package main

import (
	_ ""
	_ ""
	_ ""
	_ ""
	//logx "log"

func main() {
	defer func() {

	beego.BConfig.CopyRequestBody = true

		Filename: constant.LOG_File,
		Level:    constant.LOG_LEVEL,

	cache.InitDefault(cache.WithDefaultRedisPool(redis.GetRedisPool()), cache.WithDebugLog(true, log.DefaultLog), cache.WithDeleteChannel(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", constant.POSTGRESQL_DB_NAME, "delkey")))

	//log.DefaultLog = console.NewConsoleLog(config.Logger{
	//	Filename: constant.LOG_File,
	//	Level:    constant.LOG_LEVEL,
	//}, fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", constant.POSTGRESQL_DB_NAME), 3)
	//	// set up a span reporter
	//	reporter := zipkinhttp.NewReporter("")
	//	defer reporter.Close()
	//	// create our local service endpoint
	//	endpoint, err := zipkin.NewEndpoint("godevp", "")
	//	if err != nil {
	//		log.Error("unable to create local endpoint: %+v\n", err)
	//	}
	//	// initialize our tracer
	//	nativeTracer, err := zipkin.NewTracer(reporter, zipkin.WithLocalEndpoint(endpoint))
	//	if err != nil {
	//		log.Error("unable to create tracer: %+v\n", err)
	//	}
	//	// use zipkin-go-opentracing to wrap our tracer
	//	tracer := zipkinot.Wrap(nativeTracer)
	//	// optionally set as Global OpenTracing tracer instance
	//	opentracing.SetGlobalTracer(tracer)
	log.Debug(constant.REDIS_HOST, constant.REDIS_PORT)

	//go message.RunConsumer()
	//go message.RunPublish()
