
vendor/github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema/jsonLoader.go 9.5 KB
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// Copyright 2015 xeipuuv ( https://github.com/xeipuuv )
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// author           xeipuuv
// author-github    https://github.com/xeipuuv
// author-mail      xeipuuv@gmail.com
// repository-name  gojsonschema
// repository-desc  An implementation of JSON Schema, based on IETF's draft v4 - Go language.
// description		Different strategies to load JSON files.
// 					Includes References (file and HTTP), JSON strings and Go types.
// created          01-02-2015

package gojsonschema

import (


var osFS = osFileSystem(os.Open)

// JSONLoader defines the JSON loader interface
type JSONLoader interface {
	JsonSource() interface{}
	LoadJSON() (interface{}, error)
	JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error)
	LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory

// JSONLoaderFactory defines the JSON loader factory interface
type JSONLoaderFactory interface {
	// New creates a new JSON loader for the given source
	New(source string) JSONLoader

// DefaultJSONLoaderFactory is the default JSON loader factory
type DefaultJSONLoaderFactory struct {

// FileSystemJSONLoaderFactory is a JSON loader factory that uses http.FileSystem
type FileSystemJSONLoaderFactory struct {
	fs http.FileSystem

// New creates a new JSON loader for the given source
func (d DefaultJSONLoaderFactory) New(source string) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonReferenceLoader{
		fs:     osFS,
		source: source,

// New creates a new JSON loader for the given source
func (f FileSystemJSONLoaderFactory) New(source string) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonReferenceLoader{
		fs:     f.fs,
		source: source,

// osFileSystem is a functional wrapper for os.Open that implements http.FileSystem.
type osFileSystem func(string) (*os.File, error)

// Opens a file with the given name
func (o osFileSystem) Open(name string) (http.File, error) {
	return o(name)

// JSON Reference loader
// references are used to load JSONs from files and HTTP

type jsonReferenceLoader struct {
	fs     http.FileSystem
	source string

func (l *jsonReferenceLoader) JsonSource() interface{} {
	return l.source

func (l *jsonReferenceLoader) JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error) {
	return gojsonreference.NewJsonReference(l.JsonSource().(string))

func (l *jsonReferenceLoader) LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory {
	return &FileSystemJSONLoaderFactory{
		fs: l.fs,

// NewReferenceLoader returns a JSON reference loader using the given source and the local OS file system.
func NewReferenceLoader(source string) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonReferenceLoader{
		fs:     osFS,
		source: source,

// NewReferenceLoaderFileSystem returns a JSON reference loader using the given source and file system.
func NewReferenceLoaderFileSystem(source string, fs http.FileSystem) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonReferenceLoader{
		fs:     fs,
		source: source,

func (l *jsonReferenceLoader) LoadJSON() (interface{}, error) {

	var err error

	reference, err := gojsonreference.NewJsonReference(l.JsonSource().(string))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	refToURL := reference
	refToURL.GetUrl().Fragment = ""

	var document interface{}

	if reference.HasFileScheme {

		filename := strings.TrimPrefix(refToURL.String(), "file://")
		filename, err = url.QueryUnescape(filename)

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			// on Windows, a file URL may have an extra leading slash, use slashes
			// instead of backslashes, and have spaces escaped
			filename = strings.TrimPrefix(filename, "/")
			filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)

		document, err = l.loadFromFile(filename)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	} else {

		document, err = l.loadFromHTTP(refToURL.String())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err


	return document, nil


func (l *jsonReferenceLoader) loadFromHTTP(address string) (interface{}, error) {

	// returned cached versions for metaschemas for drafts 4, 6 and 7
	// for performance and allow for easier offline use
	if metaSchema := drafts.GetMetaSchema(address); metaSchema != "" {
		return decodeJSONUsingNumber(strings.NewReader(metaSchema))

	resp, err := http.Get(address)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// must return HTTP Status 200 OK
	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		return nil, errors.New(formatErrorDescription(Locale.HttpBadStatus(), ErrorDetails{"status": resp.Status}))

	bodyBuff, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return decodeJSONUsingNumber(bytes.NewReader(bodyBuff))

func (l *jsonReferenceLoader) loadFromFile(path string) (interface{}, error) {
	f, err := l.fs.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer f.Close()

	bodyBuff, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return decodeJSONUsingNumber(bytes.NewReader(bodyBuff))


// JSON string loader

type jsonStringLoader struct {
	source string

func (l *jsonStringLoader) JsonSource() interface{} {
	return l.source

func (l *jsonStringLoader) JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error) {
	return gojsonreference.NewJsonReference("#")

func (l *jsonStringLoader) LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory {
	return &DefaultJSONLoaderFactory{}

// NewStringLoader creates a new JSONLoader, taking a string as source
func NewStringLoader(source string) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonStringLoader{source: source}

func (l *jsonStringLoader) LoadJSON() (interface{}, error) {

	return decodeJSONUsingNumber(strings.NewReader(l.JsonSource().(string)))


// JSON bytes loader

type jsonBytesLoader struct {
	source []byte

func (l *jsonBytesLoader) JsonSource() interface{} {
	return l.source

func (l *jsonBytesLoader) JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error) {
	return gojsonreference.NewJsonReference("#")

func (l *jsonBytesLoader) LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory {
	return &DefaultJSONLoaderFactory{}

// NewBytesLoader creates a new JSONLoader, taking a `[]byte` as source
func NewBytesLoader(source []byte) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonBytesLoader{source: source}

func (l *jsonBytesLoader) LoadJSON() (interface{}, error) {
	return decodeJSONUsingNumber(bytes.NewReader(l.JsonSource().([]byte)))

// JSON Go (types) loader
// used to load JSONs from the code as maps, interface{}, structs ...

type jsonGoLoader struct {
	source interface{}

func (l *jsonGoLoader) JsonSource() interface{} {
	return l.source

func (l *jsonGoLoader) JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error) {
	return gojsonreference.NewJsonReference("#")

func (l *jsonGoLoader) LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory {
	return &DefaultJSONLoaderFactory{}

// NewGoLoader creates a new JSONLoader from a given Go struct
func NewGoLoader(source interface{}) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonGoLoader{source: source}

func (l *jsonGoLoader) LoadJSON() (interface{}, error) {

	// convert it to a compliant JSON first to avoid types "mismatches"

	jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(l.JsonSource())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return decodeJSONUsingNumber(bytes.NewReader(jsonBytes))


type jsonIOLoader struct {
	buf *bytes.Buffer

// NewReaderLoader creates a new JSON loader using the provided io.Reader
func NewReaderLoader(source io.Reader) (JSONLoader, io.Reader) {
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	return &jsonIOLoader{buf: buf}, io.TeeReader(source, buf)

// NewWriterLoader creates a new JSON loader using the provided io.Writer
func NewWriterLoader(source io.Writer) (JSONLoader, io.Writer) {
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	return &jsonIOLoader{buf: buf}, io.MultiWriter(source, buf)

func (l *jsonIOLoader) JsonSource() interface{} {
	return l.buf.String()

func (l *jsonIOLoader) LoadJSON() (interface{}, error) {
	return decodeJSONUsingNumber(l.buf)

func (l *jsonIOLoader) JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error) {
	return gojsonreference.NewJsonReference("#")

func (l *jsonIOLoader) LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory {
	return &DefaultJSONLoaderFactory{}

// JSON raw loader
// In case the JSON is already marshalled to interface{} use this loader
// This is used for testing as otherwise there is no guarantee the JSON is marshalled
// "properly" by using https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder.UseNumber
type jsonRawLoader struct {
	source interface{}

// NewRawLoader creates a new JSON raw loader for the given source
func NewRawLoader(source interface{}) JSONLoader {
	return &jsonRawLoader{source: source}
func (l *jsonRawLoader) JsonSource() interface{} {
	return l.source
func (l *jsonRawLoader) LoadJSON() (interface{}, error) {
	return l.source, nil
func (l *jsonRawLoader) JsonReference() (gojsonreference.JsonReference, error) {
	return gojsonreference.NewJsonReference("#")
func (l *jsonRawLoader) LoaderFactory() JSONLoaderFactory {
	return &DefaultJSONLoaderFactory{}

func decodeJSONUsingNumber(r io.Reader) (interface{}, error) {

	var document interface{}

	decoder := json.NewDecoder(r)

	err := decoder.Decode(&document)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return document, nil
