作者 唐旭辉

bug 修复

... ... @@ -37,6 +37,5 @@ file_save_path = "/var/www/oppmg/file"
file_host = "http://mmm-oppmg-dev.fjmaimaimai.com"
file_host_path = "/file/opp"
# 审批流程修改 消息发布
message_publish = "audit_change"
#---自定义配置 结束----
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
config_name = "prod"
cconfig_name = "prod"
#----beego的默认配置 开始---
httpport = 8080
##---beego的默认配置 结束---
httpport = 8080
EnableAdmin = false
AdminPort = 8088
#---beego的默认配置 结束---
#---自定义配置 开始----
# sqlconn = "${MYSQL_CONN||root:sutianxia2015@tcp(}"
# sqlconn ="${MYSQL_CONN||root:sutianxia2015@tcp(}"
mysql_user = "${MYSQL_USER||root}"
mysql_password = "${MYSQL_PASSWORD||sutianxia2015}"
mysql_host = "${MYSQL_HOST||}"
mysql_password = "${MYSQL_PASSWORD||sutianxia2018}"
mysql_host = "${MYSQL_HOST||}"
mysql_port = "${MYSQL_PORT||3306}"
mysql_db_name = "${MYSQL_DB_NAME||opportunity}"
redis_add_port = ""
mysql_db_name = "${MYSQL_DB_NAME||opportunity_dev}"
redis_add = "${REDIS_HOST||}"
redis_add_port = "${REDIS_PORT||6379}"
redis_auth = ""
log_output = "file"
log_filename = "${LOG_FILENAME||./log/ability.log}"
log_level = "${LOG_LEVEL||debug}"
log_filename = "${aliyun_logs_access||./log/ability.log}"
log_level = "${LOG_LEVEL||error}"
ucenter_app_key = ""
ucenter_base_url = ""
# 审批流程修改 消息发布
message_publish = "audit_change"
ucenter_check_alt = "rsF0pL!6DwjBO735"
ucenter_base_url = "http://suplus-ucenter-dev.fjmaimaimai.com"
ucenter_app_key = "39aefef9e22744a3b2d2d3791824ae7b"
ucenter_secret = "cykbjnfqgctn"
# 上传文件保存路径
file_save_path = "/var/www/oppmg/file"
file_host = "http://mmm-oppmg-dev.fjmaimaimai.com"
file_host_path = "/file/opp"
#---自定义配置 结束----
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -36,6 +36,5 @@ ucenter_secret = "cykbjnfqgctn"
file_save_path = "/var/www/oppmg/file"
file_host = "http://mmm-oppmg-test.fjmaimaimai.com"
file_host_path = "/file/opp"
# 审批流程修改 消息发布
message_publish = "audit_change"
#---自定义配置 结束----
\ No newline at end of file
... ...
... ... @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func (c *AuditController) AuditList() {
if err == nil && len(param.CreateTimeEndS) > 0 {
param.CreateTimeEnd = endTime.Unix() + 864399
param.EnableStatus, _ = strconv.Atoi(param.EnableStatusS)
param.Status, _ = strconv.Atoi(param.StatusS)
param.ReviewStatus, _ = strconv.Atoi(param.ReviewStatusS)
param.PublishStatus, _ = strconv.Atoi(param.PublishStatusS)
uid := c.GetUserId()
... ...
... ... @@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ type RequestAuditList struct {
PublishStatus int `json:"-"` //公开状态
ReviewStatus int `json:"-"` //
ReviewStatusS string `json:"review_status"` //
EnableStatus int `json:"-"` //关闭状态
EnableStatusS string `json:"enable_status"` //关闭状态
Status int `json:"-"` //关闭状态
StatusS string `json:"status"` //关闭状态
DepartmentID int `json:"department_id"` //提交部门
CreateTimeBegin int64 `json:"-"` //
CreateTimeBeginS string `json:"create_time_begin"`
... ...
... ... @@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ func GetAuditList(param protocol.RequestAuditList, companyid int64, userid int64
if param.EnableStatus >= 0 {
cond = append(cond, param.EnableStatus)
s := ` AND a.enable_status=? `
if param.Status >= 0 {
cond = append(cond, param.Status)
s := ` AND a.status=? `
... ...