@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) catchTaskIdByPermission(userId int) string { |
select "child_user".id,"child_user".parent_id
from "user" as "child_user"
join t_user as "parent_user" on "parent_user".id="child_user".parent_id
where "child_user".deleted_at isnull
-- 根据任务负责人和相关人员查询
@@ -379,16 +380,16 @@ func (d *TaskDao) CountTaskStageAnomalyByHrbp(param ListTaskCondition) (int, err |
return cnt, err
func (d *TaskDao) IncreaseAnomaly(id []int, incr int) error {
if len(id) == 0 {
return nil
sqlStr := `update task set anomaly=task.anomaly+?
where id in(?)`
tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
_, err := tx.Exec(sqlStr, incr, pg.In(id))
return err
// func (d *TaskDao) IncreaseAnomaly(id []int, incr int) error {
// if len(id) == 0 {
// return nil
// }
// sqlStr := `update task set anomaly=task.anomaly+?
// where id in(?)`
// tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
// _, err := tx.Exec(sqlStr, incr, pg.In(id))
// return err
// }
// TaskStageData
// type TaskStageData struct {
@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) TaskAnomalyByLeader(leaderId []string, anomaly int) ([]TaskDat |
task.leader ->>'name' as leader_name,
from task
where task.anomaly >=? and task.leader ->>'id' in(?) `
where task.anomaly >=? and task.leader ->>'id' in(?) and task.deleted_at isnull `
result := []TaskData2{}
tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
_, err := tx.Query(&result, sqlStr, anomaly, pg.In(leaderId))
@@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) CountTaskAnomalyNotHrbp(param ListTaskCondition) (int, error) |
from task
join t_task_1 on task.id =t_task_1.id
where 1=1
and task.anomaly>1 `
and task.anomaly>1 and task.deleted_at isnull `
condition := []interface{}{}
whereSql := ``
if param.OnlyMy {
@@ -546,6 +547,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) ListTask2(userId int) ([]TaskData1, error) { |
from task
join t_task_1 on task.id =t_task_1.id
where task.deleted_at isnull
result := []TaskData1{}
tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
@@ -564,7 +566,7 @@ func (d *TaskDao) ListTask2ForHrbp(userId int, companyId int) ([]TaskData1, erro |
from task
left join t_task_ignore on t_task_ignore.task_id=task.id
where 1=1 and task.company_id=? `
where 1=1 and task.company_id=? and task.deleted_at isnull`
result := []TaskData1{}
tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
_, err := tx.Query(&result, sqlStr, userId, companyId)
@@ -573,26 +575,26 @@ func (d *TaskDao) ListTask2ForHrbp(userId int, companyId int) ([]TaskData1, erro |
// 获取异常任务对应的公司
func (d *TaskDao) TaskStageAnomalyForCompany() ([]int, error) {
var companyIds []struct {
CompanyId int `pg:"company_id"`
sqlStr := `select distinct company_id
from task
where 1=1
and (task.warn_flag >0)`
result := []TaskData1{}
tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
_, err := tx.Query(&result, sqlStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ids []int
for _, v := range companyIds {
ids = append(ids, v.CompanyId)
return ids, nil
// func (d *TaskDao) TaskStageAnomalyForCompany() ([]int, error) {
// var companyIds []struct {
// CompanyId int `pg:"company_id"`
// }
// sqlStr := `select distinct company_id
// from task
// where 1=1
// and (task.warn_flag >0)`
// result := []TaskData1{}
// tx := d.transactionContext.PgTx
// _, err := tx.Query(&result, sqlStr)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// var ids []int
// for _, v := range companyIds {
// ids = append(ids, v.CompanyId)
// }
// return ids, nil
// }
type TaskData4 struct {
TaskId int `pg:"task_id"`