作者 yangfu

Merge branch 'dev' of http://gitlab.fjmaimaimai.com/mmm-go/oppmg into dev

FROM golang:1.13 as builder
# ENV GOPROXY https://goproxy.cn
... ...
... ... @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func (c *AuditController) AuditList() {
uid := c.GetUserId()
companyId := c.GetCompanyId()
list, err := serveaudit.GetAuditList(param, companyId, uid)
msg = protocol.NewReturnResponse(list, err)
msg = protocol.NewPageDataResponse(list, err)
... ...
... ... @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
serveauth "oppmg/services/auth"
... ... @@ -28,16 +30,24 @@ func (this *BaseController) Prepare() {
// p := this.Ctx.Input.GetData("RouterPattern")
// userid := this.GetUserId()
// companyid := this.GetCompanyId()
if beego.BConfig.RunMode == "dev" {
p := fmt.Sprint(this.Ctx.Input.GetData("RouterPattern"))
userid := this.GetUserId()
companyid := this.GetCompanyId()
ok := serveauth.ValidUserPermission(p, userid, companyid)
if !ok {
msg := protocol.NewMessage("10080")
func (this *BaseController) GetAppHead() (appHead protocol.BaseHeader) {
appHead.AccessToken = this.Ctx.Input.Header(protocol.HeaderAccessToken)
//appHead.RefreshToken = this.Ctx.Input.Header(protocol.HeaderRefreshToken)
... ...
package models
import (
type AuditFlowProcess struct {
Id int64 `orm:"column(id);pk" description:"唯一标识"`
ChanceId int64 `orm:"column(chance_id)" description:"实例id,关联chance表id"`
Uid int64 `orm:"column(uid)" description:"用户id(审批人)"`
Level int `orm:"column(level)" description:"审批步骤"`
IsActive int8 `orm:"column(is_active)" description:"是否激活"`
ApproveTime time.Time `orm:"column(approve_time);type(timestamp);null" description:"审批时间"`
BasicScore float64 `orm:"column(basic_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"基础评分"`
ExtraScore float64 `orm:"column(extra_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"附加评分"`
ValueScore float64 `orm:"column(value_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"价值评分"`
DiscoveryScore float64 `orm:"column(discovery_score);null;digits(4);decimals(0)" description:"发现评分"`
ReviewStatus int8 `orm:"column(review_status)" description:"审核状态 审核状态 0:待处理 1:待审核 2:被退回 3:已通过 4:提交 "`
AuditFlowType int `orm:"column(audit_flow_type)" description:"审核流类型 1.部门长 2.指定成员 3.指定角色 4.特殊审核人"`
FlowType int `orm:"column(flow_type)" description:"审批类型 1:正常审核 2:特殊审核"`
ActionType int `orm:"column(action_type)" description:"审批执行方式【1:or】【2:and】"`
CreateAt time.Time `orm:"column(create_at);type(timestamp)" description:"创建时间"`
UpdateAt time.Time `orm:"column(update_at);type(timestamp)" description:"更新时间"`
EnableStatus int8 `orm:"column(enable_status)" description:"有效状态 0:无效 1:有效 (被驳回以后,未完成的审核置为无效)"`
ApproveData string `orm:"column(approve_data);size(500);null" description:"审核数据 json{公开状态 公开对象 分数}"`
UserName string `orm:"column(user_name);size(50);null" description:"用户名-冗余"`
RoleName string `orm:"column(role_name);size(50);null" description:"角色名-冗余"`
RoleId int `orm:"column(role_id);null" description:"角色id-冗余"`
ApproveMessage string `orm:"column(approve_message);size(255);null" description:"审核消息-冗余"`
TemplateId int `orm:"column(template_id);null" description:"模板编号"`
func (t *AuditFlowProcess) TableName() string {
return "audit_flow_process"
func init() {
//有效状态 0:无效 1:有效 (被驳回以后,未完成的审核置为无效)
const (
AuditFlowProcessEnableYes int = 1
AuditFlowProcessEnableNo int = 0
//审核状态 审核状态 0:待处理 1:待审核 2:被退回 3:已通过 4:提交
const (
AuditFlowProcessReviewWait int = 0
AuditFlowProcessReviewIng int = 1
AuditFlowProcessReviewBack int = 2
AuditFlowProcessReviewPass int = 3
AuditFlowProcessReviewCommit int = 4
// GetAuditFlowProcessById retrieves AuditFlowProcess by Id. Returns error if
// Id doesn't exist
func GetAuditFlowProcessById(id int64) (v *AuditFlowProcess, err error) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
v = &AuditFlowProcess{Id: id}
if err = o.Read(v); err == nil {
return v, nil
return nil, err
... ...
... ... @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ type Bulletin struct {
//AllowCondition int8 `orm:"column(allow_condition);null" description:"关闭条件 (1(bit 0):公告内容查看完 2(bit 1):回答完问题)"`
CompanyId int64 `orm:"column(company_id);null" description:"公司Id"`
Status int8 `orm:"column(status)" description:"状态 1-下架 2-上架"`
AllPeople int8 `orm:"column(all_people);null" description:"是否是所有人 0:否 1:是"`
func (t *Bulletin) TableName() string {
... ...
... ... @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ type Chance struct {
PublishStatus int `orm:"column(publish_status)" description:"公开状态 -1 未公开、1部门公开、2公司公开"`
AuditLevel int `orm:"column(audit_level)" description:"当前审批步骤"`
ApproveData string `orm:"column(approve_data);size(500);null" description:"公开数据 (公开状态 公开对象)"`
Code string `orm:"column(code)" description:"机会编码"`
func (t *Chance) TableName() string {
... ...
... ... @@ -143,3 +143,15 @@ func GetUserCompanyReal(ids []int64) ([]UserCompany, error) {
return data, err
func GetUserCompanyAll(companyId int64) (v []*UserCompany, err error) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
sql := `select a.*,b.nick_name from (
select id,user_id from user_company where company_id=? and enable=1
)a inner join user b on a.user_id = b.id`
if _, err = o.Raw(sql, companyId).QueryRows(&v); err == nil {
return v, nil
return nil, err
... ...
... ... @@ -263,6 +263,8 @@ type RspAuditList struct {
ReviewStatusName string `json:"review_status_name"`
EnableStatus int8 `json:"enable_status"`
EnableStatusName string `json:"enable_status_name"`
DiscoveryScore string `json:"discovery_score"`
CommentTotal string `json:"comment_total"`
type ChanceFlowLog struct {
... ...
... ... @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type BulletinReleaseRequest struct {
//AllowCondition int `json:"allow_condition"`
QuestionSwitch int `json:"question_switch"`
Receiver []VisibleObject `json:"receiver"`
SendToAll int `json:"send_to_all"` //所有人 1:是 0:否
AllPeo int8 `json:"allPeo"` //所有人 1:是 0:否
Question Question `json:"question"`
Cover Cover `json:"cover"`
IsPublish int `json:"is_publish"` //是否直接发布 0:否 1:直接发布
... ... @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ type GetBulletinResponse struct {
Title string `json:"title" valid:"Required"`
Content string `json:"content" valid:"Required"`
AllowClose int `json:"allow_close"`
AllPeo int8 `json:"allPeo"` //所有人 1:是 0:否
//AllowCondition int `json:"allow_condition"`
QuestionSwitch int `json:"question_switch"`
Receiver []VisibleObject `json:"receiver" valid:"Required"`
... ... @@ -90,10 +91,12 @@ type UpdateBulletinRequest struct {
Content string `json:"content" valid:"Required"`
AllowClose int `json:"allow_close"`
//AllowCondition int `json:"allow_condition"`
AllPeo int8 `json:"allPeo"` //所有人 1:是 0:否
QuestionSwitch int `json:"question_switch"`
Receiver []VisibleObject `json:"receiver" valid:"Required"`
Receiver []VisibleObject `json:"receiver"`
Question Question `json:"question"`
Cover Cover `json:"cover" valid:"Required"`
IsPublish int `json:"is_publish"` //是否直接发布 0:否 1:直接发布
type UpdateBulletinResponse struct {
... ...
... ... @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ var errmessge ErrorMap = map[string]string{
"10012": "超过10级的职位限制,请重新选择",
"10013": "同一级职位名称不允许重复",
"10014": "职位名称最多10个字符",
"10015": "上级职位不能选择当前职位及其下级职位",
"10020": "验证码过期",
"10021": "账号或密码不正确",
... ... @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ var errmessge ErrorMap = map[string]string{
"10027": "无操作权限",
"10028": "验证码错误",
"10029": "获取验证码失败",
"10080": "无操作权限",
"10031": "无效角色",
... ... @@ -47,6 +49,8 @@ var errmessge ErrorMap = map[string]string{
"10071": "不能删除主管理员",
"10072": "不能禁用主管理员",
"10073": "角色组已存在",
"10074": "删除失败,存在需要用户审批的单子",
"10075": "禁用失败,存在需要用户审批的单子",
"10041": "无效的主管设置",
"10042": "上级部门不能选择当前部门及其子部门",
... ... @@ -76,6 +80,7 @@ var errmessge ErrorMap = map[string]string{
"10276": "最多选择1个角色",
"10277": "最多一个小数",
"10278": "公告标题大于30个字符",
"10279": "该子分类名称已存在",
"10170": "请选择指定成员",
"10171": "请选择审批人类别",
... ... @@ -90,6 +95,8 @@ var errmessge ErrorMap = map[string]string{
"12101": "分值范围不符合要求",
"12102": "评分规则不符合要求",
"10091": "至少选择一个特定部门",
//错误码转换 ,兼容需要
... ...
... ... @@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ func GetAuditList(param protocol.RequestAuditList, companyid int64, userid int64
ReviewStatus: v.ReviewStatus,
ReviewStatusName: models.ChanceReviewStatusMap[v.ReviewStatus],
Code: v.Code,
DiscoveryScore: v.DiscoveryScore,
CommentTotal: v.CommentTotal,
if t < 0 {
... ...
... ... @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func TemplateAdd(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.TemplateAddRequest) (rs
if _, err = models.GetAuditTemplateByName(companyId, request.Template.Name); err == nil {
err = protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10271")
err = protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10279")
orm := orm2.NewOrm()
... ... @@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ func TemplateAdd(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.TemplateAddRequest) (rs
flowConfig.ToRole = jsonAssertMarsh(getIdsFrom(config.ToRole))
flowConfig.ToUser = jsonAssertMarsh(getIdsFrom(config.ToUser))
flowConfig.ActionType = config.AcitonType
//flowConfig.FlowType = config.ProcessType
//flowConfig.AuditFlowType = config.ApproveType
flowConfig.CreateAt = time.Now()
flowConfig.AuditGroupId = int64(config.GroupId)
flowConfig.ConfigData = jsonAssertMarsh(config)
... ... @@ -160,10 +162,12 @@ func TemplateUpdate(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.TemplateUpdateReques
log.Error("template_id:%v 不存在 ,err:%v", request.Template.Id, err.Error())
if template.Name != request.Template.Name {
if _, err = models.GetAuditTemplateByName(companyId, request.Template.Name); err == nil {
err = protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10271")
err = protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10279")
orm := orm2.NewOrm()
... ... @@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ func TemplateUpdate(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.TemplateUpdateReques
for i := range request.AuditFlowConfig.ProcessConfig {
config := request.AuditFlowConfig.ProcessConfig[i]
flowConfig := &models.AuditFlowConfig{
AuditFlowType: config.ProcessType,
//AuditFlowType: config.ApproveType,
if config.ProcessType == models.FlowTypeNormal {
flowConfig.Level = normalLevel
... ... @@ -231,6 +235,8 @@ func TemplateUpdate(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.TemplateUpdateReques
flowConfig.ToRole = jsonAssertMarsh(getIdsFrom(config.ToRole))
flowConfig.ToUser = jsonAssertMarsh(getIdsFrom(config.ToUser))
flowConfig.ActionType = config.AcitonType
flowConfig.FlowType = config.ProcessType
flowConfig.AuditFlowType = config.ApproveType
flowConfig.CreateAt = time.Now()
flowConfig.AuditGroupId = int64(config.GroupId)
flowConfig.ConfigData = jsonAssertMarsh(config)
... ...
... ... @@ -143,30 +143,6 @@ func ChangeLoginToken(userid, companyid int64) (protocol.LoginAuthToken, error)
return logintoken, nil
// func RefreshLoginToken(refreshtoken string) (protocol.LoginAuthToken, error) {
// var (
// logintoken protocol.LoginAuthToken
// mtoken *MyToken
// err error
// storetoken redisdata.RedisLoginToken
// )
// mtoken, err = ValidJWTToken(refreshtoken)
// if err != nil {
// log.Debug("token失效 err:%s", err)
// return logintoken, protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10024")
// }
// storetoken, err = redisdata.GetLoginToken(mtoken.UID, mtoken.CompanyID)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error("redis err:%s", err)
// return logintoken, protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10024")
// }
// if storetoken.RefreshToken != refreshtoken {
// return logintoken, protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10024")
// }
// logintoken, _ = GenerateAuthToken(mtoken.UID, mtoken.CompanyID)
// return logintoken, nil
// }
func LoginAuthByUCenter(account, password string) (protocol.LoginAuthToken, error) {
var (
err error
... ... @@ -239,7 +215,7 @@ func LoginAuthByUCenter(account, password string) (protocol.LoginAuthToken, erro
log.Error("更新用户数据失败:%s", err)
InitPermission(usercompanyid, userdata.Id)
return logintoken, err
... ... @@ -392,22 +368,6 @@ func GetUserHasMenu(userid, companyid int64) ([]protocol.ResponseUserHasMenu, er
return list, nil
// func getAdminHasMenu() ([]protocol.PermissionItem, error) {
// const datasql string = `SELECT id,name,icon,parent_id,senior_status,sort,code
// FROM menu WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY sort `
// var (
// list = make([]protocol.PermissionItem, 0)
// err error
// )
// err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(&list, datasql)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error("EXECUTE SQL err:%s", err)
// return nil, protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
// }
// return list, nil
// }
func LoginAuthBySmsCode(phone string, code string) (protocol.LoginAuthToken, error) {
var (
err error
... ... @@ -477,7 +437,7 @@ func LoginAuthBySmsCode(phone string, code string) (protocol.LoginAuthToken, err
if err != nil {
log.Error("更新用户数据失败:%s", err)
InitPermission(usercompanyid, userdata.Id)
return logintoken, err
... ... @@ -508,7 +468,7 @@ func SmsCodeCheck(phone string, code string) error {
//InitPermission 登录时权限初始化
func InitPermission(usercompanyid int64) error {
func InitPermission(usercompanyid int64, usercompamyid int64) error {
var (
err error
permissionMap map[string]serverbac.PermissionOptionObject
... ... @@ -518,7 +478,8 @@ func InitPermission(usercompanyid int64) error {
return err
err = redisdata.SetUserPermission(permissionMap, usercompanyid)
err = redisdata.SetUserPermission(permissionMap, usercompamyid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("缓存用户权限失败:%s", err)
... ... @@ -536,9 +497,18 @@ func ValidUserPermission(urlPath string, userid int64, companyid int64) bool {
if !ok {
return true
companyinfo, err := models.GetCompanyById(companyid)
if err != nil {
return false
if companyinfo.AdminId == userid {
return true
permissionObj, err = redisdata.GetUserPermission(userid, permissionbase.CodeName)
if err != nil {
log.Error("未取到权限数据 err:%s", err)
return false
ok = permissionObj.GetValidFunc(permissionbase.ActionName)
... ...
... ... @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ func BulletinRelease(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.BulletinReleaseRequ
CreateAt: time.Now(),
UpdateAt: time.Now(),
Status: status,
AllPeople: request.AllPeo,
orm := orm2.NewOrm()
... ... @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ func BulletinRelease(uid, companyId int64, request *protocol.BulletinReleaseRequ
if request.IsPublish == 1 {
if err = sendBulletinUserMsg(orm, request.Receiver, companyId, int64(id), bulletin.Title); err != nil {
if err = sendBulletinUserMsg(orm, request.Receiver, companyId, int64(id), bulletin.Title, request.AllPeo); err != nil {
... ... @@ -136,14 +137,24 @@ func getBulletinReceiverIds(orm orm2.Ormer, receivers []protocol.VisibleObject,
func sendBulletinUserMsg(orm orm2.Ormer, receivers []protocol.VisibleObject, companyId int64, sourceId int64, message string) (err error) {
func sendBulletinUserMsg(orm orm2.Ormer, receivers []protocol.VisibleObject, companyId int64, sourceId int64, message string, allPeople int8) (err error) {
var (
ids []int64
sended = make(map[int64]int64)
if allPeople == 1 {
if userCompanys, e := models.GetUserCompanyAll(companyId); e == nil {
for i := range userCompanys {
ids = append(ids, userCompanys[i].Id)
} else {
log.Error("%v %v", companyId, e.Error())
} else {
if ids, err = getBulletinReceiverIds(orm, receivers, companyId, sourceId, message); err != nil {
for i := range ids {
if _, ok := sended[ids[i]]; ok {
... ... @@ -256,6 +267,7 @@ func GetBulletin(id int, companyId int64, request *protocol.GetBulletinRequest)
Title: bulletin.Title,
Content: bulletin.Content,
AllowClose: int(bulletin.AllowClose),
AllPeo: bulletin.AllPeople,
//AllowCondition: int(bulletin.AllowCondition),
Cover: protocol.Cover(bulletin.Cover),
Question: protocol.Question{
... ... @@ -326,7 +338,11 @@ func UpdateBulletin(companyId int64, request *protocol.UpdateBulletinRequest) (r
bulletin.QuestionSwitch = int8(request.QuestionSwitch)
//bulletin.AllowCondition = int8(request.AllowCondition)
bulletin.AllowClose = int8(request.AllowClose)
bulletin.AllPeople = request.AllPeo
bulletin.UpdateAt = time.Now()
if request.IsPublish == 1 && bulletin.Status == protocol.BulletinUnRelease {
bulletin.Status = protocol.BulletinRelease
if err = models.UpdateBulletinById(bulletin); err != nil {
... ... @@ -377,6 +393,14 @@ func UpdateBulletin(companyId int64, request *protocol.UpdateBulletinRequest) (r
orm := orm2.NewOrm()
if request.IsPublish == 1 && bulletin.Status == protocol.BulletinUnRelease {
if err = sendBulletinUserMsg(orm, request.Receiver, companyId, int64(bulletin.Id), bulletin.Title, request.AllPeo); err != nil {
... ... @@ -419,7 +443,7 @@ func OperateBulletin(companyId int64, request *protocol.OperateBulletinRequest)
if request.CmdType == protocol.BulletinRelease { //上架
status = protocol.BulletinRelease
if err = sendBulletinUserMsg(orm, receiver, companyId, int64(bulletin.Id), bulletin.Title); err != nil {
if err = sendBulletinUserMsg(orm, receiver, companyId, int64(bulletin.Id), bulletin.Title, bulletin.AllPeople); err != nil {
... ...
... ... @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func positionRelationUpdate(positionUpdate *models.Position, newparent *models.P
e := fmt.Errorf("departSubset[i].Id == newparent.Id")
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1", e)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10015", e)
s := strings.TrimPrefix(positionSubset[i].Relation, oldRelation)
... ...
... ... @@ -465,7 +465,14 @@ func UserDelete(userCompanyids []int64, companyid int64) error {
log.Error("获取用户数据失败:%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
exist := o.QueryTable(&models.AuditFlowProcess{}).
Filter("uid__in", userCompanyids).
Filter("enable_status", models.AuditFlowProcessEnableYes).
Filter("review_status__in", models.AuditFlowProcessReviewWait, models.AuditFlowProcessReviewIng).
if exist {
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10074")
var (
ids []int64
... ... @@ -657,6 +664,14 @@ func UserForbid(userCompanyids []int64, companyid int64) error {
log.Error("获取用户数据失败:%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
exist := o.QueryTable(&models.AuditFlowProcess{}).
Filter("uid__in", userCompanyids).
Filter("enable_status", models.AuditFlowProcessEnableYes).
Filter("review_status__in", models.AuditFlowProcessReviewWait, models.AuditFlowProcessReviewIng).
if exist {
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10075")
var (
ids []int64
... ...
... ... @@ -173,6 +173,13 @@ func UpdateSetOpportunity(param OptionOpportunity, roleid int64, companyid int64
err error
menuinfo *models.Menu
if param.Check == OpportunityCheckLv3 {
if len(param.CheckOption.Departments) == 0 {
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("10091")
menuinfo, err = models.GetMenuByCode(M_SYSTEM_OPPORTUNITY)
if err != nil {
log.Error("获取菜单数据失败GetMenuByCode(%s):%s", M_SYSTEM_OPPORTUNITY, err)
... ...
... ... @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ var RouterPermission = map[string]PermissionBase{
"/v1/rbac/role_group/add": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/role_group/edit": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/role_group/delete": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/role/menu": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/menu/list": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/menu": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/menu/edit": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/role/menu/edit": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/menu/opportunity": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/rbac/menu/opportunity/edit": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/user/list": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_ENTERPRISE_EMPLOYEE, ActionName: "default"},
... ... @@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ var RouterPermission = map[string]PermissionBase{
"/v1/template/deleteCategory": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_SYSTEM_OPPORTUNITY_TEMPLATE, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/config/score": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_SYSTEM_RATING, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/config/score/get": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_SYSTEM_RATING, ActionName: "default"},
"/v1/audit/list": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_SYSTEM_OPPORTUNITY, ActionName: "check"},
"/v1/audit/info": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_SYSTEM_OPPORTUNITY, ActionName: "check"},
"/v1/audit/allow_forbid": PermissionBase{CodeName: M_SYSTEM_OPPORTUNITY, ActionName: "close_chance"},
type CodeToObject func() PermissionOptionObject
... ... @@ -143,3 +146,26 @@ func GetUserPermission(userCompanyid int64) (map[string]PermissionOptionObject,
return objMap, nil
// func ValidUserPermission(urlPath string, userid int64, companyid int64) bool {
// var (
// err error
// permissionbase PermissionBase
// ok bool = false
// permissionObj PermissionOptionObject
// )
// permissionbase, ok = RouterPermission[urlPath]
// if !ok {
// return true
// }
// permissionObj, err = redisdata.GetUserPermission(userid, permissionbase.CodeName)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error("未取到权限数据")
// return false
// }
// ok = permissionObj.GetValidFunc(permissionbase.ActionName)
// if ok {
// return true
// }
// return false
// }
... ...
... ... @@ -135,7 +135,16 @@ func NewOptionOpportunity() PermissionOptionObject {
func (p *OptionOpportunity) GetValidFunc(k string) bool {
m := map[string]func() bool{
"check": p.ValidCheck,
"edit_sorce": p.ValidEditSorce,
"close_chance": p.ValidCloseChance,
"edit_public_status": p.ValidEditPublicStatus,
EditSorce int `json:"edit_sorce"`
EditPublicStatus int `json:"edit_public_status"`
CloseChance int `json:"close_chance"`
EditChance int `json:"edit_chance"`
if fn, ok := m[k]; ok {
b := fn()
return b
... ... @@ -217,6 +226,13 @@ func (p *OptionOpportunity) ValidEditPublicStatus() bool {
return false
func (p *OptionOpportunity) ValidCloseChance() bool {
if p.CloseChance > 0 {
return true
return false
// //StringUnmarshal PermissionOptionBase 接口实现
// func (p *OptionOpportunity) StringUnmarshal(s string) error {
// err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), p)
... ...
... ... @@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ func GetCaptchAuth(phone string) (string, error) {
return r, err
func SetUserPermission(objMap map[string]rbac.PermissionOptionObject, usercompanyid int64) error {
key := GetKeyUserPermission(usercompanyid)
func SetUserPermission(objMap map[string]rbac.PermissionOptionObject, userid int64) error {
key := GetKeyUserPermission(userid)
client := redis.GetRedis()
for k := range objMap {
s, err := json.Marshal(objMap[k])
... ...