作者 tangxvhui

修复bug 同一个项目设置多人的情况下 出现的列表数据异常

... ... @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ func (d *StaffAssessDao) SearchUserAssessContentV2(param SearchConditin3) ([]Use
staff_assess.company_id ,
to_char(staff_assess.begin_time at time zone 'PRC','YYYY-MM-DD') as begin_day
from staff_assess
join t_project_4 on staff_assess.evaluation_project_id =t_project_4.project_id
join t_project_4 on staff_assess.evaluation_project_id =t_project_4.project_id and staff_assess.target_user ->>'userId' = t_project_4.target_user_id
where 1=1
and staff_assess.cycle_id =?
and staff_assess.deleted_at isnull
... ... @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ func (d *StaffAssessDao) CountUserSelfStaffAssess(param SearchConditin3) (int, e
sqlStr := `select
from staff_assess
join t_project_4 on staff_assess.evaluation_project_id =t_project_4.project_id
join t_project_4 on staff_assess.evaluation_project_id =t_project_4.project_id and staff_assess.target_user ->>'userId' = t_project_4.target_user_id
where 1=1
and staff_assess.cycle_id =?
and staff_assess.deleted_at isnull
... ...