
vendor/github.com/go-pg/pg/v10/CHANGELOG.md 5.4 KB
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# Changelog

## v10 (unreleased)

- Added `pgext.OpenTemetryHook` that adds OpenTelemetry
- Added `pgext.DebugHook` that logs queries and errors.
- Added `db.Ping` to check if database is healthy.
- Changed `pg.QueryHook` to return temp byte slice to reduce memory usage.
- `,msgpack` struct tag marshals data in MessagePack format using
- Deprecated types and funcs are removed.

## v9

- `pg:",notnull"` is reworked. Now it means SQL `NOT NULL` constraint and
  nothing more.
- Added `pg:",use_zero"` to prevent go-pg from converting Go zero values to SQL
- UpdateNotNull is renamed to UpdateNotZero. As previously it omits zero Go
  values, but it does not take in account if field is nullable or not.
- ORM supports DistinctOn.
- Hooks accept and return context.
- Client respects Context.Deadline when setting net.Conn deadline.
- Client listens on Context.Done while waiting for a connection from the pool
  and returns an error when context is cancelled.
- `Query.Column` does not accept relation name any more. Use `Query.Relation`
  instead which returns an error if relation does not exist.
- urlvalues package is removed in favor of https://github.com/go-pg/urlstruct.
  You can also use struct based filters via `Query.WhereStruct`.
- `NewModel` and `AddModel` methods of `HooklessModel` interface were renamed to
  `NextColumnScanner` and `AddColumnScanner` respectively.
- `types.F` and `pg.F` are deprecated in favor of `pg.Ident`.
- `types.Q` is deprecated in favor of `pg.Safe`.
- `pg.Q` is deprecated in favor of `pg.SafeQuery`.
- `TableName` field is deprecated in favor of `tableName`.
- Always use `pg:"..."` struct field tag instead of `sql:"..."`.
- `pg:",override"` is deprecated in favor of `pg:",inherit"`.

## v8

- Added `QueryContext`, `ExecContext`, and `ModelContext` which accept
  `context.Context`. Queries are cancelled when context is cancelled.
- Model hooks are changed to accept `context.Context` as first argument.
- Fixed array and hstore parsers to handle multiple single quotes (#1235).

## v7

- DB.OnQueryProcessed is replaced with DB.AddQueryHook.
- Added WhereStruct.
- orm.Pager is moved to urlvalues.Pager. Pager.FromURLValues returns an error if
  page or limit params can't be parsed.

## v6.16

- Read buffer is re-worked. Default read buffer is increased to 65kb.

## v6.15

- Added Options.MinIdleConns.
- Options.MaxAge renamed to Options.MaxConnAge.
- PoolStats.FreeConns is renamed to PoolStats.IdleConns.
- New hook BeforeSelectQuery.
- `,override` is renamed to `,inherit`.
- Dialer.KeepAlive is set to 5 minutes by default.
- Added support "scram-sha-256" authentication.

## v6.14

- Fields ignored with `sql:"-"` tag are no longer considered by ORM relation

## v6.12

- `Insert`, `Update`, and `Delete` can return `pg.ErrNoRows` and
  `pg.ErrMultiRows` when `Returning` is used and model expects single row.

## v6.11

- `db.Model(&strct).Update()` and `db.Model(&strct).Delete()` no longer adds
  WHERE condition based on primary key when there are no conditions. Instead you
  should use `db.Update(&strct)` or `db.Model(&strct).WherePK().Update()`.

## v6.10

- `?Columns` is renamed to `?TableColumns`. `?Columns` is changed to produce
  column names without table alias.

## v6.9

- `pg:"fk"` tag now accepts SQL names instead of Go names, e.g.
  `pg:"fk:ParentId"` becomes `pg:"fk:parent_id"`. Old code should continue
  working in most cases, but it is strongly advised to start using new
- uint and uint64 SQL type is changed from decimal to bigint according to the
  lesser of two evils principle. Use `sql:"type:decimal"` to get old behavior.

## v6.8

- `CreateTable` no longer adds ON DELETE hook by default. To get old behavior
  users should add `sql:"on_delete:CASCADE"` tag on foreign key field.

## v6

- `types.Result` is renamed to `orm.Result`.
- Added `OnQueryProcessed` event that can be used to log / report queries
  timing. Query logger is removed.
- `orm.URLValues` is renamed to `orm.URLFilters`. It no longer adds ORDER
- `orm.Pager` is renamed to `orm.Pagination`.
- Support for net.IP and net.IPNet.
- Support for context.Context.
- Bulk/multi updates.
- Query.WhereGroup for enclosing conditions in parentheses.

## v5

- All fields are nullable by default. `,null` tag is replaced with `,notnull`.
- `Result.Affected` renamed to `Result.RowsAffected`.
- Added `Result.RowsReturned`.
- `Create` renamed to `Insert`, `BeforeCreate` to `BeforeInsert`, `AfterCreate`
  to `AfterInsert`.
- Indexed placeholders support, e.g. `db.Exec("SELECT ?0 + ?0", 1)`.
- Named placeholders are evaluated when query is executed.
- Added Update and Delete hooks.
- Order reworked to quote column names. OrderExpr added to bypass Order quoting
- Group reworked to quote column names. GroupExpr added to bypass Group quoting

## v4

- `Options.Host` and `Options.Port` merged into `Options.Addr`.
- Added `Options.MaxRetries`. Now queries are not retried by default.
- `LoadInto` renamed to `Scan`, `ColumnLoader` renamed to `ColumnScanner`,
  LoadColumn renamed to ScanColumn, `NewRecord() interface{}` changed to
  `NewModel() ColumnScanner`, `AppendQuery(dst []byte) []byte` changed to
  `AppendValue(dst []byte, quote bool) ([]byte, error)`.
- Structs, maps and slices are marshalled to JSON by default.
- Added support for scanning slices, .e.g. scanning `[]int`.
- Added object relational mapping.