// Package efp (Excel Formula Parser) tokenise an Excel formula using an // implementation of E. W. Bachtal's algorithm, found here: // https://ewbi.blogs.com/develops/2004/12/excel_formula_p.html // // Go version by Ri Xu: https://xuri.me package efp import ( "strconv" "strings" ) // QuoteDouble, QuoteSingle and other's constants are token definitions. const ( // Character constants QuoteDouble = "\"" QuoteSingle = "'" BracketClose = "]" BracketOpen = "[" BraceOpen = "{" BraceClose = "}" ParenOpen = "(" ParenClose = ")" Semicolon = ";" Whitespace = " " Comma = "," ErrorStart = "#" OperatorsSN = "+-" OperatorsInfix = "+-*/^&=><" OperatorsPostfix = "%" // Token type TokenTypeNoop = "Noop" TokenTypeOperand = "Operand" TokenTypeFunction = "Function" TokenTypeSubexpression = "Subexpression" TokenTypeArgument = "Argument" TokenTypeOperatorPrefix = "OperatorPrefix" TokenTypeOperatorInfix = "OperatorInfix" TokenTypeOperatorPostfix = "OperatorPostfix" TokenTypeWhitespace = "Whitespace" TokenTypeUnknown = "Unknown" // Token subtypes TokenSubTypeNothing = "Nothing" TokenSubTypeStart = "Start" TokenSubTypeStop = "Stop" TokenSubTypeText = "Text" TokenSubTypeNumber = "Number" TokenSubTypeLogical = "Logical" TokenSubTypeError = "Error" TokenSubTypeRange = "Range" TokenSubTypeMath = "Math" TokenSubTypeConcatenation = "Concatenation" TokenSubTypeIntersection = "Intersection" TokenSubTypeUnion = "Union" ) // Token encapsulate a formula token. type Token struct { TValue string TType string TSubType string } // Tokens directly maps the ordered list of tokens. // Attributes: // // items - Ordered list // index - Current position in the list // type Tokens struct { Index int Items []Token } // Parser inheritable container. TokenStack directly maps a LIFO stack of // tokens. type Parser struct { Formula string Tokens Tokens TokenStack Tokens Offset int Token string InString bool InPath bool InRange bool InError bool } // fToken provides function to encapsulate a formula token. func fToken(value, tokenType, subType string) Token { return Token{ TValue: value, TType: tokenType, TSubType: subType, } } // fTokens provides function to handle an ordered list of tokens. func fTokens() Tokens { return Tokens{ Index: -1, } } // add provides function to add a token to the end of the list. func (tk *Tokens) add(value, tokenType, subType string) Token { token := fToken(value, tokenType, subType) tk.addRef(token) return token } // addRef provides function to add a token to the end of the list. func (tk *Tokens) addRef(token Token) { tk.Items = append(tk.Items, token) } // reset provides function to reset the index to -1. func (tk *Tokens) reset() { tk.Index = -1 } // BOF provides function to check whether or not beginning of list. func (tk *Tokens) BOF() bool { return tk.Index <= 0 } // EOF provides function to check whether or not end of list. func (tk *Tokens) EOF() bool { return tk.Index >= (len(tk.Items) - 1) } // moveNext provides function to move the index along one. func (tk *Tokens) moveNext() bool { if tk.EOF() { return false } tk.Index++ return true } // current return the current token. func (tk *Tokens) current() *Token { if tk.Index == -1 { return nil } return &tk.Items[tk.Index] } // next return the next token (leave the index unchanged). func (tk *Tokens) next() *Token { if tk.EOF() { return nil } return &tk.Items[tk.Index+1] } // previous return the previous token (leave the index unchanged). func (tk *Tokens) previous() *Token { if tk.Index < 1 { return nil } return &tk.Items[tk.Index-1] } // push provides function to push a token onto the stack. func (tk *Tokens) push(token Token) { tk.Items = append(tk.Items, token) } // pop provides function to pop a token off the stack. func (tk *Tokens) pop() Token { if len(tk.Items) == 0 { return Token{ TType: TokenTypeFunction, TSubType: TokenSubTypeStop, } } t := tk.Items[len(tk.Items)-1] tk.Items = tk.Items[:len(tk.Items)-1] return fToken("", t.TType, TokenSubTypeStop) } // token provides function to non-destructively return the top item on the // stack. func (tk *Tokens) token() *Token { if len(tk.Items) > 0 { return &tk.Items[len(tk.Items)-1] } return nil } // value return the top token's value. func (tk *Tokens) value() string { return tk.token().TValue } // tp return the top token's type. func (tk *Tokens) tp() string { return tk.token().TType } // subtype return the top token's subtype. func (tk *Tokens) subtype() string { return tk.token().TSubType } // ExcelParser provides function to parse an Excel formula into a stream of // tokens. func ExcelParser() Parser { return Parser{} } // getTokens return a token stream (list). func (ps *Parser) getTokens(formula string) Tokens { ps.Formula = strings.TrimSpace(ps.Formula) f := []rune(ps.Formula) if len(f) > 0 { if string(f[0]) != "=" { ps.Formula = "=" + ps.Formula } } // state-dependent character evaluation (order is important) for !ps.EOF() { // double-quoted strings // embeds are doubled // end marks token if ps.InString { if ps.currentChar() == "\"" { if ps.nextChar() == "\"" { ps.Token += "\"" ps.Offset++ } else { ps.InString = false ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, TokenSubTypeText) ps.Token = "" } } else { ps.Token += ps.currentChar() } ps.Offset++ continue } // single-quoted strings (links) // embeds are double // end does not mark a token if ps.InPath { if ps.currentChar() == "'" { if ps.nextChar() == "'" { ps.Token += "'" ps.Offset++ } else { ps.InPath = false } } else { ps.Token += ps.currentChar() } ps.Offset++ continue } // bracketed strings (range offset or linked workbook name) // no embeds (changed to "()" by Excel) // end does not mark a token if ps.InError { if ps.currentChar() == "]" { ps.InRange = false } ps.Token += ps.currentChar() ps.Offset++ continue } // error values // end marks a token, determined from absolute list of values if ps.InError { ps.Token += ps.currentChar() ps.Offset++ errors := map[string]string{",#NULL!,": "", ",#DIV/0!,": "", ",#VALUE!,": "", ",#REF!,": "", ",#NAME?,": "", ",#NUM!,": "", ",#N/A,": ""} _, ok := errors[","+ps.Token+","] if ok { ps.InError = false ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, TokenSubTypeError) ps.Token = "" } continue } // independent character evaluation (order not important) // establish state-dependent character evaluations if ps.currentChar() == "\"" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { // not expected ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeUnknown, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.InString = true ps.Offset++ continue } if ps.currentChar() == "'" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { // not expected ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeUnknown, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.InPath = true ps.Offset++ continue } if ps.currentChar() == "[" { ps.InRange = true ps.Token += ps.currentChar() ps.Offset++ continue } if ps.currentChar() == "#" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { // not expected ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeUnknown, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.InError = true ps.Token += ps.currentChar() ps.Offset++ continue } // mark start and end of arrays and array rows if ps.currentChar() == "{" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { // not expected ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeUnknown, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.TokenStack.push(ps.Tokens.add("ARRAY", TokenTypeFunction, TokenSubTypeStart)) ps.TokenStack.push(ps.Tokens.add("ARRAYROW", TokenTypeFunction, TokenSubTypeStart)) ps.Offset++ continue } if ps.currentChar() == ";" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.addRef(ps.TokenStack.pop()) ps.Tokens.add(",", TokenTypeArgument, "") ps.TokenStack.push(ps.Tokens.add("ARRAYROW", TokenTypeFunction, TokenSubTypeStart)) ps.Offset++ continue } if ps.currentChar() == "}" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.addRef(ps.TokenStack.pop()) ps.Tokens.addRef(ps.TokenStack.pop()) ps.Offset++ continue } // trim white-space if ps.currentChar() == " " { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.add("", TokenTypeWhitespace, "") ps.Offset++ for (ps.currentChar() == " ") && (!ps.EOF()) { ps.Offset++ } continue } // multi-character comparators comparators := map[string]string{",>=,": "", ",<=,": "", ",<>,": ""} _, ok := comparators[","+ps.doubleChar()+","] if ok { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.add(ps.doubleChar(), TokenTypeOperatorInfix, TokenSubTypeLogical) ps.Offset += 2 continue } // standard infix operators operators := map[string]string{"+": "", "-": "", "*": "", "/": "", "^": "", "&": "", "=": "", ">": "", "<": ""} _, ok = operators[ps.currentChar()] if ok { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.add(ps.currentChar(), TokenTypeOperatorInfix, "") ps.Offset++ continue } // standard postfix operators if ps.currentChar() == "%" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.add(ps.currentChar(), TokenTypeOperatorPostfix, "") ps.Offset++ continue } // start subexpression or function if ps.currentChar() == "(" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.TokenStack.push(ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeFunction, TokenSubTypeStart)) ps.Token = "" } else { ps.TokenStack.push(ps.Tokens.add("", TokenTypeSubexpression, TokenSubTypeStart)) } ps.Offset++ continue } // function, subexpression, array parameters if ps.currentChar() == "," { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } if ps.TokenStack.tp() != TokenTypeFunction { ps.Tokens.add(ps.currentChar(), TokenTypeOperatorInfix, TokenSubTypeUnion) } else { ps.Tokens.add(ps.currentChar(), TokenTypeArgument, "") } ps.Offset++ continue } // stop subexpression if ps.currentChar() == ")" { if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") ps.Token = "" } ps.Tokens.addRef(ps.TokenStack.pop()) ps.Offset++ continue } // token accumulation ps.Token += ps.currentChar() ps.Offset++ } // dump remaining accumulation if len(ps.Token) > 0 { ps.Tokens.add(ps.Token, TokenTypeOperand, "") } // move all tokens to a new collection, excluding all unnecessary white-space tokens tokens2 := fTokens() for ps.Tokens.moveNext() { token := ps.Tokens.current() if token.TType == TokenTypeWhitespace { if ps.Tokens.BOF() || ps.Tokens.EOF() { } else if !(((ps.Tokens.previous().TType == TokenTypeFunction) && (ps.Tokens.previous().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop)) || ((ps.Tokens.previous().TType == TokenTypeSubexpression) && (ps.Tokens.previous().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop)) || (ps.Tokens.previous().TType == TokenTypeOperand)) { } else if !(((ps.Tokens.next().TType == TokenTypeFunction) && (ps.Tokens.next().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStart)) || ((ps.Tokens.next().TType == TokenTypeSubexpression) && (ps.Tokens.next().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStart)) || (ps.Tokens.next().TType == TokenTypeOperand)) { } else { tokens2.add(token.TValue, TokenTypeOperatorInfix, TokenSubTypeIntersection) } continue } tokens2.addRef(Token{ TValue: token.TValue, TType: token.TType, TSubType: token.TSubType, }) } // switch infix "-" operator to prefix when appropriate, switch infix "+" // operator to noop when appropriate, identify operand and infix-operator // subtypes, pull "@" from in front of function names for tokens2.moveNext() { token := tokens2.current() if (token.TType == TokenTypeOperatorInfix) && (token.TValue == "-") { if tokens2.BOF() { token.TType = TokenTypeOperatorPrefix } else if ((tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeFunction) && (tokens2.previous().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop)) || ((tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeSubexpression) && (tokens2.previous().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop)) || (tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeOperatorPostfix) || (tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeOperand) { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeMath } else { token.TType = TokenTypeOperatorPrefix } continue } if (token.TType == TokenTypeOperatorInfix) && (token.TValue == "+") { if tokens2.BOF() { token.TType = TokenTypeNoop } else if (tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeFunction) && (tokens2.previous().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop) || ((tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeSubexpression) && (tokens2.previous().TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop) || (tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeOperatorPostfix) || (tokens2.previous().TType == TokenTypeOperand)) { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeMath } else { token.TType = TokenTypeNoop } continue } if (token.TType == TokenTypeOperatorInfix) && (len(token.TSubType) == 0) { op := map[string]string{"<": "", ">": "", "=": ""} _, ok := op[token.TValue[0:1]] if ok { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeLogical } else if token.TValue == "&" { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeConcatenation } else { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeMath } continue } if (token.TType == TokenTypeOperand) && (len(token.TSubType) == 0) { if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(token.TValue, 64); err != nil { if (token.TValue == "TRUE") || (token.TValue == "FALSE") { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeLogical } else { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeRange } } else { token.TSubType = TokenSubTypeNumber } continue } if token.TType == TokenTypeFunction { if (len(token.TValue) > 0) && token.TValue[0:1] == "@" { token.TValue = token.TValue[1:] } continue } } tokens2.reset() // move all tokens to a new collection, excluding all noops tokens := fTokens() for tokens2.moveNext() { if tokens2.current().TType != TokenTypeNoop { tokens.addRef(Token{ TValue: tokens2.current().TValue, TType: tokens2.current().TType, TSubType: tokens2.current().TSubType, }) } } tokens.reset() return tokens } // doubleChar provides function to get two characters after the current // position. func (ps *Parser) doubleChar() string { if len([]rune(ps.Formula)) >= ps.Offset+2 { return string([]rune(ps.Formula)[ps.Offset : ps.Offset+2]) } return "" } // currentChar provides function to get the character of the current position. func (ps *Parser) currentChar() string { return string([]rune(ps.Formula)[ps.Offset]) } // nextChar provides function to get the next character of the current position. func (ps *Parser) nextChar() string { if len([]rune(ps.Formula)) >= ps.Offset+1 { return "" } return string([]rune(ps.Formula)[ps.Offset+1]) } // EOF provides function to check whether or not end of tokens stack. func (ps *Parser) EOF() bool { return ps.Offset >= len([]rune(ps.Formula)) } // Parse provides function to parse formula as a token stream (list). func (ps *Parser) Parse(formula string) []Token { ps.Formula = formula ps.Tokens = ps.getTokens(formula) return ps.Tokens.Items } // PrettyPrint provides function to pretty the parsed result with the indented // format. func (ps *Parser) PrettyPrint() string { indent := 0 output := "" for _, t := range ps.Tokens.Items { if t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop { indent-- } for i := 0; i < indent; i++ { output += "\t" } output += t.TValue + " <" + t.TType + "> <" + t.TSubType + ">" + "\n" if t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeStart { indent++ } } return output } // Render provides function to get formatted formula after parsed. func (ps *Parser) Render() string { output := "" for _, t := range ps.Tokens.Items { if t.TType == TokenTypeFunction && t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeStart { output += t.TValue + "(" } else if t.TType == TokenTypeFunction && t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop { output += ")" } else if t.TType == TokenTypeSubexpression && t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeStart { output += "(" } else if t.TType == TokenTypeSubexpression && t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeStop { output += ")" } else if t.TType == TokenTypeOperand && t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeText { output += "\"" + t.TValue + "\"" } else if t.TType == TokenTypeOperatorInfix && t.TSubType == TokenSubTypeIntersection { output += " " } else { output += t.TValue } } return output }