@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ func AddRankRange(rankTypeId int64, name string, rangetype int8, relationId []in |
log.Error("添加rank_range_data记录失败;%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
if err = removeAllRanks(o, companyid, rankTypeId, newRelationId); err != nil {
if err = removeAllRanks(o, companyid, rankTypeId, 0, newRelationId); err != nil {
log.Error("更新rank数据失败:%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
@@ -513,19 +513,21 @@ func EditRankRange(id int64, name string, rangetype int8, relationId []int64, co |
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
if err = removeRanksNotIn(o, companyid, rankRange.RankTypeId, rankRange.Id, relationId); err != nil {
log.Error("更新rank数据失败:%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
if len(relationId) == 0 {
if err = removeAllRanks(o, companyid, rankRange.RankTypeId, rankRange.Id, []int64{}); err != nil {
log.Error("更新rank数据失败:%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
} else {
if err = removeRanksOutRange(o, companyid, rankRange.RankTypeId, rankRange.Id, relationId); err != nil {
log.Error("更新rank数据失败:%s", err)
return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
//if len(relationId)>0{
// if err = updateRanks(o, companyid, rankRange.RankTypeId, rankRange.Id, relationId,1); err != nil {
// log.Error("更新rank数据失败:%s", err)
// o.Rollback()
// return protocol.NewErrWithMessage("1")
// }
return nil
@@ -937,20 +939,22 @@ where company_id=? and rank_type_id=? and rank_range_id=? and rank_period_id in |
func removeRanksNotIn(o orm.Ormer, companyId, rankTypeId, rankRangeId int64, relationIds []int64) (err error) {
//移除参与范围外 其他参与范围的已统计版本记录
//@rankRangeId 当前参与范围编号
func removeRanksOutRange(o orm.Ormer, companyId, rankTypeId, rankRangeId int64, relationIds []int64) (err error) {
var sqlRemoveRanks = fmt.Sprintf(`
update rank set enable_status=0,update_at=NOW()
where company_id=? and rank_type_id=? and rank_range_id=? and rank_period_id in
where company_id=%v and rank_type_id=%v and rank_range_id<>%v and enable_status=1 and rank_period_id in
select id from rank_period where company_id=? and rank_type_id=? and status=1
select id from rank_period where company_id=%v and rank_type_id=%v and status=1
`, companyId, rankTypeId, rankRangeId,
companyId, rankTypeId)
if len(relationIds) > 0 {
sqlRemoveRanks += fmt.Sprintf(" and relation_id not in (%v)", utils.JoinInt64s(relationIds, ","))
sqlRemoveRanks += fmt.Sprintf(" and relation_id in (%v)", utils.JoinInt64s(relationIds, ","))
if _, err = o.Raw(sqlRemoveRanks, companyId, rankTypeId, rankRangeId,
companyId, rankTypeId,
).Exec(); err != nil {
if err = utils.ExecuteSQLWithOrmer(o, sqlRemoveRanks); err != nil {
@@ -958,21 +962,21 @@ where company_id=? and rank_type_id=? and rank_range_id=? and rank_period_id in |
func removeAllRanks(o orm.Ormer, companyId, rankTypeId int64, relationIds []int64) (err error) {
if len(relationIds) == 0 {
return nil
func removeAllRanks(o orm.Ormer, companyId, rankTypeId int64, rankRangeId int64, relationIds []int64) (err error) {
var sqlRemoveRanks = fmt.Sprintf(`
update rank set enable_status=0,update_at=NOW()
where company_id=? and rank_type_id=? and enable_status =1 and rank_period_id in
where company_id=%v and rank_type_id=%v and enable_status =1 and rank_period_id in
select id from rank_period where company_id=? and rank_type_id=? and status=1
select id from rank_period where company_id=%v and rank_type_id=%v and status=1
`, companyId, rankTypeId, companyId, rankTypeId)
if len(relationIds) > 0 {
sqlRemoveRanks += fmt.Sprintf(" and relation_id in (%v)", utils.JoinInt64s(relationIds, ","))
if err = utils.ExecuteSQLWithOrmer(o, sqlRemoveRanks, companyId, rankTypeId, companyId, rankTypeId); err != nil {
if rankRangeId > 0 {
sqlRemoveRanks += fmt.Sprintf(" and rank_range_id =%v", rankRangeId)
if err = utils.ExecuteSQLWithOrmer(o, sqlRemoveRanks); err != nil {