package httpexpect

import (

// Value provides methods to inspect attached interface{} object
// (Go representation of arbitrary JSON value) and cast it to
// concrete type.
type Value struct {
	chain chain
	value interface{}

// NewValue returns a new Value given a reporter used to report failures
// and value to be inspected.
// reporter should not be nil, but value may be nil.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
//  value.Object()
//  value := NewValue(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123})
//  value.Array()
//  value := NewValue(t, "foo")
//  value.String()
//  value := NewValue(t, 123)
//  value.Number()
//  value := NewValue(t, true)
//  value.Boolean()
//  value := NewValue(t, nil)
//  value.Null()
func NewValue(reporter Reporter, value interface{}) *Value {
	chain := makeChain(reporter)
	if value != nil {
		value, _ = canonValue(&chain, value)
	return &Value{chain, value}

// Raw returns underlying value attached to Value.
// This is the value originally passed to NewValue, converted to canonical form.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, "foo")
//  assert.Equal(t, "foo", number.Raw().(string))
func (v *Value) Raw() interface{} {
	return v.value

// Path returns a new Value object for child object(s) matching given
// JSONPath expression.
// JSONPath is a simple XPath-like query language.
// See
// We currently use, which implements
// only a subset of JSONPath, yet useful for simple queries. It doesn't
// support filters and requires double quotes for strings.
// Example 1:
//  json := `{"users": [{"name": "john"}, {"name": "bob"}]}`
//  value := NewValue(t, json)
//  value.Path("$.users[0].name").String().Equal("john")
//  value.Path("$.users[1].name").String().Equal("bob")
// Example 2:
//  json := `{"yfGH2a": {"user": "john"}, "f7GsDd": {"user": "john"}}`
//  value := NewValue(t, json)
//  for _, user := range value.Path("$..user").Array().Iter() {
//      user.String().Equal("john")
//  }
func (v *Value) Path(path string) *Value {
	return getPath(&v.chain, v.value, path)

// Schema succeeds if value matches given JSON Schema.
// JSON Schema specifies a JSON-based format to define the structure of
// JSON data. See
// We use implementation.
// schema should be one of the following:
//  - go value that can be json.Marshal-ed to a valid schema
//  - type convertible to string containing valid schema
//  - type convertible to string containing valid http:// or file:// URI,
//    pointing to reachable and valid schema
// Example 1:
//   schema := `{
//     "type": "object",
//     "properties": {
//        "foo": {
//            "type": "string"
//        },
//        "bar": {
//            "type": "integer"
//        }
//    },
//    "require": ["foo", "bar"]
//  }`
//  value := NewValue(t, map[string]interface{}{
//      "foo": "a",
//      "bar": 1,
//  })
//  value.Schema(schema)
// Example 2:
//  value := NewValue(t, data)
//  value.Schema("")
func (v *Value) Schema(schema interface{}) *Value {
	checkSchema(&v.chain, v.value, schema)
	return v

// Object returns a new Object attached to underlying value.
// If underlying value is not an object (map[string]interface{}), failure is reported
// and empty (but non-nil) value is returned.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
//  value.Object().ContainsKey("foo")
func (v *Value) Object() *Object {
	data, ok := v.value.(map[string]interface{})
	if !ok {"\nexpected object value (map or struct), but got:\n%s",
	return &Object{v.chain, data}

// Array returns a new Array attached to underlying value.
// If underlying value is not an array ([]interface{}), failure is reported and empty
// (but non-nil) value is returned.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123})
//  value.Array().Elements("foo", 123)
func (v *Value) Array() *Array {
	data, ok := v.value.([]interface{})
	if !ok {"\nexpected array value, but got:\n%s",
	return &Array{v.chain, data}

// String returns a new String attached to underlying value.
// If underlying value is not a string, failure is reported and empty (but non-nil)
// value is returned.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, "foo")
//  value.String().EqualFold("FOO")
func (v *Value) String() *String {
	data, ok := v.value.(string)
	if !ok {"\nexpected string value, but got:\n%s",
	return &String{v.chain, data}

// Number returns a new Number attached to underlying value.
// If underlying value is not a number (numeric type convertible to float64), failure
// is reported and empty (but non-nil) value is returned.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, 123)
//  value.Number().InRange(100, 200)
func (v *Value) Number() *Number {
	data, ok := v.value.(float64)
	if !ok {"\nexpected numeric value, but got:\n%s",
	return &Number{v.chain, data}

// Boolean returns a new Boolean attached to underlying value.
// If underlying value is not a bool, failure is reported and empty (but non-nil)
// value is returned.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, true)
//  value.Boolean().True()
func (v *Value) Boolean() *Boolean {
	data, ok := v.value.(bool)
	if !ok {"\nexpected boolean value, but got:\n%s",
	return &Boolean{v.chain, data}

// Null succeeds if value is nil.
// Note that non-nil interface{} that points to nil value (e.g. nil slice or map)
// is also treated as null value. Empty (non-nil) slice or map, empty string, and
// zero number are not treated as null value.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, nil)
//  value.Null()
//  value := NewValue(t, []interface{}(nil))
//  value.Null()
func (v *Value) Null() *Value {
	if v.value != nil {"\nexpected nil value, but got:\n%s",
	return v

// NotNull succeeds if value is not nil.
// Note that non-nil interface{} that points to nil value (e.g. nil slice or map)
// is also treated as null value. Empty (non-nil) slice or map, empty string, and
// zero number are not treated as null value.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, "")
//  value.NotNull()
//  value := NewValue(t, make([]interface{}, 0)
//  value.Null()
func (v *Value) NotNull() *Value {
	if v.value == nil {"\nexpected non-nil value, but got:\n%s",
	return v

// Equal succeeds if value is equal to given Go value (e.g. map, slice, string, etc).
// Before comparison, both values are converted to canonical form.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, "foo")
//  value.Equal("foo")
func (v *Value) Equal(value interface{}) *Value {
	expected, ok := canonValue(&v.chain, value)
	if !ok {
		return v
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, v.value) {"\nexpected value equal to:\n%s\n\nbut got:\n%s\n\ndiff:\n%s",
			diffValues(expected, v.value))
	return v

// NotEqual succeeds if value is not equal to given Go value (e.g. map, slice,
// string, etc). Before comparison, both values are converted to canonical form.
// Example:
//  value := NewValue(t, "foo")
//  value.NorEqual("bar")
func (v *Value) NotEqual(value interface{}) *Value {
	expected, ok := canonValue(&v.chain, value)
	if !ok {
		return v
	if reflect.DeepEqual(expected, v.value) {"\nexpected value not equal to:\n%s",
	return v