作者 kevin

add quick start

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# go-stash项目介绍
# go-stash
go-stash is a free and open server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from Kafka, transforms it, and then sends it to ElasticSearch.
## Quick Start
gostash -f etc/config.json
config.json looks like:
"Input": {
"Kafka": {
"Name": "gostash",
"Brokers": [
"Topic": "k8slog",
"Group": "pro",
"NumProducers": 16,
"MetricsUrl": "http://localhost:2222/add"
"Filters": [
"Action": "drop",
"Conditions": [
"Key": "k8s_container_name",
"Value": "-rpc",
"Type": "contains"
"Key": "level",
"Value": "info",
"Type": "match",
"Op": "and"
"Action": "remove_field",
"Fields": [
"Output": {
"ElasticSearch": {
"Hosts": [
"DailyIndexPrefix": "k8s_pro-"
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