chance.go 10.0 KB
package models

import (


type Chance struct {
	Id                  int64     `orm:"column(id);pk" description:"id 主键"`
	UserId              int64     `orm:"column(user_id)" description:"表  用户id"`
	CompanyId           int64     `orm:"column(company_id)" description:"表 公司id"`
	DepartmentId        int64     `orm:"column(department_id)" description:"表 部门id"`
	ChanceTypeId        int       `orm:"column(chance_type_id)" description:"表 机会类型 "`
	AuditTemplateId     int64     `orm:"column(audit_template_id)" description:"表 所属审批模板编号"`
	AuditTemplateConfig string    `orm:"column(audit_template_config);size(255);null" description:"模板配置 (存旧的配置信息,对新改动的不影响)"`
	Content             string    `orm:"column(content)" description:"格式化后的文本内容"`
	SourceContent       string    `orm:"column(source_content)" description:"原始表单内容 json"`
	ViewTotal           int       `orm:"column(view_total)" description:"查看总数"`
	CommentTotal        int       `orm:"column(comment_total)" description:"评论总数"`
	ZanTotal            int       `orm:"column(zan_total)" description:"点赞总数"`
	ReviewStatus        int8      `orm:"column(review_status)" description:"审核状态 0:待处理 1:待审核 2:被退回 3:已通过 "`
	EnableStatus        int8      `orm:"column(enable_status)" description:"有效状态 0:无效 1:有效 "`
	UpdateAt            time.Time `orm:"column(update_at);type(timestamp)" description:"更新时间"`
	CreateAt            time.Time `orm:"column(create_at);type(timestamp)" description:"创建时间"`
	BasicScore          float64   `orm:"column(basic_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"基础评分"`
	ExtraScore          float64   `orm:"column(extra_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"附加评分"`
	ValueScore          float64   `orm:"column(value_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"价值评分"`
	DiscoveryScore      float64   `orm:"column(discovery_score);null;digits(4);decimals(1)" description:"发现得分(发现得分=基础评分*系数 + 附加评分*系数 + 价值评分*系数)"`
	PublishStatus       int       `orm:"column(publish_status)" description:"公开状态 0未公开、1部门公开、2公司公开"`
	ApproveData         string    `orm:"column(approve_data)" description:"审核数据 冗余"`
	AuditLevel          int       `orm:"column(audit_level)" description:"当前审批步骤"`

func (t *Chance) TableName() string {
	return "chance"

func init() {

// AddChance insert a new Chance into database and returns
// last inserted Id on success.
func AddChance(m *Chance) (id int64, err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	id, err = o.Insert(m)

// GetChanceById retrieves Chance by Id. Returns error if
// Id doesn't exist
func GetChanceById(id int64) (v *Chance, err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v = &Chance{Id: id}
	if err = o.Read(v); err == nil {
		return v, nil
	return nil, err

func GetChanceByIdAndEnable(id int64) (v *Chance, err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v = &Chance{Id: id, EnableStatus: 1}
	if err = o.Read(v); err == nil {
		return v, nil
	return nil, err

// UpdateChance updates Chance by Id and returns error if
// the record to be updated doesn't exist
func UpdateChanceById(m *Chance) (err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v := Chance{Id: m.Id}
	// ascertain id exists in the database
	if err = o.Read(&v); err == nil {
		var num int64
		if num, err = o.Update(m); err == nil {
			fmt.Println("Number of records updated in database:", num)

// DeleteChance deletes Chance by Id and returns error if
// the record to be deleted doesn't exist
func DeleteChance(id int64) (err error) {
	o := orm.NewOrm()
	v := Chance{Id: id}
	// ascertain id exists in the database
	if err = o.Read(&v); err == nil {
		var num int64
		if num, err = o.Delete(&Chance{Id: id}); err == nil {
			fmt.Println("Number of records deleted in database:", num)

func GetChanceMyChance(uid, cid int64, reviewStatus []int8, lastId int64, pageSize int, v interface{}) (total int, err error) {
	sql := `select a.*,b.images,speechs,videos 
from (
select id,user_id,create_at,source_content,approve_data,review_status from chance
where user_id=? and company_id=? and review_status in (?)  and (?=0 or id<?)
order by create_at desc
limit ? 
) a left JOIN chance_data b on =b.chance_id`
	sqlCount := fmt.Sprintf(`select count(0) from (
select id,user_id,create_at,source_content from chance
where user_id=? and company_id=? and review_status in (%v)
order by create_at desc
) a left JOIN chance_data b on =b.chance_id`, utils.JoinInt8s(reviewStatus, ","))
	if err = utils.ExecuteQueryOne(&total, sqlCount, uid, cid); err != nil {
	if v != nil {
		if err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(v, sql, uid, cid, utils.JoinInt8s(reviewStatus, ","), lastId, lastId, pageSize); err != nil {

func GetChanceMyApproveChance(uid, cid int64, reviewStatus []int8, lastId int64, pageSize int, v interface{}) (total int, err error) {
	sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select a.*,b.images,b.speechs,b.videos from (
select a.*,b.user_id,b.source_content,b.enable_status,b.review_status from  (
select id,approve_time,approve_data,uid,chance_id,approve_message,create_at  process_create_time
from audit_flow_process where uid=? and enable_status =1 and review_status in (%v) and (?=0 or id<?)
)a left outer join chance b on a.chance_id =
)a left outer join chance_data b on a.chance_id =b.chance_id
order by process_create_time desc
LIMIT ?`, utils.JoinInt8s(reviewStatus, ","))

	sqlCount := fmt.Sprintf(`select count(0) 
from audit_flow_process where uid=? and enable_status =1 and review_status in (%v) `, utils.JoinInt8s(reviewStatus, ","))
	if err = utils.ExecuteQueryOne(&total, sqlCount, uid); err != nil {
	if v != nil {
		if err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(v, sql, uid, lastId, lastId, pageSize); err != nil {

func GetChancePool(uid, cid int64, chanceTypeId int, lastId int64, pageSize int, v interface{}) (total int, err error) {
	sql := `select a.*,b.images,speechs,videos 
from (
select id,user_id,create_at,source_content,review_status,audit_template_id,chance_type_id,comment_total,zan_total,view_total from chance
where  company_id=? and review_status=3 and (?=0 or chance_type_id =?)  and (?=0 or id<?) and enable_status=1
order by create_at desc
limit ? 
) a left JOIN chance_data b on =b.chance_id`
	//if public==protocol.pu

	sqlCount := fmt.Sprintf(`select count(0) from (
select id from chance
where  company_id=? and review_status=3 and (%v=0 or chance_type_id =%v) and enable_status=1
order by create_at desc
) a left JOIN chance_data b on =b.chance_id`, chanceTypeId, chanceTypeId)
	if err = utils.ExecuteQueryOne(&total, sqlCount, cid); err != nil {
	if v != nil {
		if err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(v, sql, cid, chanceTypeId, chanceTypeId, lastId, lastId, pageSize); err != nil {

func GetChanceCollect(uid int64, lastId int64, pageSize int, v interface{}) (total int, err error) {
	sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select a.*,b.images,b.speechs,b.videos from (
select a.*,b.user_id,,b.create_at,b.source_content,b.enable_status,b.review_status,b.audit_template_id,b.chance_type_id,comment_total,zan_total,view_total from (
select id collect_id,source_id,create_at collect_time from chance_favorite where (0=? or id<?) and user_id =? and enable_status=1 
and source_type=1 
and  (mark_flag&2)>0  
)a  left outer join chance b on a.source_id =
)a left outer join chance_data b on a.source_id =b.chance_id
order by collect_time desc
limit ?`)

	sqlCount := `select count(0) from chance_favorite where user_id =? and enable_status=1 and (mark_flag&2)>0`
	if err = utils.ExecuteQueryOne(&total, sqlCount, uid); err != nil {
	if v != nil {
		if err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(v, sql, lastId, lastId, uid, pageSize); err != nil {

func GetChanceThumbUp(uid int64, lastId int64, pageSize int, v interface{}) (total int, err error) {
	sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select a.*,b.images,b.speechs,b.videos from (
select a.*,b.user_id,,b.create_at,b.source_content,b.enable_status,b.review_status,b.audit_template_id,b.chance_type_id,comment_total,zan_total,view_total from (
select id collect_id,source_id,create_at collect_time from chance_favorite where (0=? or id<?) and user_id =? and enable_status=1 
and source_type=1 
and  (mark_flag&1)>0  
)a  left outer join chance b on a.source_id =
)a left outer join chance_data b on a.source_id =b.chance_id
order by collect_time desc
limit ?`)

	sqlCount := `select count(0) from chance_favorite where user_id =? and enable_status=1 and (mark_flag&1)>0`
	if err = utils.ExecuteQueryOne(&total, sqlCount, uid); err != nil {
	if v != nil {
		if err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(v, sql, lastId, lastId, uid, pageSize); err != nil {

func GetChanceComment(uid int64, lastId int64, pageSize int, v interface{}) (total int, err error) {
	sql := fmt.Sprintf(`select a.*,b.content commented_content,b.create_at commented_time,b.user_id commented_user_id 
from (
select a.*,b.images,b.speechs,b.videos from (
select a.*,b.source_content,b.enable_status,b.user_id chance_user_id,b.create_at,b.review_status,b.approve_data from (
select id,content,view_total,zan_total,comment_total,source_type,source_id,create_at comment_time from comment 
where user_id =? and  (?=0 or id<?)
)a left outer join chance b on a.source_id = and source_type=1
)a left outer join chance_data b on a.source_id = b.chance_id and source_type = 1
)a left outer join comment b on a.source_id = and a.source_type=2
order by create_at desc
limit ?`)

	sqlCount := `select count(0) from comment
where user_id =?`
	if err = utils.ExecuteQueryOne(&total, sqlCount, uid); err != nil {
	if v != nil {
		if err = utils.ExecuteQueryAll(v, sql, uid, lastId, lastId, pageSize); err != nil {