package httpexpect

import (


// Request provides methods to incrementally build http.Request object,
// send it, and receive response.
type Request struct {
	config     Config
	chain      chain
	http       *http.Request
	path       string
	query      url.Values
	form       url.Values
	formbuf    *bytes.Buffer
	multipart  *multipart.Writer
	bodySetter string
	typeSetter string
	forceType  bool
	wsUpgrade  bool
	matchers   []func(*Response)

// NewRequest returns a new Request object.
// method defines the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.). path defines url path.
// Simple interpolation is allowed for {named} parameters in path:
//  - if pathargs is given, it's used to substitute first len(pathargs) parameters,
//    regardless of their names
//  - if WithPath() or WithPathObject() is called, it's used to substitute given
//    parameters by name
// For example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}", "gavv", "httpexpect")
//  // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
// Or:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}")
//  req.WithPath("user", "gavv")
//  req.WithPath("repo", "httpexpect")
//  // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
// After interpolation, path is urlencoded and appended to Config.BaseURL,
// separated by slash. If BaseURL ends with a slash and path (after interpolation)
// starts with a slash, only single slash is inserted.
func NewRequest(config Config, method, path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request {
	if config.RequestFactory == nil {
		panic("config.RequestFactory == nil")

	if config.Client == nil {
		panic("config.Client == nil")

	chain := makeChain(config.Reporter)

	n := 0
	path, err := interpol.WithFunc(path, func(k string, w io.Writer) error {
		if n < len(pathargs) {
			if pathargs[n] == nil {
					"\nunexpected nil argument for url path format string:\n"+
						" Request(\"%s\", %v...)", method, pathargs)
			} else {
				mustWrite(w, fmt.Sprint(pathargs[n]))
		} else {
			mustWrite(w, "{")
			mustWrite(w, k)
			mustWrite(w, "}")
		return nil
	if err != nil {

	hr, err := config.RequestFactory.NewRequest(method, config.BaseURL, nil)
	if err != nil {

	return &Request{
		config: config,
		chain:  chain,
		path:   path,
		http:   hr,

// WithMatcher attaches a matcher to the request.
// All attached matchers are invoked in the Expect method for a newly
// created Response.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path")
//  req.WithMatcher(func (resp *httpexpect.Response) {
//      resp.Header("API-Version").NotEmpty()
//  })
func (r *Request) WithMatcher(matcher func(*Response)) *Request {
	r.matchers = append(r.matchers, matcher)
	return r

// WithClient sets client.
// The new client overwrites Config.Client. It will be used once to send the
// request and receive a response.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path")
//  req.WithClient(&http.Client{
//    Transport: &http.Transport{
//      DisableCompression: true,
//    },
//  })
func (r *Request) WithClient(client Client) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if client == nil {"\nunexpected nil client in WithClient")
		return r
	r.config.Client = client
	return r

// WithHandler configures client to invoke the given handler directly.
// If Config.Client is http.Client, then only its Transport field is overwritten
// because the client may contain some state shared among requests like a cookie
// jar. Otherwise, the whole client is overwritten with a new client.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path")
//  req.WithHandler(myServer.someHandler)
func (r *Request) WithHandler(handler http.Handler) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if handler == nil {"\nunexpected nil handler in WithHandler")
		return r
	if client, ok := r.config.Client.(*http.Client); ok {
		client.Transport = NewBinder(handler)
	} else {
		r.config.Client = &http.Client{
			Transport: NewBinder(handler),
			Jar:       NewJar(),
	return r

// WithWebsocketUpgrade enables upgrades the connection to websocket.
// At least the following fields are added to the request header:
//  Upgrade: websocket
//  Connection: Upgrade
// The actual set of header fields is define by the protocol implementation
// in the gorilla/websocket package.
// The user should then call the Response.Websocket() method which returns
// the Websocket object. This object can be used to send messages to the
// server, to inspect the received messages, and to close the websocket.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path")
//  req.WithWebsocketUpgrade()
//  ws := req.Expect().Status(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols).Websocket()
//  defer ws.Disconnect()
func (r *Request) WithWebsocketUpgrade() *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	r.wsUpgrade = true
	return r

// WithWebsocketDialer sets the custom websocket dialer.
// The new dialer overwrites Config.WebsocketDialer. It will be used once to establish
// the WebSocket connection and receive a response of handshake result.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path")
//  req.WithWebsocketUpgrade()
//  req.WithWebsocketDialer(&websocket.Dialer{
//    EnableCompression: false,
//  })
//  ws := req.Expect().Status(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols).Websocket()
//  defer ws.Disconnect()
func (r *Request) WithWebsocketDialer(dialer WebsocketDialer) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if dialer == nil {"\nunexpected nil dialer in WithWebsocketDialer")
		return r
	r.config.WebsocketDialer = dialer
	return r

// WithPath substitutes named parameters in url path.
// value is converted to string using fmt.Sprint(). If there is no named
// parameter '{key}' in url path, failure is reported.
// Named parameters are case-insensitive.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}")
//  req.WithPath("user", "gavv")
//  req.WithPath("repo", "httpexpect")
//  // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
func (r *Request) WithPath(key string, value interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	ok := false
	path, err := interpol.WithFunc(r.path, func(k string, w io.Writer) error {
		if strings.EqualFold(k, key) {
			if value == nil {
					"\nunexpected nil argument for url path format string:\n"+
						" WithPath(\"%s\", %v)", key, value)
			} else {
				mustWrite(w, fmt.Sprint(value))
				ok = true
		} else {
			mustWrite(w, "{")
			mustWrite(w, k)
			mustWrite(w, "}")
		return nil
	if err == nil {
		r.path = path
	} else {
		return r
	if !ok {"\nunexpected key for url path format string:\n"+
			" WithPath(\"%s\", %v)\n\npath:\n %q",
			key, value, r.path)
		return r
	return r

// WithPathObject substitutes multiple named parameters in url path.
// object should be map or struct. If object is struct, it's converted
// to map using Structs may contain
// "path" struct tag, similar to "json" struct tag for json.Marshal().
// Each map value is converted to string using fmt.Sprint(). If there
// is no named parameter for some map '{key}' in url path, failure is
// reported.
// Named parameters are case-insensitive.
// Example:
//  type MyPath struct {
//      Login string `path:"user"`
//      Repo  string
//  }
//  req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}")
//  req.WithPathObject(MyPath{"gavv", "httpexpect"})
//  // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
//  req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}")
//  req.WithPathObject(map[string]string{"user": "gavv", "repo": "httpexpect"})
//  // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
func (r *Request) WithPathObject(object interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if object == nil {
		return r
	var (
		m  map[string]interface{}
		ok bool
	if reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(object)).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
		s := structs.New(object)
		s.TagName = "path"
		m = s.Map()
	} else {
		m, ok = canonMap(&r.chain, object)
		if !ok {
			return r
	for k, v := range m {
		r.WithPath(k, v)
	return r

// WithQuery adds query parameter to request URL.
// value is converted to string using fmt.Sprint() and urlencoded.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithQuery("a", 123)
//  req.WithQuery("b", "foo")
//  // URL is now
func (r *Request) WithQuery(key string, value interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if r.query == nil {
		r.query = make(url.Values)
	r.query.Add(key, fmt.Sprint(value))
	return r

// WithQueryObject adds multiple query parameters to request URL.
// object is converted to query string using
// if it's a struct or pointer to struct, or otherwise.
// Various object types are supported. Structs may contain "url" struct tag,
// similar to "json" struct tag for json.Marshal().
// Example:
//  type MyURL struct {
//      A int    `url:"a"`
//      B string `url:"b"`
//  }
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithQueryObject(MyURL{A: 123, B: "foo"})
//  // URL is now
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithQueryObject(map[string]interface{}{"a": 123, "b": "foo"})
//  // URL is now
func (r *Request) WithQueryObject(object interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if object == nil {
		return r
	var (
		q   url.Values
		err error
	if reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(object)).Kind() == reflect.Struct {
		q, err = query.Values(object)
		if err != nil {
			return r
	} else {
		q, err = form.EncodeToValues(object)
		if err != nil {
			return r
	if r.query == nil {
		r.query = make(url.Values)
	for k, v := range q {
		r.query[k] = append(r.query[k], v...)
	return r

// WithQueryString parses given query string and adds it to request URL.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithQuery("a", 11)
//  req.WithQueryString("b=22&c=33")
//  // URL is now
func (r *Request) WithQueryString(query string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	v, err := url.ParseQuery(query)
	if err != nil {
		return r
	if r.query == nil {
		r.query = make(url.Values)
	for k, v := range v {
		r.query[k] = append(r.query[k], v...)
	return r

// WithURL sets request URL.
// This URL overwrites Config.BaseURL. Request path passed to NewRequest()
// is appended to this URL, separated by slash if necessary.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "/path")
//  req.WithURL("")
//  // URL is now
func (r *Request) WithURL(urlStr string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if u, err := url.Parse(urlStr); err == nil {
		r.http.URL = u
	} else {
	return r

// WithHeaders adds given headers to request.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithHeaders(map[string]string{
//      "Content-Type": "application/json",
//  })
func (r *Request) WithHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	for k, v := range headers {
		r.WithHeader(k, v)
	return r

// WithHeader adds given single header to request.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithHeader("Content-Type": "application/json")
func (r *Request) WithHeader(k, v string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	switch http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k) {
	case "Host":
		r.http.Host = v
	case "Content-Type":
		if !r.forceType {
			delete(r.http.Header, "Content-Type")
		r.forceType = true
		r.typeSetter = "WithHeader"
		r.http.Header.Add(k, v)
		r.http.Header.Add(k, v)
	return r

// WithCookies adds given cookies to request.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithCookies(map[string]string{
//      "foo": "aa",
//      "bar": "bb",
//  })
func (r *Request) WithCookies(cookies map[string]string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	for k, v := range cookies {
		r.WithCookie(k, v)
	return r

// WithCookie adds given single cookie to request.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithCookie("name", "value")
func (r *Request) WithCookie(k, v string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
		Name:  k,
		Value: v,
	return r

// WithBasicAuth sets the request's Authorization header to use HTTP
// Basic Authentication with the provided username and password.
// With HTTP Basic Authentication the provided username and password
// are not encrypted.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithBasicAuth("john", "secret")
func (r *Request) WithBasicAuth(username, password string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	r.http.SetBasicAuth(username, password)
	return r

// WithProto sets HTTP protocol version.
// proto should have form of "HTTP/{major}.{minor}", e.g. "HTTP/1.1".
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithProto("HTTP/2.0")
func (r *Request) WithProto(proto string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	major, minor, ok := http.ParseHTTPVersion(proto)
	if !ok {
			"\nunexpected protocol version %q, expected \"HTTP/{major}.{minor}\"",
		return r
	r.http.ProtoMajor = major
	r.http.ProtoMinor = minor
	return r

// WithChunked enables chunked encoding and sets request body reader.
// Expect() will read all available data from given reader. Content-Length
// is not set, and "chunked" Transfer-Encoding is used.
// If protocol version is not at least HTTP/1.1 (required for chunked
// encoding), failure is reported.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  fh, _ := os.Open("data")
//  defer fh.Close()
//  req.WithHeader("Content-Type": "application/octet-stream")
//  req.WithChunked(fh)
func (r *Request) WithChunked(reader io.Reader) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if !r.http.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) {"chunked Transfer-Encoding requires at least \"HTTP/1.1\","+
			"but \"HTTP/%d.%d\" is enabled", r.http.ProtoMajor, r.http.ProtoMinor)
		return r
	r.setBody("WithChunked", reader, -1, false)
	return r

// WithBytes sets request body to given slice of bytes.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithHeader("Content-Type": "application/json")
//  req.WithBytes([]byte(`{"foo": 123}`))
func (r *Request) WithBytes(b []byte) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if b == nil {
		r.setBody("WithBytes", nil, 0, false)
	} else {
		r.setBody("WithBytes", bytes.NewReader(b), len(b), false)
	return r

// WithText sets Content-Type header to "text/plain; charset=utf-8" and
// sets body to given string.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithText("hello, world!")
func (r *Request) WithText(s string) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	r.setType("WithText", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", false)
	r.setBody("WithText", strings.NewReader(s), len(s), false)
	return r

// WithJSON sets Content-Type header to "application/json; charset=utf-8"
// and sets body to object, marshaled using json.Marshal().
// Example:
//  type MyJSON struct {
//      Foo int `json:"foo"`
//  }
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithJSON(MyJSON{Foo: 123})
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithJSON(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (r *Request) WithJSON(object interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	b, err := json.Marshal(object)
	if err != nil {
		return r

	r.setType("WithJSON", "application/json; charset=utf-8", false)
	r.setBody("WithJSON", bytes.NewReader(b), len(b), false)

	return r

// WithForm sets Content-Type header to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// or (if WithMultipart() was called) "multipart/form-data", converts given
// object to url.Values using, and adds it to request body.
// Various object types are supported, including maps and structs. Structs may
// contain "form" struct tag, similar to "json" struct tag for json.Marshal().
// See for details.
// Multiple WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile() calls may be combined.
// If WithMultipart() is called, it should be called first.
// Example:
//  type MyForm struct {
//      Foo int `form:"foo"`
//  }
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithForm(MyForm{Foo: 123})
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithForm(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (r *Request) WithForm(object interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r

	f, err := form.EncodeToValues(object)
	if err != nil {
		return r

	if r.multipart != nil {
		r.setType("WithForm", "multipart/form-data", false)

		var keys []string
		for k := range f {
			keys = append(keys, k)
		for _, k := range keys {
			if err := r.multipart.WriteField(k, f[k][0]); err != nil {
				return r
	} else {
		r.setType("WithForm", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", false)

		if r.form == nil {
			r.form = make(url.Values)
		for k, v := range f {
			r.form[k] = append(r.form[k], v...)

	return r

// WithFormField sets Content-Type header to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// or (if WithMultipart() was called) "multipart/form-data", converts given
// value to string using fmt.Sprint(), and adds it to request body.
// Multiple WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile() calls may be combined.
// If WithMultipart() is called, it should be called first.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithFormField("foo", 123).
//      WithFormField("bar", 456)
func (r *Request) WithFormField(key string, value interface{}) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	if r.multipart != nil {
		r.setType("WithFormField", "multipart/form-data", false)

		err := r.multipart.WriteField(key, fmt.Sprint(value))
		if err != nil {
			return r
	} else {
		r.setType("WithFormField", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", false)

		if r.form == nil {
			r.form = make(url.Values)
		r.form[key] = append(r.form[key], fmt.Sprint(value))
	return r

// WithFile sets Content-Type header to "multipart/form-data", reads given
// file and adds its contents to request body.
// If reader is given, it's used to read file contents. Otherwise, os.Open()
// is used to read a file with given path.
// Multiple WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile() calls may be combined.
// WithMultipart() should be called before WithFile(), otherwise WithFile()
// fails.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithFile("avatar", "./john.png")
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  fh, _ := os.Open("./john.png")
//  req.WithMultipart().
//      WithFile("avatar", "john.png", fh)
//  fh.Close()
func (r *Request) WithFile(key, path string, reader *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r

	r.setType("WithFile", "multipart/form-data", false)

	if r.multipart == nil {"WithFile requires WithMultipart to be called first")
		return r

	wr, err := r.multipart.CreateFormFile(key, path)
	if err != nil {
		return r

	var rd io.Reader
	if len(reader) != 0 && reader[0] != nil {
		rd = reader[0]
	} else {
		f, err := os.Open(path)
		if err != nil {
			return r
		rd = f
		defer f.Close()

	if _, err := io.Copy(wr, rd); err != nil {
		return r

	return r

// WithFileBytes is like WithFile, but uses given slice of bytes as the
// file contents.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  fh, _ := os.Open("./john.png")
//  b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(fh)
//  req.WithMultipart().
//      WithFileBytes("avatar", "john.png", b)
//  fh.Close()
func (r *Request) WithFileBytes(key, path string, data []byte) *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r
	return r.WithFile(key, path, bytes.NewReader(data))

// WithMultipart sets Content-Type header to "multipart/form-data".
// After this call, WithForm() and WithFormField() switch to multipart
// form instead of urlencoded form.
// If WithMultipart() is called, it should be called before WithForm(),
// WithFormField(), and WithFile().
// WithFile() always requires WithMultipart() to be called first.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithMultipart().
//      WithForm(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (r *Request) WithMultipart() *Request {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return r

	r.setType("WithMultipart", "multipart/form-data", false)

	if r.multipart == nil {
		r.formbuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
		r.multipart = multipart.NewWriter(r.formbuf)
		r.setBody("WithMultipart", r.formbuf, 0, false)

	return r

// Expect constructs http.Request, sends it, receives http.Response, and
// returns a new Response object to inspect received response.
// Request is sent using Config.Client interface, or Config.Dialer interface
// in case of WebSocket request.
// Example:
//  req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "")
//  req.WithJSON(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
//  resp := req.Expect()
//  resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
func (r *Request) Expect() *Response {
	resp := r.roundTrip()

	if resp == nil {
		return makeResponse(responseOpts{
			config: r.config,
			chain:  r.chain,

	for _, matcher := range r.matchers {

	return resp

func (r *Request) roundTrip() *Response {
	if !r.encodeRequest() {
		return nil

	if r.wsUpgrade {
		if !r.encodeWebsocketRequest() {
			return nil

	for _, printer := range r.config.Printers {

	start := time.Now()

	var (
		httpResp *http.Response
		websock  *websocket.Conn
	if r.wsUpgrade {
		httpResp, websock = r.sendWebsocketRequest()
	} else {
		httpResp = r.sendRequest()

	elapsed := time.Since(start)

	if httpResp == nil {
		return nil

	for _, printer := range r.config.Printers {
		printer.Response(httpResp, elapsed)

	return makeResponse(responseOpts{
		config:    r.config,
		chain:     r.chain,
		response:  httpResp,
		websocket: websock,
		rtt:       &elapsed,

func (r *Request) encodeRequest() bool {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return false

	r.http.URL.Path = concatPaths(r.http.URL.Path, r.path)

	if r.query != nil {
		r.http.URL.RawQuery = r.query.Encode()

	if r.multipart != nil {
		if err := r.multipart.Close(); err != nil {
			return false

		r.setType("Expect", r.multipart.FormDataContentType(), true)
		r.setBody("Expect", r.formbuf, r.formbuf.Len(), true)
	} else if r.form != nil {
		s := r.form.Encode()
		r.setBody("WithForm or WithFormField", strings.NewReader(s), len(s), false)

	return true

func (r *Request) encodeWebsocketRequest() bool {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return false

	if r.bodySetter != "" {
			"\nwebocket request can not have body:\n  "+
				"body set by %s\n  webocket enabled by WithWebsocketUpgrade",
		return false

	switch r.http.URL.Scheme {
	case "https":
		r.http.URL.Scheme = "wss"
		r.http.URL.Scheme = "ws"

	return true

func (r *Request) sendRequest() *http.Response {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return nil

	resp, err := r.config.Client.Do(r.http)

	if err != nil {
		return nil

	return resp

func (r *Request) sendWebsocketRequest() (*http.Response, *websocket.Conn) {
	if r.chain.failed() {
		return nil, nil

	conn, resp, err := r.config.WebsocketDialer.Dial(
		r.http.URL.String(), r.http.Header)

	if err != nil && err != websocket.ErrBadHandshake {
		return nil, nil

	return resp, conn

func (r *Request) setType(newSetter, newType string, overwrite bool) {
	if r.forceType {

	if !overwrite {
		previousType := r.http.Header.Get("Content-Type")

		if previousType != "" && previousType != newType {
				"\nambiguous request \"Content-Type\" header values:\n %q (set by %s)\n\n"+
					"and:\n %q (wanted by %s)",
				previousType, r.typeSetter,
				newType, newSetter)

	r.typeSetter = newSetter
	r.http.Header["Content-Type"] = []string{newType}

func (r *Request) setBody(setter string, reader io.Reader, len int, overwrite bool) {
	if !overwrite && r.bodySetter != "" {
			"\nambiguous request body contents:\n  set by %s\n  overwritten by %s",
			r.bodySetter, setter)

	if len > 0 && reader == nil {
		panic("invalid length")

	if reader == nil {
		r.http.Body = nil
		r.http.ContentLength = 0
	} else {
		r.http.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(reader)
		r.http.ContentLength = int64(len)

	r.bodySetter = setter

func concatPaths(a, b string) string {
	if a == "" {
		return b
	if b == "" {
		return a
	a = strings.TrimSuffix(a, "/")
	b = strings.TrimPrefix(b, "/")
	return a + "/" + b

func mustWrite(w io.Writer, s string) {
	_, err := w.Write([]byte(s))
	if err != nil {