db_func.py 4.3 KB
# # @Time     :2019/11/26 11:25
# # @Author   :dengyuting
# # @File     :db_func.py
# import pymysql
# db_config ={"host": "",
#             "port": 3306,
#             "user": "dengyuting",
#             "password": "dyt_123456",
#             "db": "opportunity_test",
#             "charset": 'utf8'}
# def get_id1_from_database(tbl, company_id, column, column_value):
#     db = pymysql.connect(**db_config)
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     company_id = str(company_id)
#     column_value = str(column_value)
#     sql= "select id from " + tbl + " where company_id=" + company_id + " and " + column + "=" + column_value + \
#             " and delete_at=0"
#     try:
#         cursor.execute(sql)
#         result = cursor.fetchone()
#         return result[0]
#     except Exception as err:
#         # 发生错误时回滚
#         print(err)
#         db.rollback()
#     db.close()
# def get_chanceid_from_database(company_id):
#     db = pymysql.connect(**db_config)
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     company_id = str(company_id)
#     sql= "select id from chance where company_id=" + company_id + " order by create_at desc"
#     try:
#         cursor.execute(sql)
#         result = cursor.fetchone()
#         return result[0]
#     except Exception as err:
#         # 发生错误时回滚
#         print(err)
#         db.rollback()
#     db.close()
# def setup_hook_clean_db(companyid):
#     """
#     初始化时清理数据库中对应公司的历史数据
#     :return:
#     """
#     db = pymysql.connect(**db_config)
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     companyid = str(companyid)
#     # get_adminid = 'select admin_id from company where id='+companyid
#     # get_user_company_id = 'select id from user_company where company_id='+companyid
#     try:
#         # cursor.execute(get_adminid)
#         # result = cursor.fetchone()
#         # admin_id = result[0]
#         # admin_id = str(admin_id)
#         # cursor.execute(get_user_company_id)
#         # result = cursor.fetchone()
#         # user_company_id = result[0]
#         # user_company_id = str(user_company_id)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from department where company_id=' + companyid + ' and is_top!=1')
#         # cursor.execute('delete from user_company where company_id=' + companyid + ' and user_id!='+admin_id)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from user_department where company_id=' + companyid + ' and user_company_id!='+ user_company_id)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from position where company_id=' + companyid)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from user_position where company_id=' + companyid)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from role where company_id=' + companyid + ' and is_default!=1')
#         # cursor.execute('delete from user_role where company_id=' + companyid)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from chance_type where company_id=' + companyid)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from audit_template where company_id=' + companyid)
#         # cursor.execute('delete from audit_form where company_id=' + companyid)
#         cursor.execute('delete a from chance_data a left JOIN chance b on a.chance_id=b.id where b.company_id=' + companyid)
#         db.commit()
#         cursor.execute('delete a from audit_flow_process a left JOIN chance b on a.chance_id=b.id where b.company_id=' + companyid)
#         db.commit()
#         cursor.execute('delete a from chance_department a left JOIN chance b on a.chance_id=b.id where b.company_id=' + companyid)
#         db.commit()
#         cursor.execute('delete from user_msg where receive_user_id in (select id from user_company where company_id=' + companyid + ') ' \
#                          'or sender_user_id in (select id from user_company where company_id=' + companyid +')')
#         db.commit()
#         cursor.execute('delete from comment where user_id in (select id from user_company where company_id=' + companyid + ')')
#         db.commit()
#         cursor.execute('delete from chance_favorite where user_id in (select id from user_company where company_id=' + companyid + ')')
#         db.commit()
#         #这句要放在最后执行
#         cursor.execute('delete from chance where company_id=' + companyid)
#         db.commit()
#         print("delete OK")
#     except Exception as err:
#         # 发生错误时回滚
#         print("this is:", err)
#         db.rollback()
#     db.close()