
pkg/infrastructure/dao/pg_business_bonus.go 3.4 KB
唐旭辉 authored
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package dao

import (


type BusinessBonusDao struct {
	transactionContext *transaction.TransactionContext

func NewBusinessBonusDao(transactionContext *transaction.TransactionContext) (*BusinessBonusDao, error) {
	if transactionContext == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("transactionContext参数不能为nil")
	} else {
		return &BusinessBonusDao{
			transactionContext: transactionContext,
		}, nil
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// type CustomBusinessBonus struct {
// 	Id           int64
// 	Bonus        string
// 	BonusNot     string
// 	BonusExpense string
// 	BonusHas     string
// 	BonusStatus  int8
// 	PartnerName  string
// 	UpdateAt     time.Time
// }
唐旭辉 authored
唐旭辉 authored
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// func (dao BusinessBonusDao) SearchBusinessBonus(partnerId int64, partnerNameMatch string,
// 	companyId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]CustomBusinessBonus, error) {
// 	sql := `SELECT business_bonus.id, business_bonus.bonus,business_bonus.bonus_not
// 	,business_bonus.bonus_expense,business_bonus.bonus_status,business_bonus.update_at
// 	,partner_info.partner_name,business_bonus.bonus_has
// 	FROM business_bonus
// 	JOIN partner_info ON business_bonus.partner_info_id=partner_info.id
// 	WHERE business_bonus.is_disable=? AND business_bonus.company_id = ? `
// 	partnerCondition := []string{}
// 	allParam := []interface{}{domain.BUSINESS_BONUS_ENABLE, companyId}
// 	if partnerId > 0 {
// 		partnerCondition = append(partnerCondition, ` business_bonus.partner_info_id=? `)
// 		allParam = append(allParam, partnerId)
// 	}
// 	if len(partnerNameMatch) > 0 {
// 		allParam = append(allParam, "%"+partnerNameMatch+"%")
// 		partnerCondition = append(partnerCondition, ` partner_info.partner_name like ? `)
// 	}
// 	if len(partnerCondition) > 0 {
// 		sql += fmt.Sprintf(" AND (%s)", strings.Join(partnerCondition, " OR "))
// 	}
// 	sql += `ORDER BY  business_bonus.id DESC limit ? OFFSET ? `
// 	allParam = append(allParam, limit, offset)
// 	tx := dao.transactionContext.PgTx
// 	var (
// 		result []CustomBusinessBonus
// 		err    error
// 	)
// 	_, err = tx.Query(&result, sql, allParam...)
// 	return result, err
// }
唐旭辉 authored
唐旭辉 authored
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// func (dao BusinessBonusDao) CountBusinessBonus(partnerId int64, partnerNameMatch string,
// 	companyId int64, limit int, offset int) (int, error) {
// 	sql := `SELECT count(*)
// 	FROM business_bonus
// 	JOIN partner_info ON business_bonus.partner_info_id=partner_info.id
// 	WHERE business_bonus.is_disable=? AND business_bonus.company_id = ? `
// 	partnerCondition := []string{}
// 	allParam := []interface{}{domain.BUSINESS_BONUS_ENABLE, companyId}
// 	if partnerId > 0 {
// 		partnerCondition = append(partnerCondition, ` business_bonus.partner_info_id=? `)
// 		allParam = append(allParam, partnerId)
// 	}
// 	if len(partnerNameMatch) > 0 {
// 		allParam = append(allParam, "%"+partnerNameMatch+"%")
// 		partnerCondition = append(partnerCondition, ` partner_info.partner_name like ? `)
// 	}
// 	if len(partnerCondition) > 0 {
// 		sql += fmt.Sprintf(" AND (%s)", strings.Join(partnerCondition, " OR "))
// 	}
// 	tx := dao.transactionContext.PgTx
// 	var (
// 		result int
// 		err    error
// 	)
// 	_, err = tx.Query(&result, sql, allParam...)
// 	return result, err
// }
唐旭辉 authored
唐旭辉 authored
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// func (dao BusinessBonusDao) ExistBusinessBonus(userId int64) (bool, error) {
// 	tx := dao.transactionContext.PgTx
// 	ok, err := tx.Model(&models.BusinessBonus{}).
// 		Where("partner_info_id=?", userId).
// 		Exists()
// 	return ok, err
// }