作者 yangfu


package command
type GenerateBusinessTableViewRequest struct {
Host string `json:"host"`
Port string `json:"port"`
User string `json:"user"`
Password string `json:"password"`
DBName string `json:"dbName"`
SchemaName string `json:"schemaName,optional,default=public"` // 模式名称
DBType string `json:"dbType,optional,default=postgresql"`
... ...
package service
import (
... ... @@ -10,6 +11,11 @@ import (
... ... @@ -217,3 +223,84 @@ func (tableService *TableService) GenerateBusinessTable(ctx *domain.Context, cmd
return nil, nil
func (tableService *TableService) GenerateBusinessTablesView(ctx *domain.Context, cmd *command.GenerateBusinessTableViewRequest) (interface{}, error) {
var (
db *gorm.DB
err error
if cmd.DBType == "" {
cmd.SchemaName = "postgresql"
if cmd.SchemaName == "" {
cmd.SchemaName = "public"
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if cmd.DBType == "postgresql" {
db, err = gorm.Open(postgres.Open(fmt.Sprintf("user=%v password=%v host=%v port=%v dbname=%v sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai",
cmd.User, cmd.Password, cmd.Host, cmd.Port, cmd.DBName)), &gorm.Config{PrepareStmt: false})
if err != nil {
return nil, factory.FastError(err)
var tables []string
if tx := db.Raw(fmt.Sprintf(`select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='%v';`, cmd.SchemaName)).Scan(&tables); tx.Error != nil {
return nil, factory.FastError(tx.Error)
type Field struct {
Field string `json:"field"`
Type string `json:"type"`
var fields = make([]Field, 0)
for _, t := range tables {
if tx := db.Raw(fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT a.attnum,a.attname AS field,t.typname AS type,a.attlen AS length,a.atttypmod AS lengthvar,a.attnotnull AS notnull
FROM pg_class c,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
WHERE c.relname = '%v' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid
ORDER BY a.attnum;`, t)).Scan(&fields); tx.Error != nil {
return nil, factory.FastError(tx.Error)
var commonFields []string
var jsonbFields []string
var pkFields []string
for index, f := range fields {
if index == 0 && strings.HasSuffix(f.Field, "id") {
//commonFields = append(commonFields, fmt.Sprintf("%v as id", f.Field))
pkFields = append(pkFields, f.Field)
if f.Type == "jsonb" || f.Type == "json" {
jsonbFields = append(jsonbFields, f.Field)
} else {
commonFields = append(commonFields, f.Field)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("-- == 表【%v】建视图语句 ==\n", t))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("drop view view_%v;\n", t))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("create view view_%v as select %v from %v;\n", t, strings.Join(commonFields, ","), t))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("-- pk %v\n", strings.Join(pkFields, ",")))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("-- jsonb %v\n", strings.Join(jsonbFields, ",")))
generalWrite(cmd.DBName+"_tables_view.sql", buf)
} else if cmd.DBType == "mysql" {
db, err = gorm.Open(mysql.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v@tcp(%v:%v)/%v?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local",
cmd.User, cmd.Password, cmd.Host, cmd.Port, cmd.DBName)), &gorm.Config{PrepareStmt: false})
return nil, nil
func generalWrite(filename string, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
log.Println("open file error :", err)
// 关闭文件
defer f.Close()
// 字符串写入
_, err = f.WriteString(buf.String())
if err != nil {
... ...
... ... @@ -45,3 +45,11 @@ func (controller *TableController) GenerateBusinessTable() {
data, err := tableService.GenerateBusinessTable(ParseContext(controller.BaseController), cmd)
controller.Response(data, err)
func (controller *TableController) GenerateBusinessTablesView() {
tableService := service.NewTableService(nil)
cmd := &command.GenerateBusinessTableViewRequest{}
data, err := tableService.GenerateBusinessTablesView(ParseContext(controller.BaseController), cmd)
controller.Response(data, err)
... ...
... ... @@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ func init() {
web.Router("/api/business-table/query-table", &controllers.TableController{}, "Post:QueryBusinessTable")
web.Router("/api/business-table/update", &controllers.TableController{}, "Post:UpdateBusinessTable")
web.Router("/api/business-table/generate", &controllers.TableController{}, "Post:GenerateBusinessTable")
web.Router("/api/business-table/generate-view", &controllers.TableController{}, "Post:GenerateBusinessTablesView")
... ...