bulletin.go 4.9 KB
package models

import (


type Bulletin struct {
	Id             int       `orm:"column(id);auto"`
	Title          string    `orm:"column(title);size(2000);null" description:"标题"`
	Content        string    `orm:"column(content);null" description:"内容"`
	Cover          string    `orm:"column(cover);size(255);null" description:"封面地址"`
	W              int       `orm:"column(w);null" description:"宽"`
	H              int       `orm:"column(h);null" description:"高"`
	Type           int8      `orm:"column(type);null" description:"公告类型(0图+跳转链接、1链接)"`
	Receiver       string    `orm:"column(receiver);null" description:"接收者"`
	QuestionSwitch int8      `orm:"column(question_switch);null" description:"设置问题开关"`
	CreateTime     time.Time `orm:"column(createTime);type(timestamp);null" description:"创建时间"`
	UpdateTime     time.Time `orm:"column(updateTime);type(timestamp);null" description:"更新时间"`
	AllowClose     int8      `orm:"column(allowClose);null" description:"允许关闭公告(0允许,1禁止)"`
	CompanyId      int       `orm:"column(company_id);null" description:"公司Id"`
	Status         uint8     `orm:"column(status)" description:"状态 0-下架 1-  上架"`

func (t *Bulletin) TableName() string {
	return "bulletin"

func init() {

// AddBulletin insert a new Bulletin into database and returns
// last inserted Id on success.
func AddBulletin(m *Bulletin) (id int64, err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	id, err = o.Insert(m)

// GetBulletinById retrieves Bulletin by Id. Returns error if
// Id doesn't exist
func GetBulletinById(id int) (v *Bulletin, err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v = &Bulletin{Id: id}
	if err = o.Read(v); err == nil {
		return v, nil
	return nil, err

// GetAllBulletin retrieves all Bulletin matches certain condition. Returns empty list if
// no records exist
func GetAllBulletin(query map[string]string, fields []string, sortby []string, order []string,
	offset int64, limit int64) (ml []interface{}, err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	qs := o.QueryTable(new(Bulletin))
	// query k=v
	for k, v := range query {
		// rewrite dot-notation to Object__Attribute
		k = strings.Replace(k, ".", "__", -1)
		if strings.Contains(k, "isnull") {
			qs = qs.Filter(k, (v == "true" || v == "1"))
		} else {
			qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
	// order by:
	var sortFields []string
	if len(sortby) != 0 {
		if len(sortby) == len(order) {
			// 1) for each sort field, there is an associated order
			for i, v := range sortby {
				orderby := ""
				if order[i] == "desc" {
					orderby = "-" + v
				} else if order[i] == "asc" {
					orderby = v
				} else {
					return nil, errors.New("Error: Invalid order. Must be either [asc|desc]")
				sortFields = append(sortFields, orderby)
			qs = qs.OrderBy(sortFields...)
		} else if len(sortby) != len(order) && len(order) == 1 {
			// 2) there is exactly one order, all the sorted fields will be sorted by this order
			for _, v := range sortby {
				orderby := ""
				if order[0] == "desc" {
					orderby = "-" + v
				} else if order[0] == "asc" {
					orderby = v
				} else {
					return nil, errors.New("Error: Invalid order. Must be either [asc|desc]")
				sortFields = append(sortFields, orderby)
		} else if len(sortby) != len(order) && len(order) != 1 {
			return nil, errors.New("Error: 'sortby', 'order' sizes mismatch or 'order' size is not 1")
	} else {
		if len(order) != 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("Error: unused 'order' fields")

	var l []Bulletin
	qs = qs.OrderBy(sortFields...)
	if _, err = qs.Limit(limit, offset).All(&l, fields...); err == nil {
		if len(fields) == 0 {
			for _, v := range l {
				ml = append(ml, v)
		} else {
			// trim unused fields
			for _, v := range l {
				m := make(map[string]interface{})
				val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
				for _, fname := range fields {
					m[fname] = val.FieldByName(fname).Interface()
				ml = append(ml, m)
		return ml, nil
	return nil, err

// UpdateBulletin updates Bulletin by Id and returns error if
// the record to be updated doesn't exist
func UpdateBulletinById(m *Bulletin) (err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v := Bulletin{Id: m.Id}
	// ascertain id exists in the database
	if err = o.Read(&v); err == nil {
		var num int64
		if num, err = o.Update(m); err == nil {
			fmt.Println("Number of records updated in database:", num)

// DeleteBulletin deletes Bulletin by Id and returns error if
// the record to be deleted doesn't exist
func DeleteBulletin(id int) (err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v := Bulletin{Id: id}
	// ascertain id exists in the database
	if err = o.Read(&v); err == nil {
		var num int64
		if num, err = o.Delete(&Bulletin{Id: id}); err == nil {
			fmt.Println("Number of records deleted in database:", num)