:55:29.449679</td>  
159 - </tr>  
160 - <tr>  
161 - <th>DURATION</th>  
162 - <td colspan="4">0.285 seconds</td>  
163 - </tr>  
164 - <tr>  
165 - <th>PLATFORM</th>  
166 - <td>HttpRunner 2.5.5 </td>  
167 - <td>CPython 3.8.1 </td>  
168 - <td colspan="2">Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1</td>  
169 - </tr>  
170 - <tr>  
171 - <th>STAT</th>  
172 - <th colspan="2">TESTCASES (success/fail)</th>  
173 - <th colspan="2">TESTSTEPS (success/fail/error/skip)</th>  
174 - </tr>  
175 - <tr>  
176 - <td>total (details) =></td>  
177 - <td colspan="2">1 (1/0)</td>  
178 - <td colspan="2">2 (2/0/0/0)</td>  
179 - </tr>  
180 - </table>  
181 -  
182 - <h2>Details</h2>  
183 -  
184 -  
185 -  
186 - <h3>call demo_testcase with data 1</h3>  
187 - <table id="suite_1" class="details">  
188 - <tr>  
189 - <td>TOTAL: 2</td>  
190 - <td>SUCCESS: 2</td>  
191 - <td>FAILED: 0</td>  
192 - <td>ERROR: 0</td>  
193 - <td>SKIPPED: 0</td>  
194 - </tr>  
195 - <tr>  
196 - <th>Status</th>  
197 - <th colspan="2">Name</th>  
198 - <th>Response Time</th>  
199 - <th>Detail</th>  
200 - </tr>  
201 -  
202 -  
203 -  
204 -  
205 - <tr id="record_1_1">  
206 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
207 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 登录系统</td>  
208 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">193.01 ms</td>  
209 - <td class="detail">  
210 -  
211 -  
212 -  
213 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_1_1">log-1</a>  
214 - <div id="popup_log_1_1_1" class="overlay">  
215 - <div class="popup">  
216 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
217 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_1_1">&times;</a>  
218 -  
219 - <div class="content">  
220 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 登录系统</h3>  
221 -  
222 -  
223 -  
224 -  
225 -  
226 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
227 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
228 - <table>  
229 -  
230 - <tr>  
231 - <th>url</th>  
232 - <td>  
233 -  
234 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
235 -  
236 - </td>  
237 - </tr>  
238 -  
239 - <tr>  
240 - <th>method</th>  
241 - <td>  
242 -  
243 - POST  
244 -  
245 - </td>  
246 - </tr>  
247 -  
248 - <tr>  
249 - <th>headers</th>  
250 - <td>  
251 -  
252 - <pre>{  
253 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36&#34;,  
254 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
255 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
256 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
257 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
258 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;83&#34;  
259 -}</pre>  
260 -  
261 - </td>  
262 - </tr>  
263 -  
264 - <tr>  
265 - <th>body</th>  
266 - <td>  
267 -  
268 - <pre>{  
269 - &#34;password&#34;: &#34;7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b&#34;,  
270 - &#34;username&#34;: &#34;10000000001&#34;  
271 -}</pre>  
272 -  
273 - </td>  
274 - </tr>  
275 -  
276 - </table>  
277 - </div>  
278 -  
279 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
280 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
281 - <table>  
282 -  
283 - <tr>  
284 - <th>ok</th>  
285 - <td>  
286 -  
287 - True  
288 -  
289 - </td>  
290 - </tr>  
291 -  
292 - <tr>  
293 - <th>url</th>  
294 - <td>  
295 -  
296 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
297 -  
298 - </td>  
299 - </tr>  
300 -  
301 - <tr>  
302 - <th>status_code</th>  
303 - <td>  
304 -  
305 - 200  
306 -  
307 - </td>  
308 - </tr>  
309 -  
310 - <tr>  
311 - <th>reason</th>  
312 - <td>  
313 -  
314 - OK  
315 -  
316 - </td>  
317 - </tr>  
318 -  
319 - <tr>  
320 - <th>cookies</th>  
321 - <td>  
322 -  
323 - {}  
324 -  
325 - </td>  
326 - </tr>  
327 -  
328 - <tr>  
329 - <th>encoding</th>  
330 - <td>  
331 -  
332 - utf-8  
333 -  
334 - </td>  
335 - </tr>  
336 -  
337 - <tr>  
338 - <th>headers</th>  
339 - <td>  
340 -  
341 - <pre>{  
342 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:55:30 GMT&#34;,  
343 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
344 - &#34;Transfer-Encoding&#34;: &#34;chunked&#34;,  
345 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
346 - &#34;Vary&#34;: &#34;Accept-Encoding, Accept-Encoding&#34;,  
347 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
348 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
349 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
350 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
351 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
352 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;,  
353 - &#34;Content-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip&#34;  
354 -}</pre>  
355 -  
356 - </td>  
357 - </tr>  
358 -  
359 - <tr>  
360 - <th>content_type</th>  
361 - <td>  
362 -  
363 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
364 -  
365 - </td>  
366 - </tr>  
367 -  
368 - <tr>  
369 - <th>body</th>  
370 - <td>  
371 -  
372 -  
373 - <pre>{  
374 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
375 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
376 - &#34;data&#34;: {  
377 - &#34;access&#34;: {  
378 - &#34;accessToken&#34;: &#34;eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc3MzAsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDUzMCwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDUzMCwidWlkIjoxfQ.Z9saetn6R686E7a9ZkSvtmz5DlcDz246j2M5P-wN1Bk&#34;,  
379 - &#34;expiresIn&#34;: 43200  
380 - }  
381 - }  
382 -}</pre>  
383 -  
384 -  
385 - </td>  
386 - </tr>  
387 -  
388 - </table>  
389 - </div>  
390 -  
391 -  
392 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
393 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
394 -  
395 -  
396 - <table>  
397 - <tr>  
398 - <th>check</th>  
399 - <th>comparator</th>  
400 - <th>expect value</th>  
401 - <th>actual value</th>  
402 - </tr>  
403 -  
404 - <tr>  
405 -  
406 - <td class="passed">  
407 -  
408 - content.msg  
409 - </td>  
410 - <td>equals</td>  
411 - <td>ok</td>  
412 - <td>ok</td>  
413 - </tr>  
414 -  
415 - </table>  
416 -  
417 -  
418 -  
419 -  
420 - </div>  
421 -  
422 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
423 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
424 - <table>  
425 - <tr>  
426 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
427 - <td>310</td>  
428 - </tr>  
429 - <tr>  
430 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
431 - <td>193.01</td>  
432 - </tr>  
433 - <tr>  
434 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
435 - <td>184.756</td>  
436 - </tr>  
437 - </table>  
438 - </div>  
439 -  
440 - </div>  
441 - </div>  
442 - </div>  
443 -  
444 -  
445 -  
446 -  
447 - </td>  
448 - </tr>  
449 -  
450 -  
451 -  
452 - <tr id="record_1_2">  
453 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
454 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 新增实际订单</td>  
455 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">58.00 ms</td>  
456 - <td class="detail">  
457 -  
458 -  
459 -  
460 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_2_1">log-1</a>  
461 - <div id="popup_log_1_2_1" class="overlay">  
462 - <div class="popup">  
463 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
464 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_2_1">&times;</a>  
465 -  
466 - <div class="content">  
467 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 新增实际订单</h3>  
468 -  
469 -  
470 -  
471 -  
472 -  
473 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
474 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
475 - <table>  
476 -  
477 - <tr>  
478 - <th>url</th>  
479 - <td>  
480 -  
481 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/actual/update  
482 -  
483 - </td>  
484 - </tr>  
485 -  
486 - <tr>  
487 - <th>method</th>  
488 - <td>  
489 -  
490 - POST  
491 -  
492 - </td>  
493 - </tr>  
494 -  
495 - <tr>  
496 - <th>headers</th>  
497 - <td>  
498 -  
499 - <pre>{  
500 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;okhttp/3.12.3&#34;,  
501 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
502 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
503 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
504 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
505 - &#34;Authorization&#34;: &#34;Bearer bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc3MzAsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDUzMCwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDUzMCwidWlkIjoxfQ.Z9saetn6R686E7a9ZkSvtmz5DlcDz246j2M5P-wN1Bk&#34;,  
506 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;368&#34;  
507 -}</pre>  
508 -  
509 - </td>  
510 - </tr>  
511 -  
512 - <tr>  
513 - <th>body</th>  
514 - <td>  
515 -  
516 - <pre>{  
517 - &#34;buyer&#34;: &#34;我是买家29&#34;,  
518 - &#34;buyerPhone&#34;: &#34;13459147023&#34;,  
519 - &#34;address&#34;: &#34;福建省福州市收获地址1&#34;,  
520 - &#34;partner&#34;: 29,  
521 - &#34;partnerRatio&#34;: 99.99,  
522 - &#34;salesmanRatio&#34;: 22.11,  
523 - &#34;orderId&#34;: &#34;20200704225529&#34;,  
524 - &#34;orderName&#34;: &#34;20200704225529&#34;,  
525 - &#34;orderNum&#34;: 5000,  
526 - &#34;orderPrice&#34;: 100000000,  
527 - &#34;orderDist&#34;: &#34;福建一区&#34;,  
528 - &#34;orderStatue&#34;: 3  
529 -}</pre>  
530 -  
531 - </td>  
532 - </tr>  
533 -  
534 - </table>  
535 - </div>  
536 -  
537 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
538 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
539 - <table>  
540 -  
541 - <tr>  
542 - <th>ok</th>  
543 - <td>  
544 -  
545 - True  
546 -  
547 - </td>  
548 - </tr>  
549 -  
550 - <tr>  
551 - <th>url</th>  
552 - <td>  
553 -  
554 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/actual/update  
555 -  
556 - </td>  
557 - </tr>  
558 -  
559 - <tr>  
560 - <th>status_code</th>  
561 - <td>  
562 -  
563 - 200  
564 -  
565 - </td>  
566 - </tr>  
567 -  
568 - <tr>  
569 - <th>reason</th>  
570 - <td>  
571 -  
572 - OK  
573 -  
574 - </td>  
575 - </tr>  
576 -  
577 - <tr>  
578 - <th>cookies</th>  
579 - <td>  
580 -  
581 - {}  
582 -  
583 - </td>  
584 - </tr>  
585 -  
586 - <tr>  
587 - <th>encoding</th>  
588 - <td>  
589 -  
590 - utf-8  
591 -  
592 - </td>  
593 - </tr>  
594 -  
595 - <tr>  
596 - <th>headers</th>  
597 - <td>  
598 -  
599 - <pre>{  
600 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:55:30 GMT&#34;,  
601 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
602 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;55&#34;,  
603 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
604 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
605 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
606 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
607 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
608 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
609 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;  
610 -}</pre>  
611 -  
612 - </td>  
613 - </tr>  
614 -  
615 - <tr>  
616 - <th>content_type</th>  
617 - <td>  
618 -  
619 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
620 -  
621 - </td>  
622 - </tr>  
623 -  
624 - <tr>  
625 - <th>body</th>  
626 - <td>  
627 -  
628 -  
629 - <pre>{  
630 - &#34;code&#34;: -1,  
631 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;服务异常&#34;,  
632 - &#34;data&#34;: {}  
633 -}</pre>  
634 -  
635 -  
636 - </td>  
637 - </tr>  
638 -  
639 - </table>  
640 - </div>  
641 -  
642 -  
643 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
644 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
645 -  
646 -  
647 -  
648 -  
649 -  
650 - </div>  
651 -  
652 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
653 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
654 - <table>  
655 - <tr>  
656 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
657 - <td>55</td>  
658 - </tr>  
659 - <tr>  
660 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
661 - <td>58.0</td>  
662 - </tr>  
663 - <tr>  
664 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
665 - <td>53.305</td>  
666 - </tr>  
667 - </table>  
668 - </div>  
669 -  
670 - </div>  
671 - </div>  
672 - </div>  
673 -  
674 -  
675 -  
676 -  
677 - </td>  
678 - </tr>  
679 -  
680 - </table>  
681 -  
682 -</body>  
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33 - .details tr .passed {  
34 - background-color: lightgreen;  
35 - }  
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37 - background-color: red;  
38 - }  
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40 - background-color: gray;  
41 - }  
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43 - background-color: lightblue;  
44 - padding: 5px 12px;  
45 - }  
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50 - line-height: 20px;  
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54 - background-color: greenyellow;  
55 - }  
56 - .details .error {  
57 - background-color: red;  
58 - }  
59 - .details .failure {  
60 - background-color: salmon;  
61 - }  
62 - .details .skipped {  
63 - background-color: gray;  
64 - }  
65 -  
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111 -  
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138 -  
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147 -  
148 - </style>  
149 -</head>  
150 -  
151 -<body>  
152 - <h1>Test Report: </h1>  
153 -  
154 - <h2>Summary</h2>  
155 - <table id="summary">  
156 - <tr>  
157 - <th>START AT</th>  
158 - <td colspan="4">2020-07-04T14:57:33.571779</td>  
159 - </tr>  
160 - <tr>  
161 - <th>DURATION</th>  
162 - <td colspan="4">0.338 seconds</td>  
163 - </tr>  
164 - <tr>  
165 - <th>PLATFORM</th>  
166 - <td>HttpRunner 2.5.5 </td>  
167 - <td>CPython 3.8.1 </td>  
168 - <td colspan="2">Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1</td>  
169 - </tr>  
170 - <tr>  
171 - <th>STAT</th>  
172 - <th colspan="2">TESTCASES (success/fail)</th>  
173 - <th colspan="2">TESTSTEPS (success/fail/error/skip)</th>  
174 - </tr>  
175 - <tr>  
176 - <td>total (details) =></td>  
177 - <td colspan="2">1 (1/0)</td>  
178 - <td colspan="2">2 (2/0/0/0)</td>  
179 - </tr>  
180 - </table>  
181 -  
182 - <h2>Details</h2>  
183 -  
184 -  
185 -  
186 - <h3>call demo_testcase with data 1</h3>  
187 - <table id="suite_1" class="details">  
188 - <tr>  
189 - <td>TOTAL: 2</td>  
190 - <td>SUCCESS: 2</td>  
191 - <td>FAILED: 0</td>  
192 - <td>ERROR: 0</td>  
193 - <td>SKIPPED: 0</td>  
194 - </tr>  
195 - <tr>  
196 - <th>Status</th>  
197 - <th colspan="2">Name</th>  
198 - <th>Response Time</th>  
199 - <th>Detail</th>  
200 - </tr>  
201 -  
202 -  
203 -  
204 -  
205 - <tr id="record_1_1">  
206 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
207 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 登录系统</td>  
208 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">213.01 ms</td>  
209 - <td class="detail">  
210 -  
211 -  
212 -  
213 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_1_1">log-1</a>  
214 - <div id="popup_log_1_1_1" class="overlay">  
215 - <div class="popup">  
216 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
217 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_1_1">&times;</a>  
218 -  
219 - <div class="content">  
220 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 登录系统</h3>  
221 -  
222 -  
223 -  
224 -  
225 -  
226 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
227 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
228 - <table>  
229 -  
230 - <tr>  
231 - <th>url</th>  
232 - <td>  
233 -  
234 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
235 -  
236 - </td>  
237 - </tr>  
238 -  
239 - <tr>  
240 - <th>method</th>  
241 - <td>  
242 -  
243 - POST  
244 -  
245 - </td>  
246 - </tr>  
247 -  
248 - <tr>  
249 - <th>headers</th>  
250 - <td>  
251 -  
252 - <pre>{  
253 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36&#34;,  
254 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
255 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
256 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
257 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
258 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;83&#34;  
259 -}</pre>  
260 -  
261 - </td>  
262 - </tr>  
263 -  
264 - <tr>  
265 - <th>body</th>  
266 - <td>  
267 -  
268 - <pre>{  
269 - &#34;password&#34;: &#34;7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b&#34;,  
270 - &#34;username&#34;: &#34;10000000001&#34;  
271 -}</pre>  
272 -  
273 - </td>  
274 - </tr>  
275 -  
276 - </table>  
277 - </div>  
278 -  
279 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
280 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
281 - <table>  
282 -  
283 - <tr>  
284 - <th>ok</th>  
285 - <td>  
286 -  
287 - True  
288 -  
289 - </td>  
290 - </tr>  
291 -  
292 - <tr>  
293 - <th>url</th>  
294 - <td>  
295 -  
296 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
297 -  
298 - </td>  
299 - </tr>  
300 -  
301 - <tr>  
302 - <th>status_code</th>  
303 - <td>  
304 -  
305 - 200  
306 -  
307 - </td>  
308 - </tr>  
309 -  
310 - <tr>  
311 - <th>reason</th>  
312 - <td>  
313 -  
314 - OK  
315 -  
316 - </td>  
317 - </tr>  
318 -  
319 - <tr>  
320 - <th>cookies</th>  
321 - <td>  
322 -  
323 - {}  
324 -  
325 - </td>  
326 - </tr>  
327 -  
328 - <tr>  
329 - <th>encoding</th>  
330 - <td>  
331 -  
332 - utf-8  
333 -  
334 - </td>  
335 - </tr>  
336 -  
337 - <tr>  
338 - <th>headers</th>  
339 - <td>  
340 -  
341 - <pre>{  
342 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:57:34 GMT&#34;,  
343 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
344 - &#34;Transfer-Encoding&#34;: &#34;chunked&#34;,  
345 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
346 - &#34;Vary&#34;: &#34;Accept-Encoding, Accept-Encoding&#34;,  
347 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
348 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
349 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
350 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
351 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
352 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;,  
353 - &#34;Content-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip&#34;  
354 -}</pre>  
355 -  
356 - </td>  
357 - </tr>  
358 -  
359 - <tr>  
360 - <th>content_type</th>  
361 - <td>  
362 -  
363 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
364 -  
365 - </td>  
366 - </tr>  
367 -  
368 - <tr>  
369 - <th>body</th>  
370 - <td>  
371 -  
372 -  
373 - <pre>{  
374 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
375 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
376 - &#34;data&#34;: {  
377 - &#34;access&#34;: {  
378 - &#34;accessToken&#34;: &#34;eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc4NTQsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDY1NCwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDY1NCwidWlkIjoxfQ.suICHO1_qAjGyM1dQz5LamZ_sAh9CxIYPjeiKnVFs-c&#34;,  
379 - &#34;expiresIn&#34;: 43200  
380 - }  
381 - }  
382 -}</pre>  
383 -  
384 -  
385 - </td>  
386 - </tr>  
387 -  
388 - </table>  
389 - </div>  
390 -  
391 -  
392 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
393 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
394 -  
395 -  
396 - <table>  
397 - <tr>  
398 - <th>check</th>  
399 - <th>comparator</th>  
400 - <th>expect value</th>  
401 - <th>actual value</th>  
402 - </tr>  
403 -  
404 - <tr>  
405 -  
406 - <td class="passed">  
407 -  
408 - content.msg  
409 - </td>  
410 - <td>equals</td>  
411 - <td>ok</td>  
412 - <td>ok</td>  
413 - </tr>  
414 -  
415 - </table>  
416 -  
417 -  
418 -  
419 -  
420 - </div>  
421 -  
422 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
423 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
424 - <table>  
425 - <tr>  
426 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
427 - <td>310</td>  
428 - </tr>  
429 - <tr>  
430 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
431 - <td>213.01</td>  
432 - </tr>  
433 - <tr>  
434 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
435 - <td>206.029</td>  
436 - </tr>  
437 - </table>  
438 - </div>  
439 -  
440 - </div>  
441 - </div>  
442 - </div>  
443 -  
444 -  
445 -  
446 -  
447 - </td>  
448 - </tr>  
449 -  
450 -  
451 -  
452 - <tr id="record_1_2">  
453 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
454 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 新增实际订单</td>  
455 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">59.00 ms</td>  
456 - <td class="detail">  
457 -  
458 -  
459 -  
460 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_2_1">log-1</a>  
461 - <div id="popup_log_1_2_1" class="overlay">  
462 - <div class="popup">  
463 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
464 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_2_1">&times;</a>  
465 -  
466 - <div class="content">  
467 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 新增实际订单</h3>  
468 -  
469 -  
470 -  
471 -  
472 -  
473 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
474 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
475 - <table>  
476 -  
477 - <tr>  
478 - <th>url</th>  
479 - <td>  
480 -  
481 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/actual/update  
482 -  
483 - </td>  
484 - </tr>  
485 -  
486 - <tr>  
487 - <th>method</th>  
488 - <td>  
489 -  
490 - POST  
491 -  
492 - </td>  
493 - </tr>  
494 -  
495 - <tr>  
496 - <th>headers</th>  
497 - <td>  
498 -  
499 - <pre>{  
500 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;okhttp/3.12.3&#34;,  
501 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
502 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
503 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
504 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
505 - &#34;Authorization&#34;: &#34;Bearer bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc4NTQsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDY1NCwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDY1NCwidWlkIjoxfQ.suICHO1_qAjGyM1dQz5LamZ_sAh9CxIYPjeiKnVFs-c&#34;,  
506 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;367&#34;  
507 -}</pre>  
508 -  
509 - </td>  
510 - </tr>  
511 -  
512 - <tr>  
513 - <th>body</th>  
514 - <td>  
515 -  
516 - <pre>{  
517 - &#34;buyer&#34;: &#34;我是买家33&#34;,  
518 - &#34;buyerPhone&#34;: &#34;13459147023&#34;,  
519 - &#34;address&#34;: &#34;福建省福州市收获地址1&#34;,  
520 - &#34;partner&#34;: 2,  
521 - &#34;partnerRatio&#34;: 99.99,  
522 - &#34;salesmanRatio&#34;: 22.11,  
523 - &#34;orderId&#34;: &#34;20200704225733&#34;,  
524 - &#34;orderName&#34;: &#34;20200704225733&#34;,  
525 - &#34;orderNum&#34;: 5000,  
526 - &#34;orderPrice&#34;: 100000000,  
527 - &#34;orderDist&#34;: &#34;福建一区&#34;,  
528 - &#34;orderStatue&#34;: 3  
529 -}</pre>  
530 -  
531 - </td>  
532 - </tr>  
533 -  
534 - </table>  
535 - </div>  
536 -  
537 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
538 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
539 - <table>  
540 -  
541 - <tr>  
542 - <th>ok</th>  
543 - <td>  
544 -  
545 - True  
546 -  
547 - </td>  
548 - </tr>  
549 -  
550 - <tr>  
551 - <th>url</th>  
552 - <td>  
553 -  
554 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/actual/update  
555 -  
556 - </td>  
557 - </tr>  
558 -  
559 - <tr>  
560 - <th>status_code</th>  
561 - <td>  
562 -  
563 - 200  
564 -  
565 - </td>  
566 - </tr>  
567 -  
568 - <tr>  
569 - <th>reason</th>  
570 - <td>  
571 -  
572 - OK  
573 -  
574 - </td>  
575 - </tr>  
576 -  
577 - <tr>  
578 - <th>cookies</th>  
579 - <td>  
580 -  
581 - {}  
582 -  
583 - </td>  
584 - </tr>  
585 -  
586 - <tr>  
587 - <th>encoding</th>  
588 - <td>  
589 -  
590 - utf-8  
591 -  
592 - </td>  
593 - </tr>  
594 -  
595 - <tr>  
596 - <th>headers</th>  
597 - <td>  
598 -  
599 - <pre>{  
600 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:57:34 GMT&#34;,  
601 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
602 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;44&#34;,  
603 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
604 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
605 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
606 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
607 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
608 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
609 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;  
610 -}</pre>  
611 -  
612 - </td>  
613 - </tr>  
614 -  
615 - <tr>  
616 - <th>content_type</th>  
617 - <td>  
618 -  
619 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
620 -  
621 - </td>  
622 - </tr>  
623 -  
624 - <tr>  
625 - <th>body</th>  
626 - <td>  
627 -  
628 -  
629 - <pre>{  
630 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
631 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
632 - &#34;data&#34;: {}  
633 -}</pre>  
634 -  
635 -  
636 - </td>  
637 - </tr>  
638 -  
639 - </table>  
640 - </div>  
641 -  
642 -  
643 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
644 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
645 -  
646 -  
647 -  
648 -  
649 -  
650 - </div>  
651 -  
652 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
653 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
654 - <table>  
655 - <tr>  
656 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
657 - <td>44</td>  
658 - </tr>  
659 - <tr>  
660 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
661 - <td>59.0</td>  
662 - </tr>  
663 - <tr>  
664 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
665 - <td>56.028</td>  
666 - </tr>  
667 - </table>  
668 - </div>  
669 -  
670 - </div>  
671 - </div>  
672 - </div>  
673 -  
674 -  
675 -  
676 -  
677 - </td>  
678 - </tr>  
679 -  
680 - </table>  
681 -  
682 -</body>  
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147 -  
148 - </style>  
149 -</head>  
150 -  
151 -<body>  
152 - <h1>Test Report: </h1>  
153 -  
154 - <h2>Summary</h2>  
155 - <table id="summary">  
156 - <tr>  
157 - <th>START AT</th>  
158 - <td colspan="4">2020-07-04T14:59:08.560212</td>  
159 - </tr>  
160 - <tr>  
161 - <th>DURATION</th>  
162 - <td colspan="4">0.245 seconds</td>  
163 - </tr>  
164 - <tr>  
165 - <th>PLATFORM</th>  
166 - <td>HttpRunner 2.5.5 </td>  
167 - <td>CPython 3.8.1 </td>  
168 - <td colspan="2">Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1</td>  
169 - </tr>  
170 - <tr>  
171 - <th>STAT</th>  
172 - <th colspan="2">TESTCASES (success/fail)</th>  
173 - <th colspan="2">TESTSTEPS (success/fail/error/skip)</th>  
174 - </tr>  
175 - <tr>  
176 - <td>total (details) =></td>  
177 - <td colspan="2">1 (1/0)</td>  
178 - <td colspan="2">2 (2/0/0/0)</td>  
179 - </tr>  
180 - </table>  
181 -  
182 - <h2>Details</h2>  
183 -  
184 -  
185 -  
186 - <h3>call demo_testcase with data 1</h3>  
187 - <table id="suite_1" class="details">  
188 - <tr>  
189 - <td>TOTAL: 2</td>  
190 - <td>SUCCESS: 2</td>  
191 - <td>FAILED: 0</td>  
192 - <td>ERROR: 0</td>  
193 - <td>SKIPPED: 0</td>  
194 - </tr>  
195 - <tr>  
196 - <th>Status</th>  
197 - <th colspan="2">Name</th>  
198 - <th>Response Time</th>  
199 - <th>Detail</th>  
200 - </tr>  
201 -  
202 -  
203 -  
204 -  
205 - <tr id="record_1_1">  
206 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
207 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 登录系统</td>  
208 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">158.01 ms</td>  
209 - <td class="detail">  
210 -  
211 -  
212 -  
213 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_1_1">log-1</a>  
214 - <div id="popup_log_1_1_1" class="overlay">  
215 - <div class="popup">  
216 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
217 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_1_1">&times;</a>  
218 -  
219 - <div class="content">  
220 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 登录系统</h3>  
221 -  
222 -  
223 -  
224 -  
225 -  
226 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
227 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
228 - <table>  
229 -  
230 - <tr>  
231 - <th>url</th>  
232 - <td>  
233 -  
234 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
235 -  
236 - </td>  
237 - </tr>  
238 -  
239 - <tr>  
240 - <th>method</th>  
241 - <td>  
242 -  
243 - POST  
244 -  
245 - </td>  
246 - </tr>  
247 -  
248 - <tr>  
249 - <th>headers</th>  
250 - <td>  
251 -  
252 - <pre>{  
253 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36&#34;,  
254 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
255 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
256 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
257 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
258 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;83&#34;  
259 -}</pre>  
260 -  
261 - </td>  
262 - </tr>  
263 -  
264 - <tr>  
265 - <th>body</th>  
266 - <td>  
267 -  
268 - <pre>{  
269 - &#34;password&#34;: &#34;7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b&#34;,  
270 - &#34;username&#34;: &#34;10000000001&#34;  
271 -}</pre>  
272 -  
273 - </td>  
274 - </tr>  
275 -  
276 - </table>  
277 - </div>  
278 -  
279 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
280 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
281 - <table>  
282 -  
283 - <tr>  
284 - <th>ok</th>  
285 - <td>  
286 -  
287 - True  
288 -  
289 - </td>  
290 - </tr>  
291 -  
292 - <tr>  
293 - <th>url</th>  
294 - <td>  
295 -  
296 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
297 -  
298 - </td>  
299 - </tr>  
300 -  
301 - <tr>  
302 - <th>status_code</th>  
303 - <td>  
304 -  
305 - 200  
306 -  
307 - </td>  
308 - </tr>  
309 -  
310 - <tr>  
311 - <th>reason</th>  
312 - <td>  
313 -  
314 - OK  
315 -  
316 - </td>  
317 - </tr>  
318 -  
319 - <tr>  
320 - <th>cookies</th>  
321 - <td>  
322 -  
323 - {}  
324 -  
325 - </td>  
326 - </tr>  
327 -  
328 - <tr>  
329 - <th>encoding</th>  
330 - <td>  
331 -  
332 - utf-8  
333 -  
334 - </td>  
335 - </tr>  
336 -  
337 - <tr>  
338 - <th>headers</th>  
339 - <td>  
340 -  
341 - <pre>{  
342 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:59:09 GMT&#34;,  
343 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
344 - &#34;Transfer-Encoding&#34;: &#34;chunked&#34;,  
345 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
346 - &#34;Vary&#34;: &#34;Accept-Encoding, Accept-Encoding&#34;,  
347 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
348 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
349 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
350 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
351 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
352 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;,  
353 - &#34;Content-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip&#34;  
354 -}</pre>  
355 -  
356 - </td>  
357 - </tr>  
358 -  
359 - <tr>  
360 - <th>content_type</th>  
361 - <td>  
362 -  
363 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
364 -  
365 - </td>  
366 - </tr>  
367 -  
368 - <tr>  
369 - <th>body</th>  
370 - <td>  
371 -  
372 -  
373 - <pre>{  
374 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
375 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
376 - &#34;data&#34;: {  
377 - &#34;access&#34;: {  
378 - &#34;accessToken&#34;: &#34;eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc5NDksImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDc0OSwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDc0OSwidWlkIjoxfQ.2nZ_BgoEU8lQTbn-LGxW7SJgb0HIfa94-RQ463Qot9M&#34;,  
379 - &#34;expiresIn&#34;: 43200  
380 - }  
381 - }  
382 -}</pre>  
383 -  
384 -  
385 - </td>  
386 - </tr>  
387 -  
388 - </table>  
389 - </div>  
390 -  
391 -  
392 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
393 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
394 -  
395 -  
396 - <table>  
397 - <tr>  
398 - <th>check</th>  
399 - <th>comparator</th>  
400 - <th>expect value</th>  
401 - <th>actual value</th>  
402 - </tr>  
403 -  
404 - <tr>  
405 -  
406 - <td class="passed">  
407 -  
408 - content.msg  
409 - </td>  
410 - <td>equals</td>  
411 - <td>ok</td>  
412 - <td>ok</td>  
413 - </tr>  
414 -  
415 - </table>  
416 -  
417 -  
418 -  
419 -  
420 - </div>  
421 -  
422 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
423 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
424 - <table>  
425 - <tr>  
426 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
427 - <td>310</td>  
428 - </tr>  
429 - <tr>  
430 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
431 - <td>158.01</td>  
432 - </tr>  
433 - <tr>  
434 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
435 - <td>151.469</td>  
436 - </tr>  
437 - </table>  
438 - </div>  
439 -  
440 - </div>  
441 - </div>  
442 - </div>  
443 -  
444 -  
445 -  
446 -  
447 - </td>  
448 - </tr>  
449 -  
450 -  
451 -  
452 - <tr id="record_1_2">  
453 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
454 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 新增意向订单</td>  
455 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">58.00 ms</td>  
456 - <td class="detail">  
457 -  
458 -  
459 -  
460 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_2_1">log-1</a>  
461 - <div id="popup_log_1_2_1" class="overlay">  
462 - <div class="popup">  
463 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
464 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_2_1">&times;</a>  
465 -  
466 - <div class="content">  
467 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 新增意向订单</h3>  
468 -  
469 -  
470 -  
471 -  
472 -  
473 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
474 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
475 - <table>  
476 -  
477 - <tr>  
478 - <th>url</th>  
479 - <td>  
480 -  
481 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/purpose/update  
482 -  
483 - </td>  
484 - </tr>  
485 -  
486 - <tr>  
487 - <th>method</th>  
488 - <td>  
489 -  
490 - POST  
491 -  
492 - </td>  
493 - </tr>  
494 -  
495 - <tr>  
496 - <th>headers</th>  
497 - <td>  
498 -  
499 - <pre>{  
500 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;okhttp/3.12.3&#34;,  
501 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
502 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
503 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
504 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
505 - &#34;Authorization&#34;: &#34;Bearer bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTc5NDksImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDc0OSwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDc0OSwidWlkIjoxfQ.2nZ_BgoEU8lQTbn-LGxW7SJgb0HIfa94-RQ463Qot9M&#34;,  
506 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;347&#34;  
507 -}</pre>  
508 -  
509 - </td>  
510 - </tr>  
511 -  
512 - <tr>  
513 - <th>body</th>  
514 - <td>  
515 -  
516 - <pre>{  
517 - &#34;buyer&#34;: &#34;我是买家8&#34;,  
518 - &#34;buyerPhone&#34;: &#34;13459147023&#34;,  
519 - &#34;address&#34;: &#34;福建省福州市收获地址1&#34;,  
520 - &#34;partner&#34;: 2,  
521 - &#34;partnerRatio&#34;: 99.19,  
522 - &#34;salesmanRatio&#34;: 0.99,  
523 - &#34;orderId&#34;: &#34;20200704225908&#34;,  
524 - &#34;orderName&#34;: &#34;20200704225908&#34;,  
525 - &#34;orderNum&#34;: 500,  
526 - &#34;orderPrice&#34;: 1000000000,  
527 - &#34;orderDist&#34;: &#34;福建一区&#34;  
528 -}</pre>  
529 -  
530 - </td>  
531 - </tr>  
532 -  
533 - </table>  
534 - </div>  
535 -  
536 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
537 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
538 - <table>  
539 -  
540 - <tr>  
541 - <th>ok</th>  
542 - <td>  
543 -  
544 - True  
545 -  
546 - </td>  
547 - </tr>  
548 -  
549 - <tr>  
550 - <th>url</th>  
551 - <td>  
552 -  
553 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/purpose/update  
554 -  
555 - </td>  
556 - </tr>  
557 -  
558 - <tr>  
559 - <th>status_code</th>  
560 - <td>  
561 -  
562 - 200  
563 -  
564 - </td>  
565 - </tr>  
566 -  
567 - <tr>  
568 - <th>reason</th>  
569 - <td>  
570 -  
571 - OK  
572 -  
573 - </td>  
574 - </tr>  
575 -  
576 - <tr>  
577 - <th>cookies</th>  
578 - <td>  
579 -  
580 - {}  
581 -  
582 - </td>  
583 - </tr>  
584 -  
585 - <tr>  
586 - <th>encoding</th>  
587 - <td>  
588 -  
589 - utf-8  
590 -  
591 - </td>  
592 - </tr>  
593 -  
594 - <tr>  
595 - <th>headers</th>  
596 - <td>  
597 -  
598 - <pre>{  
599 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 14:59:09 GMT&#34;,  
600 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
601 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;44&#34;,  
602 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
603 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
604 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
605 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
606 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
607 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
608 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;  
609 -}</pre>  
610 -  
611 - </td>  
612 - </tr>  
613 -  
614 - <tr>  
615 - <th>content_type</th>  
616 - <td>  
617 -  
618 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
619 -  
620 - </td>  
621 - </tr>  
622 -  
623 - <tr>  
624 - <th>body</th>  
625 - <td>  
626 -  
627 -  
628 - <pre>{  
629 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
630 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
631 - &#34;data&#34;: {}  
632 -}</pre>  
633 -  
634 -  
635 - </td>  
636 - </tr>  
637 -  
638 - </table>  
639 - </div>  
640 -  
641 -  
642 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
643 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
644 -  
645 -  
646 -  
647 -  
648 -  
649 - </div>  
650 -  
651 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
652 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
653 - <table>  
654 - <tr>  
655 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
656 - <td>44</td>  
657 - </tr>  
658 - <tr>  
659 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
660 - <td>58.0</td>  
661 - </tr>  
662 - <tr>  
663 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
664 - <td>54.452</td>  
665 - </tr>  
666 - </table>  
667 - </div>  
668 -  
669 - </div>  
670 - </div>  
671 - </div>  
672 -  
673 -  
674 -  
675 -  
676 - </td>  
677 - </tr>  
678 -  
679 - </table>  
680 -  
681 -</body>  
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38 - }  
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65 -  
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147 -  
148 - </style>  
149 -</head>  
150 -  
151 -<body>  
152 - <h1>Test Report: </h1>  
153 -  
154 - <h2>Summary</h2>  
155 - <table id="summary">  
156 - <tr>  
157 - <th>START AT</th>  
158 - <td colspan="4">2020-07-04T15:01:02.221713</td>  
159 - </tr>  
160 - <tr>  
161 - <th>DURATION</th>  
162 - <td colspan="4">0.194 seconds</td>  
163 - </tr>  
164 - <tr>  
165 - <th>PLATFORM</th>  
166 - <td>HttpRunner 2.5.5 </td>  
167 - <td>CPython 3.8.1 </td>  
168 - <td colspan="2">Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1</td>  
169 - </tr>  
170 - <tr>  
171 - <th>STAT</th>  
172 - <th colspan="2">TESTCASES (success/fail)</th>  
173 - <th colspan="2">TESTSTEPS (success/fail/error/skip)</th>  
174 - </tr>  
175 - <tr>  
176 - <td>total (details) =></td>  
177 - <td colspan="2">1 (1/0)</td>  
178 - <td colspan="2">2 (2/0/0/0)</td>  
179 - </tr>  
180 - </table>  
181 -  
182 - <h2>Details</h2>  
183 -  
184 -  
185 -  
186 - <h3>call demo_testcase with data 1</h3>  
187 - <table id="suite_1" class="details">  
188 - <tr>  
189 - <td>TOTAL: 2</td>  
190 - <td>SUCCESS: 2</td>  
191 - <td>FAILED: 0</td>  
192 - <td>ERROR: 0</td>  
193 - <td>SKIPPED: 0</td>  
194 - </tr>  
195 - <tr>  
196 - <th>Status</th>  
197 - <th colspan="2">Name</th>  
198 - <th>Response Time</th>  
199 - <th>Detail</th>  
200 - </tr>  
201 -  
202 -  
203 -  
204 -  
205 - <tr id="record_1_1">  
206 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
207 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 登录系统</td>  
208 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">107.01 ms</td>  
209 - <td class="detail">  
210 -  
211 -  
212 -  
213 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_1_1">log-1</a>  
214 - <div id="popup_log_1_1_1" class="overlay">  
215 - <div class="popup">  
216 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
217 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_1_1">&times;</a>  
218 -  
219 - <div class="content">  
220 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 登录系统</h3>  
221 -  
222 -  
223 -  
224 -  
225 -  
226 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
227 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
228 - <table>  
229 -  
230 - <tr>  
231 - <th>url</th>  
232 - <td>  
233 -  
234 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
235 -  
236 - </td>  
237 - </tr>  
238 -  
239 - <tr>  
240 - <th>method</th>  
241 - <td>  
242 -  
243 - POST  
244 -  
245 - </td>  
246 - </tr>  
247 -  
248 - <tr>  
249 - <th>headers</th>  
250 - <td>  
251 -  
252 - <pre>{  
253 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36&#34;,  
254 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
255 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
256 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
257 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
258 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;83&#34;  
259 -}</pre>  
260 -  
261 - </td>  
262 - </tr>  
263 -  
264 - <tr>  
265 - <th>body</th>  
266 - <td>  
267 -  
268 - <pre>{  
269 - &#34;password&#34;: &#34;7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b&#34;,  
270 - &#34;username&#34;: &#34;10000000001&#34;  
271 -}</pre>  
272 -  
273 - </td>  
274 - </tr>  
275 -  
276 - </table>  
277 - </div>  
278 -  
279 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
280 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
281 - <table>  
282 -  
283 - <tr>  
284 - <th>ok</th>  
285 - <td>  
286 -  
287 - True  
288 -  
289 - </td>  
290 - </tr>  
291 -  
292 - <tr>  
293 - <th>url</th>  
294 - <td>  
295 -  
296 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
297 -  
298 - </td>  
299 - </tr>  
300 -  
301 - <tr>  
302 - <th>status_code</th>  
303 - <td>  
304 -  
305 - 200  
306 -  
307 - </td>  
308 - </tr>  
309 -  
310 - <tr>  
311 - <th>reason</th>  
312 - <td>  
313 -  
314 - OK  
315 -  
316 - </td>  
317 - </tr>  
318 -  
319 - <tr>  
320 - <th>cookies</th>  
321 - <td>  
322 -  
323 - {}  
324 -  
325 - </td>  
326 - </tr>  
327 -  
328 - <tr>  
329 - <th>encoding</th>  
330 - <td>  
331 -  
332 - utf-8  
333 -  
334 - </td>  
335 - </tr>  
336 -  
337 - <tr>  
338 - <th>headers</th>  
339 - <td>  
340 -  
341 - <pre>{  
342 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 15:01:02 GMT&#34;,  
343 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
344 - &#34;Transfer-Encoding&#34;: &#34;chunked&#34;,  
345 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
346 - &#34;Vary&#34;: &#34;Accept-Encoding, Accept-Encoding&#34;,  
347 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
348 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
349 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
350 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
351 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
352 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;,  
353 - &#34;Content-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip&#34;  
354 -}</pre>  
355 -  
356 - </td>  
357 - </tr>  
358 -  
359 - <tr>  
360 - <th>content_type</th>  
361 - <td>  
362 -  
363 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
364 -  
365 - </td>  
366 - </tr>  
367 -  
368 - <tr>  
369 - <th>body</th>  
370 - <td>  
371 -  
372 -  
373 - <pre>{  
374 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
375 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
376 - &#34;data&#34;: {  
377 - &#34;access&#34;: {  
378 - &#34;accessToken&#34;: &#34;eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTgwNjIsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDg2MiwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDg2MiwidWlkIjoxfQ.t-frysjdFqUWASwd7CBrw0HtiAxRbVX7CORhYnmDpMI&#34;,  
379 - &#34;expiresIn&#34;: 43200  
380 - }  
381 - }  
382 -}</pre>  
383 -  
384 -  
385 - </td>  
386 - </tr>  
387 -  
388 - </table>  
389 - </div>  
390 -  
391 -  
392 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
393 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
394 -  
395 -  
396 - <table>  
397 - <tr>  
398 - <th>check</th>  
399 - <th>comparator</th>  
400 - <th>expect value</th>  
401 - <th>actual value</th>  
402 - </tr>  
403 -  
404 - <tr>  
405 -  
406 - <td class="passed">  
407 -  
408 - content.msg  
409 - </td>  
410 - <td>equals</td>  
411 - <td>ok</td>  
412 - <td>ok</td>  
413 - </tr>  
414 -  
415 - </table>  
416 -  
417 -  
418 -  
419 -  
420 - </div>  
421 -  
422 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
423 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
424 - <table>  
425 - <tr>  
426 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
427 - <td>310</td>  
428 - </tr>  
429 - <tr>  
430 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
431 - <td>107.01</td>  
432 - </tr>  
433 - <tr>  
434 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
435 - <td>98.99</td>  
436 - </tr>  
437 - </table>  
438 - </div>  
439 -  
440 - </div>  
441 - </div>  
442 - </div>  
443 -  
444 -  
445 -  
446 -  
447 - </td>  
448 - </tr>  
449 -  
450 -  
451 -  
452 - <tr id="record_1_2">  
453 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
454 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 新增意向订单</td>  
455 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">41.00 ms</td>  
456 - <td class="detail">  
457 -  
458 -  
459 -  
460 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_2_1">log-1</a>  
461 - <div id="popup_log_1_2_1" class="overlay">  
462 - <div class="popup">  
463 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
464 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_2_1">&times;</a>  
465 -  
466 - <div class="content">  
467 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 新增意向订单</h3>  
468 -  
469 -  
470 -  
471 -  
472 -  
473 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
474 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
475 - <table>  
476 -  
477 - <tr>  
478 - <th>url</th>  
479 - <td>  
480 -  
481 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/purpose/update  
482 -  
483 - </td>  
484 - </tr>  
485 -  
486 - <tr>  
487 - <th>method</th>  
488 - <td>  
489 -  
490 - POST  
491 -  
492 - </td>  
493 - </tr>  
494 -  
495 - <tr>  
496 - <th>headers</th>  
497 - <td>  
498 -  
499 - <pre>{  
500 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;okhttp/3.12.3&#34;,  
501 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
502 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
503 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
504 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
505 - &#34;Authorization&#34;: &#34;Bearer bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTgwNjIsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDg2MiwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDg2MiwidWlkIjoxfQ.t-frysjdFqUWASwd7CBrw0HtiAxRbVX7CORhYnmDpMI&#34;,  
506 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;347&#34;  
507 -}</pre>  
508 -  
509 - </td>  
510 - </tr>  
511 -  
512 - <tr>  
513 - <th>body</th>  
514 - <td>  
515 -  
516 - <pre>{  
517 - &#34;buyer&#34;: &#34;我是买家2&#34;,  
518 - &#34;buyerPhone&#34;: &#34;13459147023&#34;,  
519 - &#34;address&#34;: &#34;福建省福州市收获地址1&#34;,  
520 - &#34;partner&#34;: 2,  
521 - &#34;partnerRatio&#34;: 99.19,  
522 - &#34;salesmanRatio&#34;: 0.99,  
523 - &#34;orderId&#34;: &#34;20200704230102&#34;,  
524 - &#34;orderName&#34;: &#34;20200704230102&#34;,  
525 - &#34;orderNum&#34;: 500,  
526 - &#34;orderPrice&#34;: 1000000000,  
527 - &#34;orderDist&#34;: &#34;福建一区&#34;  
528 -}</pre>  
529 -  
530 - </td>  
531 - </tr>  
532 -  
533 - </table>  
534 - </div>  
535 -  
536 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
537 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
538 - <table>  
539 -  
540 - <tr>  
541 - <th>ok</th>  
542 - <td>  
543 -  
544 - True  
545 -  
546 - </td>  
547 - </tr>  
548 -  
549 - <tr>  
550 - <th>url</th>  
551 - <td>  
552 -  
553 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/purpose/update  
554 -  
555 - </td>  
556 - </tr>  
557 -  
558 - <tr>  
559 - <th>status_code</th>  
560 - <td>  
561 -  
562 - 200  
563 -  
564 - </td>  
565 - </tr>  
566 -  
567 - <tr>  
568 - <th>reason</th>  
569 - <td>  
570 -  
571 - OK  
572 -  
573 - </td>  
574 - </tr>  
575 -  
576 - <tr>  
577 - <th>cookies</th>  
578 - <td>  
579 -  
580 - {}  
581 -  
582 - </td>  
583 - </tr>  
584 -  
585 - <tr>  
586 - <th>encoding</th>  
587 - <td>  
588 -  
589 - utf-8  
590 -  
591 - </td>  
592 - </tr>  
593 -  
594 - <tr>  
595 - <th>headers</th>  
596 - <td>  
597 -  
598 - <pre>{  
599 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 15:01:02 GMT&#34;,  
600 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
601 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;44&#34;,  
602 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
603 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
604 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
605 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
606 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
607 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
608 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;  
609 -}</pre>  
610 -  
611 - </td>  
612 - </tr>  
613 -  
614 - <tr>  
615 - <th>content_type</th>  
616 - <td>  
617 -  
618 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
619 -  
620 - </td>  
621 - </tr>  
622 -  
623 - <tr>  
624 - <th>body</th>  
625 - <td>  
626 -  
627 -  
628 - <pre>{  
629 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
630 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
631 - &#34;data&#34;: {}  
632 -}</pre>  
633 -  
634 -  
635 - </td>  
636 - </tr>  
637 -  
638 - </table>  
639 - </div>  
640 -  
641 -  
642 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
643 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
644 -  
645 -  
646 -  
647 -  
648 -  
649 - </div>  
650 -  
651 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
652 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
653 - <table>  
654 - <tr>  
655 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
656 - <td>44</td>  
657 - </tr>  
658 - <tr>  
659 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
660 - <td>41.0</td>  
661 - </tr>  
662 - <tr>  
663 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
664 - <td>36.671</td>  
665 - </tr>  
666 - </table>  
667 - </div>  
668 -  
669 - </div>  
670 - </div>  
671 - </div>  
672 -  
673 -  
674 -  
675 -  
676 - </td>  
677 - </tr>  
678 -  
679 - </table>  
680 -  
681 -</body>  
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38 - }  
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147 -  
148 - </style>  
149 -</head>  
150 -  
151 -<body>  
152 - <h1>Test Report: </h1>  
153 -  
154 - <h2>Summary</h2>  
155 - <table id="summary">  
156 - <tr>  
157 - <th>START AT</th>  
158 - <td colspan="4">2020-07-04T15:01:27.659168</td>  
159 - </tr>  
160 - <tr>  
161 - <th>DURATION</th>  
162 - <td colspan="4">0.204 seconds</td>  
163 - </tr>  
164 - <tr>  
165 - <th>PLATFORM</th>  
166 - <td>HttpRunner 2.5.5 </td>  
167 - <td>CPython 3.8.1 </td>  
168 - <td colspan="2">Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1</td>  
169 - </tr>  
170 - <tr>  
171 - <th>STAT</th>  
172 - <th colspan="2">TESTCASES (success/fail)</th>  
173 - <th colspan="2">TESTSTEPS (success/fail/error/skip)</th>  
174 - </tr>  
175 - <tr>  
176 - <td>total (details) =></td>  
177 - <td colspan="2">1 (1/0)</td>  
178 - <td colspan="2">2 (2/0/0/0)</td>  
179 - </tr>  
180 - </table>  
181 -  
182 - <h2>Details</h2>  
183 -  
184 -  
185 -  
186 - <h3>call demo_testcase with data 1</h3>  
187 - <table id="suite_1" class="details">  
188 - <tr>  
189 - <td>TOTAL: 2</td>  
190 - <td>SUCCESS: 2</td>  
191 - <td>FAILED: 0</td>  
192 - <td>ERROR: 0</td>  
193 - <td>SKIPPED: 0</td>  
194 - </tr>  
195 - <tr>  
196 - <th>Status</th>  
197 - <th colspan="2">Name</th>  
198 - <th>Response Time</th>  
199 - <th>Detail</th>  
200 - </tr>  
201 -  
202 -  
203 -  
204 -  
205 - <tr id="record_1_1">  
206 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
207 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 登录系统</td>  
208 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">116.01 ms</td>  
209 - <td class="detail">  
210 -  
211 -  
212 -  
213 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_1_1">log-1</a>  
214 - <div id="popup_log_1_1_1" class="overlay">  
215 - <div class="popup">  
216 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
217 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_1_1">&times;</a>  
218 -  
219 - <div class="content">  
220 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 登录系统</h3>  
221 -  
222 -  
223 -  
224 -  
225 -  
226 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
227 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
228 - <table>  
229 -  
230 - <tr>  
231 - <th>url</th>  
232 - <td>  
233 -  
234 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
235 -  
236 - </td>  
237 - </tr>  
238 -  
239 - <tr>  
240 - <th>method</th>  
241 - <td>  
242 -  
243 - POST  
244 -  
245 - </td>  
246 - </tr>  
247 -  
248 - <tr>  
249 - <th>headers</th>  
250 - <td>  
251 -  
252 - <pre>{  
253 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36&#34;,  
254 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
255 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
256 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
257 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
258 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;83&#34;  
259 -}</pre>  
260 -  
261 - </td>  
262 - </tr>  
263 -  
264 - <tr>  
265 - <th>body</th>  
266 - <td>  
267 -  
268 - <pre>{  
269 - &#34;password&#34;: &#34;7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b&#34;,  
270 - &#34;username&#34;: &#34;10000000001&#34;  
271 -}</pre>  
272 -  
273 - </td>  
274 - </tr>  
275 -  
276 - </table>  
277 - </div>  
278 -  
279 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
280 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
281 - <table>  
282 -  
283 - <tr>  
284 - <th>ok</th>  
285 - <td>  
286 -  
287 - True  
288 -  
289 - </td>  
290 - </tr>  
291 -  
292 - <tr>  
293 - <th>url</th>  
294 - <td>  
295 -  
296 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/auth/login  
297 -  
298 - </td>  
299 - </tr>  
300 -  
301 - <tr>  
302 - <th>status_code</th>  
303 - <td>  
304 -  
305 - 200  
306 -  
307 - </td>  
308 - </tr>  
309 -  
310 - <tr>  
311 - <th>reason</th>  
312 - <td>  
313 -  
314 - OK  
315 -  
316 - </td>  
317 - </tr>  
318 -  
319 - <tr>  
320 - <th>cookies</th>  
321 - <td>  
322 -  
323 - {}  
324 -  
325 - </td>  
326 - </tr>  
327 -  
328 - <tr>  
329 - <th>encoding</th>  
330 - <td>  
331 -  
332 - utf-8  
333 -  
334 - </td>  
335 - </tr>  
336 -  
337 - <tr>  
338 - <th>headers</th>  
339 - <td>  
340 -  
341 - <pre>{  
342 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 15:01:28 GMT&#34;,  
343 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
344 - &#34;Transfer-Encoding&#34;: &#34;chunked&#34;,  
345 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
346 - &#34;Vary&#34;: &#34;Accept-Encoding, Accept-Encoding&#34;,  
347 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
348 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
349 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
350 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
351 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
352 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;,  
353 - &#34;Content-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip&#34;  
354 -}</pre>  
355 -  
356 - </td>  
357 - </tr>  
358 -  
359 - <tr>  
360 - <th>content_type</th>  
361 - <td>  
362 -  
363 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
364 -  
365 - </td>  
366 - </tr>  
367 -  
368 - <tr>  
369 - <th>body</th>  
370 - <td>  
371 -  
372 -  
373 - <pre>{  
374 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
375 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
376 - &#34;data&#34;: {  
377 - &#34;access&#34;: {  
378 - &#34;accessToken&#34;: &#34;eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTgwODgsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDg4OCwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDg4OCwidWlkIjoxfQ.s8nznrxx2-Vumr4eAZbLXfiSjAT-C2nuw4b0ku7hcKg&#34;,  
379 - &#34;expiresIn&#34;: 43200  
380 - }  
381 - }  
382 -}</pre>  
383 -  
384 -  
385 - </td>  
386 - </tr>  
387 -  
388 - </table>  
389 - </div>  
390 -  
391 -  
392 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
393 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
394 -  
395 -  
396 - <table>  
397 - <tr>  
398 - <th>check</th>  
399 - <th>comparator</th>  
400 - <th>expect value</th>  
401 - <th>actual value</th>  
402 - </tr>  
403 -  
404 - <tr>  
405 -  
406 - <td class="passed">  
407 -  
408 - content.msg  
409 - </td>  
410 - <td>equals</td>  
411 - <td>ok</td>  
412 - <td>ok</td>  
413 - </tr>  
414 -  
415 - </table>  
416 -  
417 -  
418 -  
419 -  
420 - </div>  
421 -  
422 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
423 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
424 - <table>  
425 - <tr>  
426 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
427 - <td>310</td>  
428 - </tr>  
429 - <tr>  
430 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
431 - <td>116.01</td>  
432 - </tr>  
433 - <tr>  
434 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
435 - <td>109.639</td>  
436 - </tr>  
437 - </table>  
438 - </div>  
439 -  
440 - </div>  
441 - </div>  
442 - </div>  
443 -  
444 -  
445 -  
446 -  
447 - </td>  
448 - </tr>  
449 -  
450 -  
451 -  
452 - <tr id="record_1_2">  
453 - <th class="success" style="width:5em;">success</th>  
454 - <td colspan="2">10000000001 新增意向订单</td>  
455 - <td style="text-align:center;width:6em;">37.00 ms</td>  
456 - <td class="detail">  
457 -  
458 -  
459 -  
460 - <a class="button" href="#popup_log_1_2_1">log-1</a>  
461 - <div id="popup_log_1_2_1" class="overlay">  
462 - <div class="popup">  
463 - <h2>Request and Response data</h2>  
464 - <a class="close" href="#record_1_2_1">&times;</a>  
465 -  
466 - <div class="content">  
467 - <h3>Name: 10000000001 新增意向订单</h3>  
468 -  
469 -  
470 -  
471 -  
472 -  
473 - <h3>Request:</h3>  
474 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
475 - <table>  
476 -  
477 - <tr>  
478 - <th>url</th>  
479 - <td>  
480 -  
481 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/purpose/update  
482 -  
483 - </td>  
484 - </tr>  
485 -  
486 - <tr>  
487 - <th>method</th>  
488 - <td>  
489 -  
490 - POST  
491 -  
492 - </td>  
493 - </tr>  
494 -  
495 - <tr>  
496 - <th>headers</th>  
497 - <td>  
498 -  
499 - <pre>{  
500 - &#34;User-Agent&#34;: &#34;okhttp/3.12.3&#34;,  
501 - &#34;Accept-Encoding&#34;: &#34;gzip, deflate&#34;,  
502 - &#34;Accept&#34;: &#34;*/*&#34;,  
503 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
504 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json;charset=utf-8&#34;,  
505 - &#34;Authorization&#34;: &#34;Bearer bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTM5MTgwODgsImlhdCI6MTU5Mzg3NDg4OCwiaXNzIjoibW1tX3BhcnRuZXJtZyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5Mzg3NDg4OCwidWlkIjoxfQ.s8nznrxx2-Vumr4eAZbLXfiSjAT-C2nuw4b0ku7hcKg&#34;,  
506 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;348&#34;  
507 -}</pre>  
508 -  
509 - </td>  
510 - </tr>  
511 -  
512 - <tr>  
513 - <th>body</th>  
514 - <td>  
515 -  
516 - <pre>{  
517 - &#34;buyer&#34;: &#34;我是买家27&#34;,  
518 - &#34;buyerPhone&#34;: &#34;13459147023&#34;,  
519 - &#34;address&#34;: &#34;福建省福州市收获地址1&#34;,  
520 - &#34;partner&#34;: 2,  
521 - &#34;partnerRatio&#34;: 99.19,  
522 - &#34;salesmanRatio&#34;: 0.99,  
523 - &#34;orderId&#34;: &#34;20200704230127&#34;,  
524 - &#34;orderName&#34;: &#34;20200704230127&#34;,  
525 - &#34;orderNum&#34;: 500,  
526 - &#34;orderPrice&#34;: 1000000000,  
527 - &#34;orderDist&#34;: &#34;福建一区&#34;  
528 -}</pre>  
529 -  
530 - </td>  
531 - </tr>  
532 -  
533 - </table>  
534 - </div>  
535 -  
536 - <h3>Response:</h3>  
537 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
538 - <table>  
539 -  
540 - <tr>  
541 - <th>ok</th>  
542 - <td>  
543 -  
544 - True  
545 -  
546 - </td>  
547 - </tr>  
548 -  
549 - <tr>  
550 - <th>url</th>  
551 - <td>  
552 -  
553 - https://public-interface.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-partnermg/v1/order/purpose/update  
554 -  
555 - </td>  
556 - </tr>  
557 -  
558 - <tr>  
559 - <th>status_code</th>  
560 - <td>  
561 -  
562 - 200  
563 -  
564 - </td>  
565 - </tr>  
566 -  
567 - <tr>  
568 - <th>reason</th>  
569 - <td>  
570 -  
571 - OK  
572 -  
573 - </td>  
574 - </tr>  
575 -  
576 - <tr>  
577 - <th>cookies</th>  
578 - <td>  
579 -  
580 - {}  
581 -  
582 - </td>  
583 - </tr>  
584 -  
585 - <tr>  
586 - <th>encoding</th>  
587 - <td>  
588 -  
589 - utf-8  
590 -  
591 - </td>  
592 - </tr>  
593 -  
594 - <tr>  
595 - <th>headers</th>  
596 - <td>  
597 -  
598 - <pre>{  
599 - &#34;Date&#34;: &#34;Sat, 04 Jul 2020 15:01:28 GMT&#34;,  
600 - &#34;Content-Type&#34;: &#34;application/json; charset=utf-8&#34;,  
601 - &#34;Content-Length&#34;: &#34;44&#34;,  
602 - &#34;Connection&#34;: &#34;keep-alive&#34;,  
603 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials&#34;: &#34;true&#34;,  
604 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Headers&#34;: &#34;Origin,Authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,x-requested-with&#34;,  
605 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Methods&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
606 - &#34;Access-Control-Allow-Origin&#34;: &#34;*&#34;,  
607 - &#34;Access-Control-Expose-Headers&#34;: &#34;Content-Length&#34;,  
608 - &#34;Strict-Transport-Security&#34;: &#34;max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains&#34;  
609 -}</pre>  
610 -  
611 - </td>  
612 - </tr>  
613 -  
614 - <tr>  
615 - <th>content_type</th>  
616 - <td>  
617 -  
618 - application/json; charset=utf-8  
619 -  
620 - </td>  
621 - </tr>  
622 -  
623 - <tr>  
624 - <th>body</th>  
625 - <td>  
626 -  
627 -  
628 - <pre>{  
629 - &#34;code&#34;: 0,  
630 - &#34;msg&#34;: &#34;ok&#34;,  
631 - &#34;data&#34;: {}  
632 -}</pre>  
633 -  
634 -  
635 - </td>  
636 - </tr>  
637 -  
638 - </table>  
639 - </div>  
640 -  
641 -  
642 - <h3>Validators:</h3>  
643 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
644 -  
645 -  
646 -  
647 -  
648 -  
649 - </div>  
650 -  
651 - <h3>Statistics:</h3>  
652 - <div style="overflow: auto">  
653 - <table>  
654 - <tr>  
655 - <th>content_size(bytes)</th>  
656 - <td>44</td>  
657 - </tr>  
658 - <tr>  
659 - <th>response_time(ms)</th>  
660 - <td>37.0</td>  
661 - </tr>  
662 - <tr>  
663 - <th>elapsed(ms)</th>  
664 - <td>33.911</td>  
665 - </tr>  
666 - </table>  
667 - </div>  
668 -  
669 - </div>  
670 - </div>  
671 - </div>  
672 -  
673 -  
674 -  
675 -  
676 - </td>  
677 - </tr>  
678 -  
679 - </table>  
680 -  
681 -</body>