package httpexpect

import (

// Cookie provides methods to inspect attached http.Cookie value.
type Cookie struct {
	chain chain
	value *http.Cookie

// NewCookie returns a new Cookie object given a reporter used to report
// failures and cookie value to be inspected.
// reporter and value should not be nil.
// Example:
//   cookie := NewCookie(reporter, &http.Cookie{...})
//   cookie.Domain().Equal("")
//   cookie.Path().Equal("/")
//   cookie.Expires().InRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24))
func NewCookie(reporter Reporter, value *http.Cookie) *Cookie {
	chain := makeChain(reporter)
	if value == nil {"expected non-nil cookie")
	return &Cookie{chain, value}

// Raw returns underlying http.Cookie value attached to Cookie.
// This is the value originally passed to NewCookie.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, c)
//  assert.Equal(t, c, cookie.Raw())
func (c *Cookie) Raw() *http.Cookie {
	return c.value

// Name returns a new String object that may be used to inspect
// cookie name.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...})
//  cookie.Name().Equal("session")
func (c *Cookie) Name() *String {
	if c.chain.failed() {
		return &String{c.chain, ""}
	return &String{c.chain, c.value.Name}

// Value returns a new String object that may be used to inspect
// cookie value.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...})
//  cookie.Value().Equal("gH6z7Y")
func (c *Cookie) Value() *String {
	if c.chain.failed() {
		return &String{c.chain, ""}
	return &String{c.chain, c.value.Value}

// Domain returns a new String object that may be used to inspect
// cookie domain.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...})
//  cookie.Domain().Equal("")
func (c *Cookie) Domain() *String {
	if c.chain.failed() {
		return &String{c.chain, ""}
	return &String{c.chain, c.value.Domain}

// Path returns a new String object that may be used to inspect
// cookie path.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...})
//  cookie.Path().Equal("/foo")
func (c *Cookie) Path() *String {
	if c.chain.failed() {
		return &String{c.chain, ""}
	return &String{c.chain, c.value.Path}

// Expires returns a new DateTime object that may be used to inspect
// cookie expiration date.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...})
//  cookie.Expires().InRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24))
func (c *Cookie) Expires() *DateTime {
	if c.chain.failed() {
		return &DateTime{c.chain, time.Unix(0, 0)}
	return &DateTime{c.chain, c.value.Expires}

// MaxAge returns a new Duration object that may be used to inspect
// cookie Max-age field.
// If MaxAge is not set, the returned Duration is unset. Whether a Duration
// is set or not can be chacked using its IsSet and NotSet methods.
// If MaxAge is zero (which means delete cookie now), the returned Duration
// is set and equals to zero.
// Example:
//  cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...})
//  cookie.MaxAge().IsSet()
//  cookie.MaxAge().InRange(time.Minute, time.Minute*10)
func (c *Cookie) MaxAge() *Duration {
	if c.chain.failed() {
		return &Duration{c.chain, nil}
	if c.value.MaxAge == 0 {
		return &Duration{c.chain, nil}
	if c.value.MaxAge < 0 {
		var zero time.Duration
		return &Duration{c.chain, &zero}
	d := time.Duration(c.value.MaxAge) * time.Second
	return &Duration{c.chain, &d}