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internal 正在载入提交数据...
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types 正在载入提交数据...
.gitignore 正在载入提交数据...
.travis.yml 正在载入提交数据...
CHANGELOG.md 正在载入提交数据...
CONTRIBUTING.md 正在载入提交数据...
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README.md 正在载入提交数据...
RELEASING.md 正在载入提交数据...
go.mod 正在载入提交数据...
gomega_dsl.go 正在载入提交数据...
matchers.go 正在载入提交数据...

Gomega: Ginkgo's Preferred Matcher Library

Build Status

Jump straight to the docs to learn about Gomega, including a list of all available matchers.

If you have a question, comment, bug report, feature request, etc. please open a GitHub issue.

Ginkgo: a BDD Testing Framework for Golang

Learn more about Ginkgo here

Community Matchers

A collection of community matchers is available on the wiki.


Gomega is MIT-Licensed

The ConsistOf matcher uses goraph which is embedded in the source to simplify distribution. goraph has an MIT license.