@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) CountTaskAnomalyNotHrbp(param ListTaskCondition) (int, error) |
from task
join t_task_1 on task.id =t_task_1.id
where 1=1
and task.anomaly>1 and task.deleted_at isnull `
and task.anomaly>0 and task.deleted_at isnull `
condition := []interface{}{}
whereSql := ``
if param.OnlyMy {
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) CountTaskAnomalyByHrbp(param ListTaskCondition) (int, error) { |
)select count(*)
from task
left join t_task_ignore on t_task_ignore.task_id=task.id
where 1=1 and task.anomaly>1 and task.company_id=? and task.deleted_at isnull`
where 1=1 and task.anomaly>0 and task.company_id=? and task.deleted_at isnull`
condition := []interface{}{param.UserId, param.CompanyId}
whereSql := ``
if param.OnlyMy {